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Decreased Land Set-Up Fees and Changes to Transferring Regions

Linden Lab


We are pleased to announce two changes that make it less expensive to get your own Private Island in Second Life!

Price Drop for Land Set-up Fees

Effective immediately, all new Private Island set-up fees are up to 40% cheaper! Whether you’re looking to expand your estate or just getting started with your first Private Island, it’s a great time to buy.

Here are the new, reduced set-up fees:

  • Full Private Island  - previously $1000, now $600
  • Developed Full Private Island - previously $1029, now $629
  • Homestead Private Island - previously $375, now $225
  • Developed Homestead Private Island - previously $395, now $250
  • Openspace Private Island - previously $250, now $150

Qualified educational and nonprofit organizations will continue to receive a 50% discount off the applicable set-up fee (as well as 50% off ongoing maintenance fees). For more information about our discount program, please visit this page.

If you have paid a region set-up fee in the past 14 days, you will receive the difference in fees back as a credit (in US Dollars) to your account balance.

Pic by Samuel Fallen.

Transferring Regions with Grandfathered Pricing

Previously, Private Islands with grandfathered pricing would lose that status and revert to the usual schedule of land maintenance fees when the regions were transferred to a new owner. Today, we are changing that policy to make it easier for these regions to remain on the grid if and when they are sold to new owners.

Effective immediately, both Grandfathered Full Private Island regions ($195/month) and Grandfathered Homestead Private Island regions ($95/month) may be transferred to new owners without losing the discounted pricing. However, the one-time fee for transferring grandfathered regions will be higher than the usual transfer fee, as follows:

  • Transfer of a Full Island, maintaining grandfathered pricing: $600/each
  • Transfer of a Homestead Island, maintaining grandfathered pricing: $300/each

The standard fee will still apply to all other region transfers, as well as if you choose to give up grandfathered pricing when transferring a previously grandfathered region.



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