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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Wow! go them. My dad can barely manage a toaster. Too high tech.
  2. There are lovely mainland rentals that never even get seen. Finding a place to advertise is tough, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to unless it's on the marketplace. I would say that's a big hurdle, but if you can get seen, and your rentals are in a nice spot, you will likely find a tenant.
  3. Sometimes i wonder who the rl person is behind the avatar that builds things that look like that in sl.
  4. I didn't even know they had a Youtube account but tbf I never looked
  5. At 378 land impact, the only place to use them is a sandbox. Which defeats the purpose of giving them to premium accounts who have their own land.
  6. Like Alwin said, there are some nice "overlays" that can be placed over your parcel on the marketplace that are semi transparent and have things like pebbles, leaves, dirt roads etc. I personally hate the ones that are fully opaque, the semi transparent ones blend in with the surrounding landscape better I think.
  7. lol it really is. It's like "thanks for paying us over 100 USD a year, here's something for you to put in the garbage"
  8. Me neither. They're always bad. Would be nice if they packaged up some of the recently made landscaping items like trees, rocks, fencing and walls from Belliseria and handed them out to Premium members instead.
  9. Really? That is one thing I don't miss in sl.
  10. Anyone know where i can get a bucket for my linden home?
  11. That's kind of where I'm at too. And I'm okay with it. I used to spend $50 to $100 a night easily at a club or bar when I was in my 20's and 30's so... now i just go to dinner parties at other people's houses and decorate in SL lol.
  12. Yes! Not sure I'd want to live in the real thing but it's great for SL.
  13. I've been wanting to decorate this house for a while, it's Trompe L'oeil's Darby Modern House. Only 27 prims and just barely fits my 2048 plot. Visit anytime: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/26/195/33
  14. Really cozy. Rustic. Also I have to mention that I quite like your glasses. 😏
  15. Interesting topic! I own a 2048 mainland plot that I have had for a very, very long time. I typically keep land for ages. BUT I change the build and landscaping almost every 2 months. It's what I like to do! Decorate...landscape. I also have a little linden home in Belliseria that someone "gave" me. I'm squatting. I love it but I don't love being restricted to only 5 choices of homes.
  16. That place has been around forever. I was never under the impression it was "protected". TBH I'm one of those people who would prefer to see mainland used as opposed to just sitting there collecting dust as a museum that no one will visit.
  17. I hardly bought anything before, so I am a new customer to any creator who participates in these sales. With a customer like me, the weekend sales aren't taking away regularly priced dollars, they are actually an addition to them. I know it sounds cheap, but I don't have a ton of disposable income and I like sticking to a budget.
  18. I watched vids of the Speedlight app on youtube. Nothing that interests me at all. Looks like a chat program for the most part. As someone mentioned... I hope little goodies like this won't just be considered for premium plus going forward. A regular premium account isn't cheap, and I hope it doesn't get relegated to basic premium status in the yes of LL, and they end up just letting it stagnate in terms of perks.
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