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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Yesterday I was at a store in sl and was dissapointed to see this happening. I looked at the profile of the female avatar that looked pre-teen or young teen and it stated "despite looking short, I am 18 years old.". Is that enough to protect this person from being reported by me or warned by LL? They weren't talking in open chat. Anyone know what you need to do to report this? I guess pictures and any text exchanges? Is that enough? Not sure what to do in cases like this and I've been seeing it more lately.
  2. Apparently there is a demand for resort type getaways in SL. A change of scenery from your Linden Home in the suburbs lol. You could go swanky and get your name added to this list of SL resoprts: https://virtualhotels.online/ Honestly some of those are GORJUS: https://secondlife.com/destination/bonaire \ Or you could do a little motel where people could live for weeks or months at a time. There are some cool little hotels and motels on the marketplace:
  3. I still love the glories of the mainland, warts and all. It's where the creativity happens.
  4. Yeah it's very nice. Got sent one as well. Love what you did with it
  5. Are there any sandboxes in the Linden Home regions?
  6. sorry didn't quote you but the wallpaper info is above
  7. Well no, the wallpaper is an interior shell and it is has two faces so you can wallpaper up top and panelling or whetever else. The wallapper pattern is also by Hedy Heartsong. No idea where you can buy this, I spoke to her in IM's and that's how i got it. It's great!
  8. Love the mainland but also love the Victorian that a friend of mine gave me: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lower Barensmouth/96/191/33
  9. I randomly discovered you house boat when i was exploring about a year ago and landmarked it. Love the vibe in there, its perfect.
  10. Furniture. Decorating in sl keeps me from redecorating irl every 2 seconds $$$$
  11. Sounds like a bigger pain in the @@@ than the original.
  12. Maybe early morning is a good time to look for LL homes!
  13. I have a 2048 on the mainland that I will ALWAYS keep. While I struggled to keep the prims under control on a 1024, I almost never use all my prims on a 2048 lot. They are kind of ideal. I hope LL thinks about this size for future houses. Although i think they would go fast and be hugely popular.
  14. That's a good point, people who don't login regularly, but who have a trad or vic may have no clue that there are newer Linden Homes to choose from.
  15. I guess the Victorians and the Trads have mass appeal because they are what you see in rl suburbia most often and what people kind of aspire to. But I understand why the houseboats are popular as well because of the navigable water around them. The other themes are more niche. I haven't seen a traditional or Victorian anytime I look with an alt at Linden homes that are currently available.
  16. Was wondering what the most popular linden home theme is. Any guesses, and if so why?
  17. I have a Victorian and I chose the Doyle model. So far I've bought an inside and outside "shell" so i can redecorate walls and siding, a porch, screen doors, french doors, awnings, shutters... all from the marketplace. The addons are fun.
  18. No those are just straight up modern. Some examples of mid century modern below:
  19. I think the linden homes are a big success. Bigger success if they did a mid century modern theme.,😏
  20. Is the Reborne body only on 2% of users? I see it a lot. Im still using my Maitreya bod on oneacct and legacy on the other.
  21. Thanks, I have a victorian so I'm really just looking for textures, as i already have an interior shell.
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