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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. People brag in their profiles already. Would having a virtual badge make some people swagger? Probably. But to others it could be either just a fun goal to aspire to, or a way to easily spot likeminded people in world without having to read all about their sl families or current biker gang affiliations in their profiles. Anyway to each their own, I think making it optional would be good for people who have strongly negative feelings about it.
  2. Access rules that keep a lot of people out. I know its common. I know everyone has a right to ban. But its still not welcoming to any account of any age who isnt on an access list. Which was my point. Did I veer slightly off topic? Maybe. But I wanted to share my similar experience as an older resident who still faces the same kind of thing. Keeping people out of a place means youre not "welcoming" them in.
  3. I brought it up as an example of how regions of sl can be unwelcoming regardless of account age, on top of regions that are already banning on age alone.
  4. Yeah but that was a system based on other residents rating you. Which is pretty different. People neg rated to get people banned etc
  5. A wrong example of what? A lot of booting/banning goes on in sl regardless of whether or not youre a newbie. Sometimes all it takes is having a cooter! The other stuff you said i agree with, people have a right to do what they want with their land. But it doesnt always make for a welcoming experiencs for new people.
  6. Ive been in sl since 2003 and I agree with the OP to a point. A few years ago I was banned from a sim for being female. Im not sure if it was just my avatar or if they looked in my rl profile but my vag and i were swiftly booted! Along with that, some of the roleplaying sims are off limits and yeah theres definitely a lot of people who assume new accounts are griffers. That being said, theres so many other places to explore, so I hope you stick around.
  7. I use it all the time. I'm not a gamer, so maybe the implications of a badge are lost on me. Levelling up isnt possible in SL so im obviously missing something. It seems to be they would just be quick little visual indicators of your interest levels in something, which could spark convos. Shrug.
  8. I think Palm Springs has the best examples of midcentury modern architecture. From homes to libraries, gas stations, grocery stores. Palm Springs takes midcentury modern SERIOUSLY.
  9. Hate when i cant rez my flower pots. Ive had the same message. Try to rez on the ground as opposed to on an object. And make sure you are zoomed into the spot on the ground. Could have just been a buggy item too.
  10. I like it! It would give you an idea of what the new person you meet is into and that could be an ice breaker. You could make it optional for those who dont want to share. (That theyre into some questionable stuff in sl) 😄 BETA residents have a little badge already.
  11. I wish I had been able to see that. The 50's and 60's seemed to be a good time to be alive.
  12. I love that video. I have it running in Sansar on the TV of a midcentury house that I made there.
  13. Those are not really midcentury modern. THE MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE MID CENTURY MODERN HOME STYLE - Arrow Hill Cottage I think it would be so fun to see these in belliseria.
  14. What if someone wants thd whole thing though? If you take the good little part to flip and resell, there will still be land all around it empty, now without water. Many people do this but i know your goal it to make mainland better.
  15. By hook or by crook, roughly translates to "by any means necessary"
  16. Does Mocha have the +-40m terraforming? I know it's an old sim.
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