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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Its the internet. There's gonna be catfish. I've been in sl a long time and word on the street is that half or more of the female avatars in sl are rl males. Nothing wrong with that, but do get on cam etc if you become romantically involved and rl gender is an issue for you.
  2. Hi all, Can anyone tell me who makers this house? Found it on a sl blog dating back to 2019.
  3. That's too bad! i would have loved to see those. Never knew about them.
  4. Sometimes a creator comes back after a while under a different brand. Like a fresh start.
  5. You have to die at some point, and you have to pay taxes. I guess I could all write a strongly worded letter to my member of parliament.
  6. My latest house on the Attoll continent. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Goodelli/28/182/36 It's from Trompe L'oeil if anyone's looking for it.
  7. The whole place looks soooo good. can i ask you where you got this rug?
  8. I often rent a plot in a sim called Iris on the Atoll continent. Here's my latest watery home on the docks. The house is from Scarlet Creative.
  9. Super cute...just proves it doesn't have to be big to be pretty!
  10. yeah, while I love how the new linden continents look, I'm with you, i switch my house up every month and redecorate.
  11. The community area in Newbank and The SL Welcome island for newbies has the same content. Once you leave welcome island, most people don't go back so its kind of a waste of pretty content I guess. Newbank Community Area SL Welcome Area
  12. I don't know about there, but the few divorced friends I have are meeting guys and getting laid. 😁
  13. I don't want to rain on your parade but you dont know the rl gender of the op. And neither do I and don' t need to. But let's remember that online, your "cult of man haters" might be men.
  14. This is the second really unflattering post about older women i've seen on the forum this week. Please excuse my over 40 rl vajayjay! 😒
  15. There's lots of sl bloggers and youtubers.
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