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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Does Mocha have the +-40m terraforming? I know it's an old sim.
  2. I used to steal windlight settings from some regions. Can you do that with eep?
  3. Apparently being completely un-self-aware is a hallmark of it. I'd like to think I'm not one, or at least low on the narcissism "spectrum". I wish there was a legit free online test.
  4. There's a woman who talks about houseplants that I follow who never asks you to follow her and she has half a million subscribers at this point. Because she has informative content that people want. But yeah, a lot of them break out the SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL NOW" PRETTY EARLY IN THE VIDEO.
  5. Have you tried them? They look good tbh. Bet they taste like chicken.
  6. I like it too. With the exception of the asparagus pee stench .
  7. DELICIOUS. These salty little guys pop in your mouth when you bite down on them. The flavour is kind of between pickled olives and..well pickles. Great in salads and with bagels & locks. So do yourself a favour and try these salty balls.
  8. I'd like to know that too. Eep totally confuses me. I've given up trying to adjust my environment. I just sit in the dark now.
  9. Does anyone have an updated list for 2021?
  10. I do this a lot when something about my avatar gets messed up. It solves a lot of issues so rememember how you did it for next time. Because there will be a next time.
  11. It would look like the "welcome areas" before they turned off voice. They were fractious but entertaining. I think they generated a lot of abuse reports.
  12. You make a lot of good suggestions, this one stood out for me. I wish land would revert back to its initial terraform as soon as its sold.
  13. I think the linden homes are nice, but I own mainland BECAUSE OF GREATER CREATIVE FREEDOM. hahaa I don't want anyone to get on a creative freedom soapbox again. Come on guys. I don't own a private island because $$$$ So let's review. Creative freedom good Mainland could be better Mainland could have features to attract more people that does not restrict creativity but still appeals to those who want a "house" on it.
  14. Probably not, the land behind you doesnt have what anyone wants.
  15. Its similar to so many other places on the grid with occupied parcels along the road and nothing else. Nice sunset though. And pond. Early on, Eric Linden designed Sansara ( the original mainland continent) and the attoll continent with lots of interesting ground textures, plants, terraforming, nooks and crannies, water, roads. His continents are still popular. When he left, LL started rolling out land that looked like big, boring blobs. With featureless land in the centers that no one wants.
  16. Again, the thread isn't about content, it's about making the empty featureless land more appealing so that huge areas aren't sitting empty. This would include reducing tier, adding to prim limits, teraforming, water, infrastructure. I know it's always tempting to advocate for creativity because that's an awesome and noble thing to do on the forums but no one is arguing against creativity.
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