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Ingrid Ingersoll

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Everything posted by Ingrid Ingersoll

  1. Yes sold! Did you buy it? If so thanks! The new cabin there looks really nice!!!
  2. A cozy mountain retreat in fearzom. 2000L for 1536 m2 Almost no neighbours! Great sim performance. Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fearzom/114/110/112
  3. I LOVE this too. It's one of the reason I don't mind spending money in SL. You really are supporting an artist.
  4. Sansar could have been great. It's beautiful and runs well. LL didn't seem to know what to do with it. It absolutely could have been, and maybe should have been SL2.
  5. I used to watch the Olympics but lately with all the use of performance enhancing drugs and transwomen competing against women, I just lost interest. And then the beating of a horse when it refused to perform. Honestly the Olympics can kiss it. hard.
  6. omg its been ages since i saw this!
  7. And transfer. I liked being able to send my ugly alt gacha clothing.
  8. I think I'm gonna relog right now.
  9. A real answer would be that I still love love love exploring SL and making "virtual spaces". aka decorating. It prevents me from spending on stuff for my real place! And it was great to have SL (and Sansar) for that during our long lockdown period, which also included an 8PM curfew. But the pose balls... now those are special.
  10. Solar Legion passive aggressively laughing at my posts again. I SEE WHAT YOURE DOING
  11. No. You're wrong. Title of thread: SL not so welcoming to new residents My post: SL not so welcoming to old residents either. I have a feeling you're getting defensive, if you have a closed sim, you have every right to. But don't call it "welcoming". Because it's only that to those on a list who fit a certain criteria.
  12. I agree with you to an extent, but if all they do is fixes, thats not going to hold peoples interest.they need new festures
  13. People brag in their profiles already. Would having a virtual badge make some people swagger? Probably. But to others it could be either just a fun goal to aspire to, or a way to easily spot likeminded people in world without having to read all about their sl families or current biker gang affiliations in their profiles. Anyway to each their own, I think making it optional would be good for people who have strongly negative feelings about it.
  14. Access rules that keep a lot of people out. I know its common. I know everyone has a right to ban. But its still not welcoming to any account of any age who isnt on an access list. Which was my point. Did I veer slightly off topic? Maybe. But I wanted to share my similar experience as an older resident who still faces the same kind of thing. Keeping people out of a place means youre not "welcoming" them in.
  15. I brought it up as an example of how regions of sl can be unwelcoming regardless of account age, on top of regions that are already banning on age alone.
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