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Eva Knoller

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Everything posted by Eva Knoller

  1. This is an interesting discussion. I personally find nothing wrong or offensive about folks on my friend list choosing to hide their status. I take status at face value and have no desire to investigate further. I have hidden my status in the past, mostly from very needy friends. That may sound harsh, but I log in to SL for my own entertainment. I did once run into a person that I had hidden, and that was awkward! The bottom line for me is that not everyone logged into SL is there to socialize 100% of the time. Sometimes I log in to get away from people.
  2. If SL vanishes tomorrow I would feel wistful for a moment, then move on. The void sl fills for me can be filled equally by RL shopping and video games (sorry). I’d also read more books, which I should be doing anyways.
  3. Wow! This place has been busy with so many new faces and amazing photos. I think I am finally all caught up on the pics... sorry if I missed liking anyone’s shots. I’m back from a relaxing mountain vacation and ready to get in world and take some pics. Awesome work everyone!!
  4. Oh yes. A particular live music venue I was a member of is a big offender. Multiple music acts a day with notices an hour before, right before, at the halfway point, at the end... I should not login after being gone a few hours and have ten notifications from the same place. It’s too much.
  5. So here's something interesting... on my phone I can still see the "offending" pic in a couple of quotes at this moment, but here on my pc they don't appear. I wonder why that is. Cache?
  6. It can still be found if one looks hard enough. 😈
  7. I am so sorry Laika. I always admire your pictures and hope you don’t let one nasty jerk stop you from doing something you enjoy. The anonymity of the internet really allows people to be hateful cretins, unfortunately. Also, it is not about the best pictures! It’s about creativity and expression. Don’t let them get you down girl!
  8. Thank you, Kira! You should post some pics here too! We love avis of all types in this thread. ❤️
  9. My personal favorites are Insol, The Skinnery, DeeTaleZ, Glam Affair and Mudskin. There are others but I’m not in world to look them up. The ones above have skins for all or most of the big bento head brands. I am actually not in any of the groups so I can’t speak to discounts or join fees. Have fun shopping!
  10. Haha! There is no better guarantee that I will be topping up my linden balance than when I try to budget. I don’t know why I even bother. “OK, this is my last linden buy until next month...ooo shiny things!!”
  11. Yasss!!! Let’s cause some ruckus on the scooters. 😆
  12. Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for cam sims. I prefer the them, and really love it when the event has been open for a couple of weeks and I have the entire sim to myself.
  13. So my anecdote is that I have never been banned from anywhere in SL that I can recall. I am clearly doing something wrong. Anyone have a region they can ban me from? Do you get a notification of some sort?
  14. That’s odd, considering... never mind. Glad you found a contender!
  15. I found it! I didn’t feel like working today anyway. It’s Letituier by Nayomi Gartner. @janetosilio
  16. The Flickr group SL Hair Releases has tons of hair ads. You may find something there with a scroll through there.
  17. It’s hard for me to tell what is fully going on with the hair due to the pose, but have you tried Clawtooth and Lelutier (sp?). I think I totally butchered that second name, and a Flickr search is not pulling up anything. Maybe someone will know who I mean. 🥺
  18. This makes sense. There is a particular smaller event I am thinking of in which approx. 1/4 of the clothing sellers all appear identical in style and vendor ads, but with different brand names. I always assumed that these were the same people with multiple brands.
  19. All of this. Add in the fact that the body is not Omega compatible (has this changed?) AND it’s double the price of the other bodies, I don’t see it becoming the body version of Genus. The amount of creator support is truly baffling to me.
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