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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Privately owned mainland is privately owned ... seriously! You don't understand the concept? We're not talking about estates here .. we're talking about mainland!
  2. Just because land can be terraformed to include water doesn't make it a waterway. In my early years in SL I was fooled by thinking that all water was protected. Now I know better. I carefully check to see if there is a Governor Linden owned water passage before assuming that the water is for public use. There are many roads and waterways in the mainland that are indeed protected. Learn to use those and you won't find yourself being disrupted by orbs and ban lines. I do agree; however, on one point and that is that some of those protected waterways are too narrow and increasing the amount of protected area would be beneficial.
  3. It is a security orb by any other name. Just because it uses wasps to eject doesn't make it any less a security orb. So you are as guilty of it as anyone you are accusing.
  4. If said land was created as a waterway it is protected and as such cannot be affected by orbs. If you find an orb that is ejecting from protected land you can AR it. If it's on private property how are you any less selfish in demanding what people do with their land.
  5. Perhaps read the whole entry .. one of the ways to make it private is .. and I quote from the wiki: Enclose the area behind walls or other visual barriers. if you actually set the parcel to private .. so that others cannot see or hear inside the parcel lines . you can have sex on the lawn .. there is a difference. Added: Your inability to see the difference reminds me of how you were insisting that the new Linden Homes covenant was the same as the old and that we wouldn't be able to build onto the exterior of our homes. It took two Lindens coming into the forums to clear that up for you. Do we need them to do that again?
  6. Different strokes! At least I don't invite people onto my parcel and then chase them off with wasps.
  7. I have in fact done this the same time as going premium when I knew I was not going to renew. So within the space of 20 minutes or so I added payment info, paid premium, then removed payment information.
  8. I didn't leave anything out. You do NOT have set your land to private to be considered behind closed doors. You only have to have it inside a building. If someone outside the parcel cams inside your home and sees your "indoor" activity it's on them not on you.
  9. I have two premiums. I just added a third because I want to be able to have two of the new Linden homes. So technically I guess it's additional land .. but not really because I don't just want more sqm .. I want two Linden homes. Though I could have still gotten two homes but then I'd have to pay tier on my store parcel .. which would just be stupid .. lol. Most of the reasons I have had premium accounts since 2008 have been listed in prior posts, but one thing I've not seen mentioned much is Live Chat. I really, really find Live Chat to be hugely helpful. About the only thing that doesn't really impact my decision to go premium has been the gifts. It's only been very recently that any of the gifts have interested me. I did enjoy the Halloween gifts this past year.
  10. I have seen too many students crushed by the opinions of others so I think it's why I react so strongly to such a suggestion. I've seen too many art students with great potential who nearly give up because someone said their art wasn't good. It was a constant battle for me to get students to take the risk to see what was inside of them trying to come out. I also believe there is an artist in every living person who is trying to express themselves.
  11. Oh I totally get it. It's why I change clothes in a dressing room with an orb. I know it may seem prudish by SL standards, but it's what I prefer. I was just giving info on what is and isn't allowed in regards to TOS.
  12. You can see evidence of this in the preview area already There's a lovely little dock as you near the houseboats and at the end of the street in the traditional house area there's a very nice park area with a table.
  13. So during my regular morning snoop of SSP .. I discovered this newly added region ..... Being the nosy person I am I immediately searched for that region on the moved .. now SSPE regions .. and this is what I found I pretty sure that little bump out area wasn't there a few days ago but I can't verify it ... does anyone remember that area?
  14. Well, I did it! All set and ready with a new premium when the homes are open to the public. So Debi and Blush will have Linden homes and I still have my mainland with my shop.
  15. Brussels sprouts and asparagus are my favorite vegetables. I will eat a bowl of them as dessert!
  16. I've been looking at this topic for days waiting for the moment when I felt in control enough to respond. I hate the question. As a retired art teacher I really dislike it because the value of beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Who is to say what is good or not? We can probably pick a work apart technically by looking at how well the work used the principles of art or design, but does that mean the art is good? NO! I honestly feel that all art is good. Some might move me more than others. Some might keep me wondering what was the message of the artist longer than others. Art that pours from the soul of a person is good, period! /me steps down from soapbox
  17. You have no idea the army of alts this person has. I'd rather set the orb to on and forget about trying to discover which of the crazies hanging around the parcel are his alts. I am clueless when it comes to scripts. Sure I can fill in some parameters into a notecard or with proper examples even modify parameters in the actual script but even that is difficult for me. I can draw and sculpt all day long .. make me do math and I'd rather just pull the covers over my head and stay in bed.
  18. San Antonio is my favorite Texas city to visit. So much to do there with such a diverse culture. And the food!!! omg!
  19. I hate ban lines and won't use them unless it's an extreme situation. Security orbs are much preferred to ban lines IMO. I tend to turn my orb on and off when I remember. I don't care if anyone enters the land when I'm not there. I have had a stalker in SL for many years. This person would enter my land take photos of me and then PS them into photos of him RL and then post them in various places. So while that behavior isn't likely to hurt me RL it is still disconcerting and I wish to limit his access to me, so I have an orb. What I wish an orb would do is automatically turn on when I enter my home and turn off when I leave it. Does such a thing exist?
  20. You can be naked outside in M land. Your neighbors might or might not like that you want to shower naked in your yard but there is nothing in the TOS that prohibits you doing so. You cannot be naked having sex outside in M land. So as long as you keep your sexual activity confined to inside the walls of your home you should not have any problems with the TOS. Also it's not your responsibility to make sure people cannot see activity on your parcel. You are only responsible to keep sexual activity inside the walls of your house. There really is no need for group only access or a security orb unless you are being stalked or have someone harassing you. In that case I would use an orb to prevent access. Hopefully you won't have that issue and so won't need to limit access.
  21. In regards to using adult furniture in M lands. I have a lot of furniture most of it pg but I have quite a few pieces that are adult rated as well. The furniture with adult animations that can be set to group I set as such; that way I know only my friends will have access to the menus. Also, I make sure that any furniture that has adult animations is located inside the house and not out in the garden area if it can't be set to group only access. Otherwise I don't worry about it. I typically set my land parcels so that people outside the parcel cannot see or hear people inside the parcel as well though I don't think that is necessary to satisfy the rule that adult activity must be private on M rated lands. Even if you allow others to see and hear what's happening inside your parcel as long as adult activity is occurring inside the walls of your home you should not have any trouble. If someone is going to cam inside your walls from outside your parcel then they are the ones at fault not you.
  22. I'm really ... really tempted to add another premium so I can get both a houseboat and house even though I already have two premiums currently. I could just add some sqm to one of my premiums but going premium is such a good deal that I just might go with three.
  23. I don't think people use orbs to keep those with vehicles from moving quickly through their lands; unfortunately, they fall victim when an orb is necessary to keep stalkers and harassers from entering a person's land. You might say just ban the person, but when that person uses an army of alts then the only solution is to use an orb that keeps everyone one out except those on the white list or in your particular group. At least using an orb, rather than setting to group-only, prevents the unsightly mess of ban lines. I understand the frustration of those who like to experience traveling in SL, but I think the landowners right to exclude unwanted people from their land supersedes the rights of travelers.
  24. The new Linden homes aren't open yet. But when they do open you will have the choice to move to a new home or stay in the old. Over time, we don't know how much time, but it has been said that eventually the old Linden home will be removed. But that could be a long time from now. If that should happen you will be given notice from Lindens that it's going to happen. So for now it's up to you. You can move when it's open or stay where you are.
  25. My son doesn't necessarily understand why I'd pay to buy a rotary phone to sit on a table in my entry hall because he doesn't appreciate the history behind the object. And that's okay for him not to get it. The problem would be if he insulted me or the creator of the phone simply because he doesn't get it. But also, being older and wiser and understanding the value perhaps I wouldn't snap at him for judging something he doesn't understand.
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