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Bobbie Faulds

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Everything posted by Bobbie Faulds

  1. These days, it's roleplaying with combat. Very few sims are just combat, mainly because of prim and rezzing permissions you have to have on. Build has to be on for everyone for bullets to rez, for instance. Unfortunately, griefers take advantage of that and many sim owners have just given up on trying to keep things cleaned up. What fighting there is is governed by meters. The most commone being CCS, DCS2, UCE and SWRP. There really isn't a lot of mindless combat in SL anymore.
  2. Two different skin makers, not the Phat Azz maker. One retired her full old line and is slowly rebuilding with an entirely new line of skins, btw. In a DMCA dispute, nothing is removed until and unless theye is an actual court decision. Even then, I'm not sure SL pulls the purchase stuff in people's inventory off. Just can't be sold anymore.
  3. So, where's the list, just out of curiosity. Or are you still checking RP sims out?
  4. This isn't for that kind of connection. That kind would be in the technical forum. Try there.
  5. You can do a "tribute" or charactature that reminds you of X. It's almost impossible to get one that looks like a person unless you're good with photoshop or Daz and can import the look, which has been done from time to time. I remember a promotional thing done by John Candy. The avi he used looked like him.
  6. However, it will attempt to deliver to everyone on the list. It has to track down who is online and then what sim they are in to deliver the messages...hence the lag, in part.
  7. Yes, it would take time at first but once done, it's easy to keep up. You can sort by online status so that the ones that haven't been on for a while are at the bottom of the list, making it easier to eject them, though.
  8. My mistake....hangs her head. Her work is awesome and fun and thought provoking. First exhibit I saw of hers was Anna's Many Murders.
  9. Check out Bryn Oh's new interactive exhibition, The Singularity of Kimiko. Do be sure to change your windlight settings per his instructions at the landing point for maximum effectiveness. A new twist for him, he has SL damage enable so you can "die". It's quite effective and non-linear story telling since you'll find parts of the story as you wander around. He regularly does really good interactive stuff.
  10. Look at your groups and then check out the stores. See if the store offers a subscribomatic. That's taken the place of a lot of my groups that I'm in just for announcements. The groups I have now are either related to the sim I RP in, ones I've paid for that I get regular gifts with, or general informational ones. The thing with groups that you have to remember is that when a chat goes out, the server attempts to send it to each and every member. The larger the group, the more places is has to try. One thing that might help with that would be for group owners to be a bit more proactive and eject any players that haven't logged on in a year or whatever limit they decided on. That would help keep the server from having to try to send out notices to those people.
  11. There's a DMCA controversy going on. The maker has been accused of using someone elses work. He's fighting it but it take time. In the meantime, I belleve you can contact the maker directly and he'll sell it to you.
  12. All the boards I've seen are set up so that you CAN'T vote for yourself, which makes no sense at all to me...you're going to want vote for yourself, but can't...shakes her head.
  13. My sister had a laptop. It was a custom built Dell with a separate graphics card, a must for SL. 2 years ago it was 2500 USD. You're going to have to look at that much for one that will run SL. I built my current computer system with all the bells and whistles for 1800, including a new 20 inch monitor. So, if you travel and need one for that, you're going to have to come up with a substantial amount of money.
  14. One way to I've seen are the boards that you have to be on the board to vote and the boards are closed to new entries 10 minutes before the vote. That tends to help eliminate a lot of the ballot box stuffing.
  15. Also check out Bryn Oh's new interactive exhibition, The Singularity of Kimiko. Do take the time to follow the instructions at the landing point to change your windlight settings. It so changes the mood of the exhibit.
  16. Your texture cache should be maxed out on your preferences. If it's not, the cache can get full and then your viewer has to start swapping them out, which can cause delays. That's when you have to clear it. That being said, one thing that clearing cache does is if also clears out the links between your avi and your inventory. Clearing it forces SL to reestablish those links. The ONLY time you need to clear it, really, is if you are having texture rezzing issues.
  17. Butts are ok, but some take them to extremes and are out of proportion. I prefer a nice proportionate avi. This one, however is just all wrong on so many levels.
  18. The update was a few months ago. If your purchase was over 6 months ago, you need to contact the maker and get the update. It wasn't sent out automatically but had to be handed out manually.
  19. The newer releases of tangos as well as the lush and vstrings come with bounce now. Just an FYI.
  20. The avatar boobs can look just fine up to about 60 on the sliders. Any larger than that, you start getting odd peaks. The lolas/lush/vstring are mesh that take some work to look good. They don't have t be overly large. The tangos can be shrunk down to fit a petite, in fact. However, you do have some restrictions in clothing. Personally, you'd be better off staying with the SL avi and keep the sliders below 60,. Take a look at the demos for the avis I make and you can see what I mean. From your name and picture, I'm figuring you're a male in RL. Don't make the mistake a lot of males making female alts make by making an avi with large boobs and ass. It's usually, but not always, a giveaway that it's a male driving the avi. Instead, go with a nice balanced avi and skip the boobs for now. Spend your money on a good skin, hair and wardrobe. Be sure the skin has Slink appliers and use your money for the Slink casual or elegant hands and the medium feet to start with. The SL default hands and feet leave much to be desired. If you use the appliers that come with most of the good skins these days, you'll have a perfect match. Good luck.
  21. Also, all they have to do is check a group that you are in. Your online status will show there as well as the last time you logged in regardless of your settings. Just the way SL works. If someone is harrassing you when you come on line, AR them and then block/mute them and go on with your SL.
  22. I understand some builders not wanting their vision of a building being changed. That being said, I won't purchase a building unless it's mod/copy. I've got several in my inventory that I've been able to drastically reduce the number of prims used, especially in some older buildings. One in particular had this lovely light looking texture on the outside, but you went in and it was all red and black and dark wood as well as poor texture matching, I went through and retextured the inside with lighter colors and removed a lot of excess prims. I also fixed it where the repeats and offsets were off. By the time I finished, it looked totally different on the inside and I'd eliminated around 200 excess prims in the build. My taste in interior design can be totally different from the maker. I am also a perfectionist where texture repeats and offsets are concerned. It will drive me nuts if they are off, if the texture seams or designs don't match. I want to be able to fix that. There are many designers in SL that are fantastic with the build but suck at texturing.
  23. Part of it is finding a designer whose mesh fits you. I'd suggest you try out Lapointe and Bastchild. They have made between sizes. For instance S+ a bit bigger than small but not as big as M. Mesh is great for pencil and mini skirts. No more skirt prim and no more having your skirt hang down below your chair and just have the glitch pants. Of course, great for shoes and jewelry and I love my mesh hair. No more cutting through my body. I layer my system clothes with mesh all the time. I have some great older system pants from Lapointe and Bastchild that I'll layer with a mesh jacket and a system cami. With mesh, always try the demo. I've seen a few things that looked great in the ad picture and looked horrible on. As for changing my shape, the only thing I find I have to change is the breast gravity and cleavage as not all the designers have the fit in the same place, but it's a fix of a few seconds. Good luck.
  24. Update, 7 Deadly Skins is free to join right now. You can then go get the free group gift, which is a very nice tanned skin.
  25. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Tools-and-Technology/The-Recent-Unpleasantness/ba-p/2730800 An explanation of what happened Tuesday and why the problems. Just an FYI
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