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Morgaine Christensen

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Everything posted by Morgaine Christensen

  1. I have made a couple of purchases recently for what I thought was full permissions animations until I get them home and unbox them to find they are only copy/transfer. It means I have wasted anywhere from 500L to several thousands buying something that is not what it said it was suppose to be. Being a builder and creator, I truly understand the need to protect you work, but when an animation is no modify, it creates issues for those of us that need to rename the animation for furniture and other items, especially if we use multiple animations that end up with the same name from different creators. Also, please please please look at how you name your animations/poses. If you are selling no modify animations, please leave out the [ }, !!! ++++ **** etc. from your naming convention. Many of us use sitter products to make out lives easier, some of these products that will not recognize these characters and make your animation useless to us. If an animation is useless, we will not buy from you again, tell our friends not to buy from you, nor, recommend your products when asked by other creators. I implore you, if you are advertising your product as full permissions, please make sure they are set correctly before selling them. Thanks!
  2. For building, V1 is still the way to go...less clutter and easier to control. I hate that I can't resize the edit panel and have to cycle thru just to get the texture tab. I don't like where they put the IM function at the top right of the screen...needs to be lower left like in V1 so you can actually see it while working away. If you could see it, would be less clutter happening. The Group Notices only half works at times like the old method. I been forcing myself to use V2/3 Firestorm with the V1 look...it is much better this last upgrade than it ever has been... but it is still not V1.
  3. I still dress the old fashioned way, browse my folders, mix and match my clothing one piece at a time.
  4. I haven't even tried to update my items because I knew there would be issues. I tried to do some searches on MP over the weekend and buy a few things, but had limited success. What I would have purchased from MP vendors went to In-World Vendors of similar items, which is not bad because I was still supporting SL just not MP. Lag was horrible in-world as well. Places that are usually low lag were as bad as big venues.. I am sure the lag had to be connected with market place issues. I do hope they get this fixed and soon
  5. Builder looking for a script to buy FULL PERMs to use in builder created RP items to sell. I need a script for a building project where I can place a script inside a created object to give a set number of objects from it's content then auto delete itself. Also, the item(s) given from the original object's content needs to be scripted for a finite number of times it can be used/rezzed and either self delete or make itself an inert (i.e. no longer run and/or delete any animation and/or script in said object) prop. Please IM me privately In-World if you sell this type of script(s). Or, contact me In-World for more information and your cost estimate.
  6. Thank you, Marcus. As usual, I am a day late and a dollar short. I am not planning on moving items to DD anyway, maybe in a few weeks when some of the bugs are worked out with the system and the various viewers. I have a cart full of stuff I need to buy for a building project, but am gonna wait on spending 10K in Lindens to see how this all works out. I might buy a small cost item just to see how it works though since I did upgrade both Phoenix and Firestorm last night. I like the V1 feel of one of the Firestorm skins. Still don't like where the IM notification on screen is located nor the fact I can't resize the build window, but is much better than it was. Good Luck Everyone!
  7. Other than the technical aspects, why would you want so many items in inventory? Lord, I would never be able to find anything if I had that much of an active inventory. If you start getting over 20K in mine, it doesn't load as fast and I end up with inventory not loading issues. I just did a massive inventory clean up of old old stuff with old old scripts and trashed about 8K in items. Boxed up textures into an assistant (I am sure I have well over 100K in textures alone, probably more), sim decorations/furniture, scuplts maps/AO/textures, etc. and things seem to be much better. Why not box up what you don't use all the time? Or, better yet, get rid of things you may never use? Has anyone tested this with updated version of Phoenix and Firestorm yet? I downloaded both and ran simultaeounsly, the lag was not as bad as it was in some very high lag sims.
  8. Interesting. Is this on the V2/3 viewers you can do this? Is this normal or just a fluke they haven't fixed? I miss alot sticking to old V1 type viewers. I really like the V1 for building. I did download the newest version of Firestorm and was pleasantly surprised at one of the skins, which feels like V1 but with V2/3 options. With this advance, I will probably spend more time on Firestorm and found out what I have been missing. To this day, I won't be caught dead in an SL skirt layer only outfit. I think they look awful no matter who creates them. I want my prim flexi skirts for that fluid motion. The only way I will wear a skirt layer is if it also has a glitch pants layer and both go under a long flexi skirt; It makes it look more like a long skirt when walking. Thanks for the heads up and will try some experiments.!
  9. Thought it was the 22nd (tomorrow) when this was being rolled out?
  10. Well said, very well said. I wish I had had this advice when I first rezzed in SL. I would add: To some,SL is just another game to play and don't care about anyone but themselves. To others, SL is just another aspect of life and all that entails. While the philosophies may be different, remember, there are human beings behind the keyboard, who have just as many feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas, real life families, events, work, hard times, etc as you do. Set an example and treat your fellow SL Residents how you would like to be treated. SL has a very diverse poplulation representing the entire RL world. As such, you WILL encounter people from all walks of life, religions,nations, countries, ethnicity, morals, philosophical approaches, world views, languages, customs, traditions, sexual views, political ideas, etc. While you may not agree with everything personally and privately about others, you should keep an open mind and be tolerant of diversity as others should be tolerant with you. To avoid drama, do not take the words of one person or even a group of persons as gospel regarding events, places, people, etc. search out the truth for yourself and base your decisions on what you find and what your gut tells you is right. See SL as a learning opportunity about yourself, others, and the world at large. Take advantage and soar to new heights.
  11. LOL...yes, but stocking/socks go out the window if you have prim feet...unless you are creative.
  12. I thought all the stock exchanges and banks died or were deemed illegal due to the number of residents being ripped off?
  13. While detail is nice and mesh makes things look far more realistic, as a builder, I hope sculpts will not go away anytime soon. When I build something, I have to balance out cost for a project vs how many prims it will be and how detailed. Currently, sculpts win hands down.
  14. While SL will take a max size of 1024 x 1024, you should always upload the smallest texture possible. General rule of thumb, work on your clothing at 1024 x 1024 or even 2048 x 2048 but always resize the final to 512 x 512 or less for upload. I know some who upload as .png while others will upload .tga with an alpha channel. I use .png witth non-interlaced. As far as which is better, will have to leave that to the technical folks.
  15. I guess it is another way to stay in touch. Those of us that are oldies, we get out offlines via email and have for years. While not the most efficient way maybe, it works. Those I trust and wish to communicate more with, I will give my email addy, yahoo, skype, and/or gchat infor. If there is communication by other means outside what I mentioned, it is not seen and ignored. Think this web profile stuff is more or less for newer users and this maybe a transition period.
  16. How is this going to effect personal inventory size if all the pieces parts like object, notecards, textures, scripts, in world landmarks, ect. are no longer to be boxed but folder oriented ? I like to keep my inventory as low as possible and nest alot of items in boxes, it sounds like it is going to really increase with the new system. With the Magic Box, you can make an extra copy to keep in inventory and/or on another sim for back up, how will you do this in DD? Because we all know that our inventories never get screwed up or have things deleted out of them by the system. Is the folder going to be a systems folder that cannot be accidently deleted? Like V1, I am hanging on to the "old way" for as long as I can till the bugs are worked out of it. Customers have a hard time with using MP now, are we pushed to inworld stores only? I just resolved issues with the small amount I sell and am not looking forward to this. Are we going to get better stat reporting information? What is out there from the last upgrade is total crap and has been for a long time. Anyone know if Phoenix/Firestorm will be able to handle this on 3/21?
  17. Look on the SL Wiki http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials there should be some for standard templates, also look for ones by Chip Midnight and Robin Wood. Each has their own unique take and guides. Also if you will google SL Clothing Tutorials, SL Clothing Templates, etc. you will find tons and tons of stuff to keep you busy for a long time.
  18. What makes the world wonderfully diverse, we can all agree to disagree.
  19. Has to agree with you about the sculpts. Most licensing I have pretty much states license is to the purchaser (i.e. the AV that purchased the item) and requests that you not give away the items full perms to anyone. Techinically, making a scuplt item then giving it full perms to an alt would be a violation of the licensure. I don't disagree with you about the licensure. I would like to see builders items licensed to the RL person, but unless there is a court challenge or LL sets a policy, I think licensure will be left in the wilds.
  20. Many many things beyond our control directly impact people spending money in SL from gas being $4-$5 a gallon gas to people losing their jobs in RL , to people leaving SL for better/different venues because the new and shiny has worn off. Is absolutely nothing we nor LL can do about those so I am gonna take this opportunity to simply rant about some things, we merchant do have control over. I make all my revenue from MP. My sales too have declined, so I thought I would open an in-world store. While it is newly opened, the real traffic count is 0 most days. There are things that need to be appended there when I get time. I build for my tastes so am a niche market and not that concerned about making money. I have a day job and SL is a hobby. Having said that, I still watch my sales and traffic because there is pleasure in selling something. ALL money I receive in SL is kept in SL and spread around to spend with other merchants. What little I make NEVER covers my sim tier nor my expenses, and hasn't in the last 4 years. When I opened my store, I did what many in-world new merchants do and started checking out the lucky chairs, MM, dumpster dives, etc. and the various associated groups. I find it interesting that many of the groups want your MM business for their group members but won't allow you to post your new products nor promote them. The trend I see is most of these groups promote the MM stuff for FREE. I know one of the original thoughts is MM promotes traffic and sales does it really? While I have an MM I don't promote it so have no clue if it really works. What really concerns me, we as merchants, are cutting our own throats. So, if you are a resident, new or old, you slap these boards...say 10-15 a day for a week...you have a whole new wardrobe for FREE. Now, if you can get all these FREE items...and we are not talking mediocre items here....why in the world would you want to spend real money and BUY something when you can get it for free? Or, you can join a group and get their group gift for free then drop the group? I can't tell you how many times people in the various groups make it known they are not going to spend one dime of their own money when they can get anything they want for free. I am NOT saying that all group members or customers are like that...I am just saying if you can get it for free that is where they are going to go. Isn't part of the problem our customers have the attitude give it to me for free and our attitude has been sure here you go...can I give you something else so you will come back and bring your friends so my traffic count is high...maybe I will entice a paying customer in? I have even heard in these groups, "Oh did you hear such and such is closing. What a shame, they always have nice stuff on their MMs." Folks have no clue that shops close cause they can't survive. Something needs to be done and quickly if anyone wishes to stay in business.I don't know what it is but lets stop giving away what we work so hard to make _end of rant
  21. Yes, there is lots of competion for clothing in SL these days. For me, it is a personal challenge to say i can do it rather than counting on it as a business to make money. I don't create clothing for the masses in lots of colors or fat packs. I make individual outfits to suit my tastes, which is to say it is not for everyone....LOL. I create other things besides this current project of clothing and definately do not count on either line to come close to covering my expenses. I do it for the love of learning and creation. I wish everyone would give clothing creation a try, maybe then they could see how complicated it can be. Maybe next time they paid for a dress with accessories included they would not complain how expensive it is and that the designer must be making a fortune.
  22. I have to agree. Many In-World merchants seem to have these huge warehouse feeling builds that aren't very welcoming IMHO. Most of it seems to be modern type architecture and are nicely built, but I am not fond of that type of archetecture nor the mall variety. I think the modern type is to give that psychological feel of "buy me, I am upscale". Plus, it is all right there. You know what it is and go find what you need and leave. While it is not complete and needs work, I designed my In-World to not look like a mall nor is it one big modern lump. It was build to look like 4 blocks of an old inner city. It is a defined area and folks can walk around and discover things. I have a vacant lot with holovendor and my clothing/furniture inside the various builds for sale. A few items under construction. It needs an update really, but I have had it mistaken frequently for an RP area rather than a business. It suits me but may not suit everyone because you do need to move around and it is not "just there". I encourage folks to just hang there if they wish. With the fall off of sales in SL, maybe some of the designers will take heed and try something new. Then again, if it is working for them now, why change?
  23. I am not sure how helpful this will be to you, but if you are pretty familiar with your graphics program, you should be able to watch and read the SL Clothing tutorials made for Photoshop and Gimp. Of course, you will have to translate this information for usage with PSP. While it might be an incredible pain, it is doable but does require some familiarity with your graphis software. I know I have taken a few classes at Builder's Brewery geared to Gimp and have been able to translate the material AFTER the class and use the information/techniques. I inform the person teaching I may not be able to keep up during class due to translating the information, but I make sure I copy the chat log and go back and read it later going through it slowly. It works for me at least. And, I think making clothes is a trial and error thing too. I know I learn my experimenting. I've tried a number of times in the past to learn to make clothing and failed to grasp the concept. I started again, after learning more about Photoshop and Blender, and am having better success. Hope this helps! If not, maybe some other residents can offer better suggetions. Keep at it and good luck.
  24. I wish I had only spent what you had last year...LOL Sure talk to the creators, they might allow it. If not, and you have an alt anyway, as it sounded like you already did, I would purchase certain textures on your alt for whatever business you assign it and purchase texture for different businesses on your main. Why boo on that? Texture makers deserve to make a profit too. I am not sure how texture makers can make a profit unless they have lots and lots of popular textures. Just alt it and separate, who does what and owns what. Check with your RL accountant to see what records you might need for expenses for your taxes if you are cashing out any of your profits.
  25. Lots of cool clubs out there, check search for club/clubs. Also, check events since most clubs list events they may be running at times that might suit your timezone.
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