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Michael Blackwood

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Everything posted by Michael Blackwood

  1. You got it right. Why don't you toss me a message if you're in the same situation? That is, if you're interested, of course!
  2. It's never too late for a regret! While we (unfortunately, so true) can't delete our posts, you could just edit it and erase the text or modify it!
  3. And the story continues today, as well! I ended up ditching the five star hotels and instead took a 11hr flight to Namibia, where I checked in at the beautiful "Kidaka Resort" and booked a cozy Lounge right in the bush. I might be lonely, but at least I can have some fun! Being in Africa for the first time, I couldn't help but grab some binoculars and observe the wildlife right on my doorstep:
  4. I have recently returned to SL after a very long and necessary break. Unfortunately I often find myself rather lonely now, because most friends left SL or have moved on. So I decided, that instead of renting a skybox or a house of my own (and ending up lonely in there, as well) why not find a friendly person to live with as roomate. Therefor I am looking for you to share your home with me! I want to be your roomate! I am fairly easy-going, low maintenance, and I don't have too high expectations. We can become friends and hang out together, or just live side by side and come & go - either is fine. We can share every room or each have our own room(s) / area - either is fine, too. I also don't care much if it is an apartment or a house, small or huge. It would be awsome if it was on a developed sim or an urban RP sim, but it's by no means necessary to me. At first, I will most likely spend quite some time at the new home, given that I don't really have many reasons to go elsewhere, yet and currently work from home in SL, as well. Needless to say that as your roomate, I will pay my part of the rent! If you're up to the challenge, send me a PM or an IM inworld! Looking forward to hear from y'all! 🙂
  5. And my story goes on! Some things changed by now. I got the job I had applied for the other day! While I'm happy about the upcoming job, I am also still homeless and super lonely. So I decided to slap on my best "vacation suit" and check out some five star hotels, to get a few days of vacation while I can reflect upon things. The photo was taken by a staff member, while I was typing out this post.
  6. Honestly? In which case I find that a good shop owner would just do it anyway. I am a entrepreneur and business owner myself. If I had no copy items for sale and the feeling someone is contacting me to try and cheat him/herself into a 2nd item, I would just pretend to believe the sh*t and give them the item. It's not worth the hassle, because I didn't pay anything for the production of the 2nd item. But it's also not worth losing a customer, because pleasing my customers is the absolutely highest priority for me. Heck, I probably would have even returned his/her money as compensation for the "troubles" and given them the 2nd item anyway.
  7. Woah. This is almost the best day of my life... I can't believe I managed to kick of a new "meme". Okay not really a meme and just a small one, but still! Yaaaay! 😄
  8. Henlooo your amazuuuuun deliberi is here but you aaaain't gettin iiit cuz ish miiiine nowz! Can I return my cat Gina to Amazon as a customer complaint claim?
  9. Me today - lonely and homeless, standing around at a sandbox and contemplating on whether to fully return to SL or not. I just returned from an interview for a job to my "sandbox shelter home", hence the formal attire.
  10. So... is this thread and the school project still active? I messaged the AreteUniversity avatar ingame a few days ago and still haven't received any reply. I am potentially, possibly interested, as I have taught subjects before. I will, however, need more information before I am ready to hit the actual "Apply" button. So if you're interested, please get in touch with me inworld. Thank you! 🙂
  11. I joined back in the old "legacy last name" days. Picked "Shu" from the list as it sounded Asian and back then, young me was a huge fan of Asia (travelled there a lot). With my RL first name being Michael, I thought about an alternate version of Michael for the first name - and ended up using Mikey. Annoyingly. Regretting this ever since lol. And pissed at LL that the promised legacy name change option, they announced like almost 2 yeas ago, will probably never come. 😞
  12. Okay, and now in English. What is this thread about? lol.
  13. As a business owner myself I can only shake my head at this. My groups would always be free and if I would spread gifts, they would be free as well and actual gifts, with no "hidden" join-group-and-pay-then-get-free-gift catches. In my opinion, the store of that group you called out is going to have a hard time doing business with such an attitude.
  14. Even if a little late to the party, gonna share my story. This (above) is exactly what happened to me today. I am one of those people who run profitable businesses in SL and thus frequently used to cash out big numbers. But due to RL I was absent for some weeks until now. Came back today to cash out a good amount from my bank avatar again. Only to find out AFTER converting my money to USD, that after accepting ridiculous ToS, I now also have to basically "strip naked" with ID photos, RL selfie photo of myself, address, phone number, what not, only to be able to cash out my money. As a European, needless to say I noped out faster than you can write "nope". We worked our asses off for decades to achieve very high data protection law standards and I ain't going to screw on all that, shoving all my sensitive information into some random, small, U.S. based company with ToS so ridiculous, that it's a matter of time until ***** hits the fan. At least, after a vicious and expensive call with the LL hotline, they expained to me how I could put by USD tilia balance back into L$, so it wouldn't be entirely useless and even make me pay those inactivity fees in a few months. It's sad to say, but after talking with my friend / business partner, we decided that we are now suspending our businesses within SL for as long as this tilia crap stays the way it is, for cashing out. So I guess after more than 12 years in SL, the day has come where it's time to look for other worlds to do business in. LL isn't reliable anymore, they've showed that enough over the last months. Congrats, Linden Lab!
  15. Was going to ask, I assume 150USD per project, yes? Because 150L$ is.. 🤣😅😭
  16. I'm sorry but to be frank and honest... LightNina is quite right. From my perspective as a successful Entrepreneur and Investor I have to strongly question your post. You start your thread by stating a few conditions: - You're looking to earn L$, but you're new and have 0 SL skills - You'd prefer a job where you can work with no set hours, just "here and there" - You're wanting to become a business partner with someone but ask for them to come up with 100% funds on their own risk, all the way until the business is running well I can't help wondering, as LightNina said so well, what YOU actually bring to the table. Because so far you have only stated information that limit yourself. And in fact, each of these statements above in itself already pretty much rule you personally out as a business partner for a serious business. How do you want to be someone's business partner, if you have 0 SL skills to bring to the table? An idea alone doesn't mean much if you have 0 skills to help bringing it to life. You want to bring up a successful business with all strings attached, but demand to "work your desired hours, just here and there"? A successful business is a "24/7" job. And last but not least, you want to become a business partner but can't even come up with any funds. Funding a new business over a few months time until it picks up and makes revenue is a highly risky thing. Why on earth should any sane person give you 100% funding for just an idea, where you said yourself, other than that you have 0 skills to bring to the table? A business partnership is always a mutual thing with shared risk, work and revenue, but you have nothing to offer. I'm sorry, beat me up for this, but being just blunt, you sound like you literally have 0 clue about business. You ask for a lot but want to give nothing, and expect somebody else to do the entire work, fund the entire thing, hold the entire risk until it is all smooth and running and you can scoop off the cash for nothing in return. Here is my advise for you: Start small, search this "Employment" board here and work at businesses as intern, then get yourself into a small paid position. Learn the ropes, then maybe climb up to a Manager position, become someone's Personal Assistant or the likes and save the money you're making. While doing these things, start to learn some useful stuff for SL, like scripting, meshing, graphic design, etc. Just anything you'll need to successful start any business. THEN you can come back and find a business partner, because then you have something to offer yourself.
  17. If she is, then she just proved the worst advertising ever. 😄 No seriously, I will never understand people like this. People who want to sell a product or service and then give 0 effort in Marketing. It doesn't take a degree to figure that threads such as the one here won't push your business...
  18. Not entirely correct, you also have to eat if you want to produce anything. Whether harvesting something, crafting something, you need energy for that as well. @Kylerra Nayar: Another system, similar to G&S but with a realistic and non Gorean approach is DFS. Then of course, but expensive and more into the Lifestyle corner like LIFE2, there is BeYou (or something like that), as well.
  19. Hey there, as a little bit of an OCD guy, I am wondering why my main avie has 2 sub folders in his calling cards folder, which I can not delete. Which means that consequently I can't delete the entire calling card folder, either. And that is really bothering the OCD me. Main avie: Because it seems related to my main only, as my alt avatar has all calling cards directly in the main folder and thus doesn't even have these sub folders at all. So I can easily delete the entire calling card folder on him. Alt avie: Anyone any idea what to do, do remove these old subfolders from my main avie's inventory once and for all?
  20. I can very vividly remember my first days in SL. In RL I have always been interested in business and economics. Consequently, the moment I joined SL back in 2006, my first thoughts were "How can I make money to sustain myself in here? How can I found a business, trade, etc.?" I figured out quickly, that I had no clue how. So I acted like I would in RL and helped myself. In a veeeeery unique way. 😄 I used the build tool and somehow managed to build myself a simple signpost out of a stick block and a flat block. You know, like the plywood signs people often hold up during demonstrations. Around that time I was just fresh out of college in RL as a young Graphic Designer / Marketing & PR Manager and so I knew enough about Photoshop to make me an own gaphic. Somehow I managed to get it on the prim and successfully ended up with a demonstration sign, that I even managed for my avie to hold in his hands. You can see on this image of me in my office today, what the graphic looked like! 😄 Yes, no kidding! I made my avie a sign saying "Jobless and Poor, I am jobless and poor, please give me some money or offer me a job!" 😄😄 But the best part: It actually worked! I sat myself on the floor with that sign in my hands, at random sims. I remember one was a city themed futuristic sim and I sat in front of a store on the sidewalk. Not long until the first people walked by, saw the sign and actually started giving me a few dollars. At the end of the first day, I had about 100L$! A fortune and enough to buy me a texture shirt! Yay! But it got even better and I guess that is where my inner "business me" really came out! After a day or so, other new people also started asking where to get this cool sign for themselves. So I said "I can give you a copy of mine for 100 L$!" and that way I made my very first 1000L$ in a few days in SL. 😄 Seeing where I stand today, as a multi-business entrepreneur, this is a memory very special to me. So special, that I kept this texture of the sign and framed it. It always moves with me to any new office, to remind me of my financial and economical roots. --------------------------------------------- Another funny story from my first days: Someome tried to explain me the first steps in SL and tried to teach me, that you could build on multiple levels on a sim. I argued with him for over an hour because I failed to understand how the heck it would be possible to build in the air on top of one another. I wouldn't understand how you would reach the other "levels" without a ladder or the like. I just couldn't visualize several "layers" built on top of each other on a sim. 😄 Took me a while to understand. 😄 --------------------------------------------- EDIT: Here is something else from my first days - careful, cringeworthy! I recently found out and remembered that apparently I used flickr many years back and had made an account for my avatar. Was funny to see the old images, still there. This here is me October 2007, so about one year into my SL "life". And believe it or not, back then I was a super good looking avatar! 😄 Oh good lord, SL HAS improved! 😛
  21. Now about the groups: Without going into my own opinion about that change, there is however a simply solution to this. A solution I have been using myself for years now: Just create yourself a 2nd avatar and name it "groupavie" or so. Then only keep the most important groups (for store gifts, yadayadaya) on your main account and outsource any other group to that alt avie. You will still get the groupnotes via email from that avie and can then login and check the note itself. Would it be easier if we just had enough slots on our main avie? Sure. But LL decided we don't, so deal with it. We can't change it, unless you plan on flying to San Fran and storm their RL office. 😄 But at least this is a good, free alternative to circumvent the new group limit and even bring a bit more order to the chaos of your own groups. 😉 I am using this method for years now and I have nothing to complain, it works, it is free and I love it. I actually made myself a full "service avatar". Not only does he have most of my store groups and serves as 2nd person to my own groups (if they're small or new). He is also my bank account through a script and many RP related things, like my radio and pager networks are now outsourced on him, so I can use him as "HUB" for all of my active alts. You should consider such measures before complaining too hard about something that sucks but is as it is and won't be changed. Stop wasting your time yelling about the change, Linden "TheSinkingShip" Lab doesn't care much anyway. So rather use the time and find ways around it, like I did long ago. 😉
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