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Griffin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Griffin Ceawlin

  1. Then you want to buy a mainland parcel and nothing else (ETA: unless you buy a whole private region...). ETA: Finding land to buy There are a couple of different ways to find land to acquire in Second Life. Click the Search button at the bottom of the Second Life window, then click the Land Sales tab: It shows land other Residents have for sale. You can click the All Types and PG & Mature dropdown menus to look for specific types of land (such as mainland, private regions, or land up for auction), and narrow down your results by price and size too. Looking for land on the mainland near you? Select World > World Map to open the map, and then select the Land for Sale checkbox. Nearby land for sale is highlighted on the map. Second Life's Auctions also list land parcels up for sale to the highest bidder. Auction parcels can sell for Linden Dollars (L$) as well as US dollars (USD$). Ask around and read the forums http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-land/ta-p/700043
  2. LOL. It's true that the "artist" didn't create Beemo, she merely printed, cut, and folded. She did take the photo, I guess, though...
  3. You were trying to buy L$5,000 and you somehow upgraded your account to Premium instead? Is that correct? I don't see how that's even possible, but... In addition to filing a ticket, which you've already done (and it can take some time to get a response...), you can contact Support via Live Chat (since you have a Premium account :smileywink:). Good luck. ETA: The Live Chat link should appear on the right of this page for you: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ ETA II: Do like Jacki suggested and try Billing first.
  4. Have you tried clearing settings? If that doesn't work... ask in one of the Phoenix support groups inworld. Or do a full uninstall/reinstall.
  5. Tell your friend to click the "Online status" icon at the top left of the Contact list. ETA: It looks like a head.
  6. 1. You need to remove the merchant's name and link to the item. You can't name names here, as it is in violation of posting guidelines. 2. Your friend, and not you, needs to file a DMCA notice with LL.
  7. Like Rhys said, you'd have to disable group notices for those groups altogether.
  8. Are these items possibly "underground"? You can cam underground (first disable camera constraints under Advanced menu to do so) to see and select to move or delete, or you can de-render the terrain ("surface patch") using Ctrl+Alt+Shift+5 (repeat to re-render). http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Video_Tutorial/Finding_stuff_buried_in_the_ground
  9. It's possible that no Linden will see your post. AR, AR, and AR again. ETA: If there's RL stalking and possible criminal behavior involved, you may want to involve your local Police.
  10. "Show in search" is an option in v.1.23 and 1.xx-based viewers like Phoenix. Not sure that even exists in v.2. It should show in search if it's set to SecondLife. Try setting your privacy options here and see if that changes anything.
  11. Hahaha! Sorry, just bustin' on ya. You are brave, though.
  12. You could always just open your browser, go to https://secondlife.com/my/community/groups/, search for the group, and the UUID is the series of digits and letters that follows http://world.secondlife.com/group/ in the resulting URL.
  13. Plumtree is one of the Linden Home models in the Meadowbrook theme, as are Quad and Skylight. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-reference-guide/ta-p/700105#Meadowbrook If none of the Plumtree models are available... The house theme I wanted is gone! What do I do? Please be patient if the house theme you want is sold out — we're going to keep adding more, so if you really want that kind, check back soon. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-FAQ/ta-p/700101#The_house_theme_I_wanted_is_gone.21_What_do_I_do.3F 
  14. Did you install Phoenix at any point in time? If so, I believe the Bridge stays in your inventory even after you uninstall Phoenix. As far as I know, Phoenix is the only client that uses it. Have you looked at your Transaction History? Does it say the lindens are going to another account? I'm thinking it doesn't say "#LSL<-> Client Bridge v0.13"... ETA: The Emerald client also used the Bridge, as did (does?) Emergence.
  15. ENABLE GROWL NOTIFICATIONS: lets you use Growl to see who IMs you when Phoenix Viewer is minimized (google Growl, also available for windows) http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=phoenix_preferences_tab
  16. The LSL Client Bridge is an object that can communicate with the Phoenix Viewer through chat messages. Through the use of LSL script commands, the bridge is a powerful tool that boosts radar performance, the accuracy of online status in profiles, and allows teleports to avatars and specific locations on a SIM despite landing points. The bridge is also an open source item, and the import information used to build it can be located in the “app_settings” folder. Doubtful that it steals your lindens... http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=lsl_client_bridge
  17. LOL! Nah. Not inworld and not signing on to play lackey. ETA: P.S. She probably couldn't afford me, anyway. :smileywink:
  18. Blazer: You do understand that this is not a messaging service, yes? Generally, if people can't get inworld, they wait until they can, or they contact their friends through other means. In addition to bee's advice (which will work if the resident is registered on the Forums; I don't know if it will work if they aren't...), please read the advice given to you in the previous threads that you created asking for personal couriers: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/can-someone-help/m-p/892845 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/can-someonedo-me-a-huge-favor/m-p/888149
  19. You could also try one of the text-only Third-Party Viewers. RE SL_POP3_IM: If I understand correctly, it operates only on your IM-to-email messages. One can simply reply to such e-mails. No addtitional client is necessary.
  20. First off, you need to remove those IM logs. It's against posting guidelines (see http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Discussion_guidelines) and can only lead to trouble for you. Second, I've found that some people will lie about just about anything. Let LL sort it out. ETA: What LoveAngel says is absolutely correct. If you feel as if you're being harassed by these persons, AR them.
  21. The system does warn you that your group is about to be deactivated because of too few members...
  22. If you are a Premium or Concierge customer and you experience difficulty verifying your identity on the Second Life website, you may submit a new support case in order to verify your account manually. Visit https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Choose Account Issue from the first dropdown menu. Choose Manual Age Verification from the next dropdown menu that appears. Click Choose File to attach an electronic (scanned) copy of one of a Government issued identification that has your name and date of birth clearly displayed. This identification can be a birth certificate, driver's license, passport, or state ID or national ID. Click Submit. Please expect manual verification to take 5-7 working days. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021
  23. 1. Yes 2. You need to own a Full region to own a Homestead.
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