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Griffin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Griffin Ceawlin

  1. Quite telling that instead of anwering my rather simple questions, Love, you make me out to be a drama-monger and baiter. ETA: That's even better than "I refuse to answer on the grounds that I may incriminate myself."
  2. There have been very few occasions where I've felt the need to AR someone (griefer stuff at the club I used to work at, and elsewhere). There are simply times when it is warranted. Informing the other person of ones intention to AR them can be drama-inducing and childish, yes, although giving the other person the opportunity to check themselves before an AR is filed might in some circumstances be appreciated. Are you saying that nobody should ever file an AR, Love? Nobody's ever threatened to "report" me, but now I'm curious. What exactly are you doing that might prompt others to issue that threat to you?
  3. Ah, I see. No way that I know of, not without subbing to each RSS feed individually from the thread's page (I imagine some people's RSS readers could get mighty crowded that way).
  4. Subscribe to a particular "board" or sub-Forum? If you go to a board's page you'll see a link to "Start a Thread" and next to that is "Board Options." One of those options is "Subscribe to RSS Feed."
  5. Seriously? "Stick it to" him/her? Not much you can do. This would fall under resident disputes, something LL is loathe to involve themselves in. If, as you say, your landlord lost his/her sim, you can rest peacefully knowing that he/she lost something that he/she paid up to 1K USD (or more) for. P.S. How exactly did you "lose" 300-400 hours of building work? Were your builds not returned to you???
  6. No, you have to have your Magic Box rezzed inworld. On your land, friend's land, etc., or there are some places where you can rent space to put it. Just search inworld. If LL ever gets around to it, Magic Boxes will be made obsolete and you'll be able to sell directly from a folder in your inventory. Or so I've heard...
  7. Drama mama. You and your wife should both mute this person and stay far, far away from her. Edit: Typo, missed word.
  8. Limit yourself to ONE HOUR in SL a day, AFTER you complete any course work. Tell your friends in SL to nag you if you go above that. And good luck in your ASL course. :smileyhappy:
  9. What viewer are you using? If there's a field for Last Name, use Resident.
  10. Are you using Phoenix, by any chance? I had that problem for a while. Don't know what I did to fix it, but it hasn't happened lately. If you are, you could try their troubleshooting tips.
  11. No. From the Community Standards: Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited. That said, this applies only to "all areas of Second Life, the Second Life Forums, and the Second Life Website."
  12. TOS Section 3.2 You are responsible for activities related to your Account Name, and for keeping your password for this Account secure.
  13. slowtime Rang wrote: ... when we know some of the people whos work is being stolen... what do you expect us to do? Just let it go and let our friends be taken advantage of? I don't think so. No. By all means. Tell them. I don't think LL has the manpower or the resources to investigate every case of "I believe this object to be an infringement of my Aunt Tilly's Intellectual Property rights." ETA: I've seen blogs dedicated to exposing IP theft in SL. You might consider starting your own. Shout it far and wide.
  14. You're right. The law is the law. Only the owner (or his/her agent) of a copyrighted work can file a DMCA notice. That's the law. If you want to play IP Police and root out IP theft from the whole of SL, and the rest of the Interwebs, by reporting everything that you think is "theft" to the copyright owners... go for it.
  15. You've been in SL since '08 and your "mom" since '07, and one or both of you on DA since... well... whenever. DA has the same process to report copyright infringement as SL... and pretty much every other web site, game, file sharing service, etc., etc., etc.: Notification of Copyright Infringement This section contains the formal requirements of the Copyright Act with respect to the rights of copyright owners whose content appears on deviantART without authorization. To file a copyright infringement notification with deviantART, the copyright owner or an agent acting on his or her behalf will need to send a written communication... (from http://about.deviantart.com/policy/copyright/) Get used to it.
  16. According to the wiki, the first resident was Steller Sunshine. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/History_of_Second_Life
  17. The Phoenix Team released a set of free avatar physics layers, available on the Marketplace. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Phoenix-Team-Physics/2270517
  18. Did you try updating your video card drivers, as suggested? If you already have the latest video card drivers, did you try reinstalling them?
  19. @Qie: I don't know that the people that I hang out with are doing anything differently, except maybe making it a point to pay attention to local chat when we have people who won't (or can't, at that moment) go on mic among us. The only "problem" seems to be when someone is multi-tasking, and SL is in the background. They do come back and get caught up pretty fast, though.
  20. I'm sure your bank will catch up with their record-keeping. I'm assuming you're checking this on their website? I know mine sometimes takes a while to update. I wouldn't worry about it.
  21. @Randall: That may be true. Even in my circle of friends, there are some who won't use voice. Period. They're quite content to listen to the rest of us blathering, and type along, and we wouldn't have it any other way. :smileywink:
  22. Hardly ever type anymore in SL... except in the IM window... or in local when already in a voice call.
  23. Looking at the guidelines for private region naming, I don't see why you couldn't name it that.
  24. Abuse through voice chat If someone is harrassing you through voice, the best solution is to block this person. You can file an abuse report, but it's difficult to provide concrete evidence in such situations, since there are no IM or chat transcripts. For commonsense reasons, we cannot accept recordings of voice chat made by other programs or by holding a tape recorder up to your speakers. There are a couple of ways to mute voice chat inworld: Right-click on the avatar and choose Block. Open the People > NEARBY panel in the sidebar, select the avatar, and choose Block/Unblock. A small red icon will appear next to their name. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Filing-an-abuse-report/ta-p/700065#Section_.5
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