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Griffin Ceawlin

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Everything posted by Griffin Ceawlin

  1. Esperanto? Ni Usonanoj ne povas eĉ mastro la Metra Sistemo...
  2. OK. Well... I don't think the year 14XX is even an option on registering an account, and because of the differing formats used in different countries (month first vs. day of month first, etc.)... Is it '7' on the signup form, or is it 'July'? ETA: Anyone who was expecting to find the year 14XX on the signup form, upon not finding it, might (and probably should) expect that further date details were requested in 'Western' formats.
  3. That's what I was thinking. As far as calendar systems and DOBs... Last I checked, most of the world knew that July was July and not Sha'aban and that it's 2011 AD (or CE) and not 1432 AH.
  4. Do you "own or have all necessary Intellectual Property Rights, licenses, consents, and permissions to use" those images? If not, then... no.
  5. Ray Lonergan wrote: Getting to a point where it's almost better just to look it up on marketplace then go to a inworld store (if they have one) and make the purchase. Most of the shopping that I've done on the Marketplace has been window shopping, followed by visits to inworld stores to make any actual purchases. I'm often able to get a better look at the merchandise, I've never had any delivery problems, and it shows the merchant, I hope, that keeping a "bricks and mortar" location inworld is still worth it. It also saves the merchant from having to give LL a commission. :smileywink:
  6. Choose World > About Land and click the General tab. Click Abandon Land. After confirming, the land is removed from your account. That's it! You can register for another Linden Home. ETA: Warning: Please use this reasonably: if you abandon and choose a new Linden Home five times in 24 hours, you're temporarily blocked from choosing another. You'll need to wait after 24 hours have elapsed to register again. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Linden-Home-FAQ/ta-p/700101
  7. I think (hope) you mean your Second Life account... If you're thinking about canceling your account, consider leaving it active with a basic membership, which costs nothing to maintain. If at some point in the future you should choose to revisit Second Life, your avatar and your inventory will be here waiting for you... Depending on the length of time during which you account was cancelled, we may or may not be able to restore your account. Even if we are able to restore your account, there is a chance that the inventory, land, and/or L$ previously associated with your account may be unrecoverable. If your account can be successfully restored, we will charge you a US$9.95 reactivation fee. https://secondlife.com/my/account/cancel.php More info: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/How_do_I_cancel_my_account
  8. How "talented" must one be to qualify for the position of "chattel"?
  9. Minx Kurosawa wrote: So that means if someone ask anna to show them a notecard of the conversation. Does that violate the ToS? Sharing IM conversations without consent is a violation of the Community Standards (no matter what kind of disclaimer someone has in their profile). Minx Kurosawa wrote: Recently a secondlife user posted my name in their profile on their little " mute list " stating they had a note card included. I felt that my privacy with this person was violated.. I reported them but i'm not sure it they're going against ToS. Simply stating that they have a notecard is not.
  10. If you're using a viewer that requires a last name, for you that last name would be... Resident.
  11. AmyNevilly wrote: Thing that SL users don't see I think is how EXPENSIVE advertising is. Must cost them a lot. Well, they could just start a bunch of threads here in the Forums and put nice big banners in their sigs. Voila! Free advertising! Imagine the possibilities! Zero impression costs and a single thread could in effect become one huge banner ad!
  12. Hi, sonata. You can add to/edit your previous post by going back to it and clicking Options and then Edit.
  13. You know what I think would make you feel better? A cupcake.
  14. I don't want a Porsche. I just want my old car to get the same mileage as the newer hybrids. Now!!! *shakes fist in air*
  15. Dom, please answer my question. I'm very curious to hear what your answer is. You want LL to build a viewer that will run on your machine. Should Microsoft also build its operating systems to fit your specs for all eternity?
  16. My laptop is about three years old and it runs Viewer 2, Phoenix, and Firestorm just fine. Multiple instances at once, when I want it to. I've heard many people say that when you buy a computer, it's obsolete before you even walk out the door with it. Perhaps it's time to get yourself a "less obsolete" one? Or should Microsoft build its operating systems to fit your specs for all eternity, too? ETA: My desktop is a couple years older, and it's chugging along, too.
  17. Also built into the HUD is a way to recruit (bribe) other players to leave their kingdom to follow him as their liege. He might want to try that...
  18. So, it's just coincidence that you registered this SL account on 7/3, and registered this SL account on the Forums on 7/3 at 1:09 PM and posted this two minutes later... OK...
  19. LOL! I had to disable mine to see what you and Suella were on about.
  20. Fearless Nation PTSD Virtual Retreat Unfortunately, I only recently heard about this program because it's facing imminent closure due to lack of funding.
  21. Create a few (more?) alts and have your subjects recruit them. You'll be a Prince in no time.
  22. It's actually not my screenshot, but instead a copy/paste from http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Resetting_your_avatar. I wish I had known where to find all this stuff, or knew to ask here, when I was new...
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