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Sid Nagy

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Everything posted by Sid Nagy

  1. Well I know a few landlord related accounts that are on duty 24/7, that is only possible when more than one person is at the helmet of those accounts. So it seems all relative to me. And why not if it are strictly business accounts and the said businesses take full responsibility for that. On the other hand I can totally understand why LL isn't happy when more ordinary residents do the same. It only brings drama and extra work when 'partners' start doing it. We all know how quickly most partnerships can be down the drain in SL.
  2. That shows how much I'm interested in the viewer matter. I use the places button regularly, but I never noticed there was a second tab: The Teleport History tab. And it goes months back. Cool. Thanks for mentioning it Innula.
  3. I still use the mysti Tool HUD. The radar and TP history part mostly. No third party viewers on my machine, thank you.
  4. Think of it, they even might log our favorite bedroom exercises. How long, how often, how diverse, with whom present ........ 🤪 Nah........
  5. In addition: If you use the official LL browser, you first have to change the settings of the browser first: Me>preferences>advanced. There you check the box before Allow multiple browsers. Than you can open more than one browser at the time.
  6. For me it is very simple. I have 2 very good general practitioners, that I fully trust. And they have invited me for the vaccinations. That means they think it is in my best interest to take them. Who am I then, to not take them? They are the professionals, not me. I'm not going to wade trough the tons of information on various sites and media. They know where to find all the relevant information. When I take the bus I trust the professionalism of the bus driver, when my tooth needs some repair I trust the dentist. When I need a vaccination I trust the doctors. They decided that AstraZeneca was good for me, so AstraZeneca it will be. We have excellent healthcare in the Netherlands. Always in the top 5 when lists are made. Often in the top 3. Why question their professional capacities? Sometimes life can be so easy with a little trust.
  7. Mothers day is at the end of a week when the flowers are at least twice as expensive as during the rest of the season. So don't try to sell me the non commercial meme.
  8. I had my first AstraZeneca and did not notice any real side effects. Just a bit tired the day after, but it that was triggered by the vaccination I don't know. I have these days more than once because of my diabetes. Second jab in two weeks.
  9. Funny that a lot of people are so full of the Firestorm browser. I'm on the official LL browser, always the latest version presented at log in (if there is a new one) and to be honest I can't remember when I couldn't log in for the last time. That must be years ago. /me knocks on wood and remembers the "good old days" with maintenance Wednesdays (always during European prime time) Fridays role backs and several outages a week, especially during weekends.
  10. Hand out free beers instead of the normal bears?
  11. I think Sugardaddy would be a hit.
  12. Paying for changing your name is nothing more than a Vanity tax, IMHO. Users requested the possibility. LL smartly takes money for that option. Otherwise some would change their names more often than I change Bellisserian homes.
  13. The fees went up pretty steep, that is true. I guess making Tilia's books look good is essential for them too at the moment. They want that to become (finally after al these years) their second egg in the basket.
  14. At least they don't say their standard "Clear cache" any longer.
  15. There is no such thing as a free lunch. LL is a company, and that means it has to make money to pay the bills AND make a profit. All the free homeless accounts don't bring in a cent. The L$ they take from the Marketplace are only money sinks to them, because they print the L$ themselves. They only make money on the L$ when there is more demand than offered on de Lindex. So they make their money from the free accounts (if any at all) with land and with exchange fees. When RL prices go up (and they do all the time, every year) there is very little LL can do than higher their prices too over time. Just like any other business. Premium, land and exchange fees. That are the only prices they can fiddle with to get their money. It is simply inflation. In my youth I got the amount of 2,5 guilders (= somewhere around 1.10 Euro) to go to the yearly fair in town. And there I had the time of my life. Price for a ride? Around 5 cents. So I could do 20 of them. Now a simple ride is at least 1 Euro, most are 2 or higher. LL left in the 14 years that I'm around in SL the prices very long periods untouched. Seems they have reached the point where that is no longer possible.
  16. It was 64 when the single was released.
  17. If you are affriad of Covid, wash you hands extra carefully Otherwise this sort of things is all done through extra bought animations. (found on the marketplace) Most of the time as part of an AO or an extra hud. Normally you are asked in world if you are okay with being animated first, if the animation is started by someone else than yourself.
  18. Look at it from the other side: When Harley Davidson finds that one of your bikes looks too much like one of their products it is up to them to file a complaint. As long as they don't do so, your good. If they ever do, write a sorry note, and take the object down. You will most likely not end up in court. The fact that it has 2 wheels, handle bars and a tank is not enough to file complaints IMHO. I would not try to be more catholic than the Pope in this case. Streamlining models puts all the RL bike and car designs in a certain direction. If you think it is different enough from the bike you 'quoted' from, your good. If everyone who sees your bike immediately says that is a Harley Davidson model ......... you should rethink, even in SL.
  19. As far as I'm concerned they could easily go to: When the merchant isn't online for a certain number of time, all the merchants stuff on the marketplace is put offline together with the inworld links. But that is more stuff for another thread I guess.
  20. That could well be. I'm on private land with my sandbox and in Bellisseria for my home and I haven't seen one as described yet.
  21. All true there are events, but still, Bellisseria looks and feels totally empty just like most of the mainland only it is far better decorated. My main point was and is, that a lot of people don't really want to socialize that much in SL. They simply ain't the socializing type in RL and are in the end not really different in SL. If you hate events with more than a few people in RL, you simply don't go to them in SL all of a sudden. People who like going to events in RL, logically don't hang out in SL as much. They find their entertainment in RL.
  22. Yes, Qie is right. When you are exploring or at your own place, self starting media become annoying very quickly. So I would overthink that option before even putting much time into that as well. The possibility to turn that feature off is coded into the viewers with a good reason. I reduces lag and annoyance. Are you sure people want to see that video or message unasked?
  23. As a social place Bellisseria is dead in the water IMHO. Yes there might be one or two groups that have activities, but I have traveled around quite a lot in Bellisseria and had at least a dozen different homes on a dozen different sims there the last month or so, because I have produced some add-ons for different type of homes. Now in that dozen of different sims I lived\worked in so far, there was no activity at all or very little going on. I hardly saw anyone online. And I use a sim wide scanner. 24 Different neighbors, never one online when I was. The only other possibility is that Bellisseria only comes to life during prime time of the American East coast. Then I'm seldom on. But honestly I think Belli is a nicely decorated (chapeau for the Moles) but mainly empty continent. Half of the owned houses and boats aren't even decorated or very sparsely. SL is said to be a social platform, but there are a lot of introverted people using the platform if you ask me. People who dream about socializing every now and then, but hardly do. Just like me.
  24. The marketplace is full with "see item inworld" links from merchants long gone. If you have bad luck and that parcel was once from one of those merchants, you will always have visitors once in a while. Don't make a too big deal out of it, is my advise. Only when someone keeps showing up when you are around yourself it can get annoying, that is the moment to ban. Who cares who is on your land in the end when your not there? Have a walk or better a fly over the houseboats in Bellisseria. Most of the boats have all doors open while nobody is at home. Most don't have security systems on. Nothing can be stolen or rearranged. The sheets don't get dirty, infected with germs, or smelly when someone uses your bed when you're not around. Not everything from RL applies in SL. 99.9% of the times "intruders" TP out moments after they land or when they really want to use your house for something, the moment you land at your home is when they depart.
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