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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. You mean like, "Go away! I'm in mourning!" ? *innocent expression*
  2. This is me. Why on earth he thinks we need to have a backup of everything I have no clue. He is losing the habit though so there is hope for him yet.
  3. They only do that because they are jealous we are correct 99 times out of 100.
  4. Crickets don't sound anything like loons. Closest to a loon I can think of would be a whip-poor-will and that would be really stretching it. Do you point at the screen in a movie theatre when you see an explosion and yell fire? 👼
  5. I happen to prefer rubberbanding walking to flying so LPs don't bother me much. Only when I'm having to rush things. When I had my own land I did set an LP because for several years of that time I did have renters. You would be amazed at how much crap from jack@$$e$ having an LP eliminated. LPs are also essential for RP sims. Many of the stores I go to have installed a nice little system that moves your avatar away from the LP just enough to avoid others coming in and allowing you the time to rez. I highly recommend this for all sims that use LPs.
  6. It's the opposite in our house. He has more clothes and shoes than I do!
  7. This account was named after Selene of Underwearworld with the last name having an "old world" Romanian sound to it. At the time, I had no idea the governor of Oregon's last name was the same. No, I'm not related to him so stop asking! My modeling account was named after the main character in the Kushiel series, Phedre with the last name that just seemed to fit so well, Lefevre. My other accounts? If I told you, I would have to kill you. No one, other than myself, knows who they are. Not even my real life other half of almost 20 years knows the names of those accounts.
  8. Try leveling the playing field rather than shut yourselves off from the rest of SL, who just happen to be basic accounts. It's pretty obvious that most premium members tend to look down on basic. The elitism is there, whether you want to admit it or not. There are two classes in SL, premium and basic with premium being the upper class. I'm not saying premiums shouldn't get a few extra perks, but you guys are taking it way too far. Soon you'll be wanting to restrict the forum to premium only. What's next? The MP? Basics are already prohibited from owning land on mainland, will you take away the ability to rent land as well? Reinstate the prim tax for basics only? Where does it end? When basics no longer exist? LL tried all paid accounts before. Then they realized just how much profit they were losing out on and they gave us basic accounts so everyone could join. Everyone! Not just an elite group simply because they happen to have more money to throw at SL.
  9. It doesn't mean I will always be basic. Who knows what next year's tax returns will be like. Discounting basic accounts reeks of elitism. The implications of that don't look very good.
  10. I thought you might catch on. It works better for me that way because I can also "window shop" at the same time. If the store has the kind of things I want, then I will landmark it as worth going back. If they only have one or two things I like, chances are I won't go back. Not for a long time anyway.
  11. I rarely buy from the MP. I use it like a catalog and then purchase at the inworld store. No inworld store? I'll look elsewhere first before buying from someone that does not have a "physical" store.
  12. I just use my favorites list on the MP and delete them when I'm done. Some things end up on my wish list but I don't really think anyone is going to pay for full perm stuff for me. lol Eventually I'll get around to moving them to my favorites. Life's messy! Clean it up! Yeah, yeah. I'll get a roundtuit. Now where did I put that box...
  13. Preaching to the choir. I'm pretty sure LL would choose Sansar over SL, which would be the death knell of LL.
  14. /me clomps in, looking at each and every one in the room with a daring glare as she moves the tv to hang over the fireplace, then tosses a lit match into the kindling. As the kindling blazes into flame, she flops on the sofa, grabs the remote, clicks on the tv and settles in to watch the world burn.
  15. And all the thousands of dollars I've already spent on land over the years? I've flushed more than enough cash down the SL toilet, thank you. It's really sad when people don't recognize the elitism in their own words. Go ahead, turn SL into something only the very well off/rich can afford. See how small the population of SL will get before LL finally writes it off as a financial disaster and shuts SL down. Which would you prefer? Sansar or SL? That is what it will boil down to. Which one will LL choose?
  16. They'll just have to go mental then. If I can't read it, I can't use it. Display names were meant for "special" names like when two people get SL married and they want the same last name, or they roleplay a character that isn't human, etc. I can always block them if they become abusive, after ARing them, of course.
  17. Wait, what!? You want to introduce insurance into SL? Are you mad? As if we don't already have enough scams to worry about! Seriously, people need to stop trying to turn SL into real life*. It resembles it far too closely now as it is. *Yes, I am aware people don't always stop to think about the long (or short) consequences of their suggestions.
  18. This has happened to me and to Love. If you do the highlight to quote thing, that's when it happens because the software is coded to show it as original poster of that particular post, not the quoted person. They need to fix that, if they can.
  19. Those who have legacy last names had to chose last names from a list. When (or if) they ever get it done, new accounts will be able to chose from a list again as well. That's how you get some of the unique names you've seen.
  20. It's why I rented a private homestead with full estate rights for so long and would again if I could. I'd even go back to where I was although the land company has been taken over by someone else.
  21. In a nut shell. Her land, her rules, even if she makes them up as she goes along. She can ban you for any reason or no reason at all. LL will not get involved in resident disputes.
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