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Selene Gregoire

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Everything posted by Selene Gregoire

  1. I knew you wouldn't make it past the first page.
  2. Could we have the black Braille dots? It gives such a feeling of warmth when reading.
  3. I don't know what they get up to when I'm offline. I think one has something similar to a peepee dance. Would that do?
  4. Yes, I do when the tv sits so close to the ground. Better to have it up higher.
  5. If you want, I could park one of my alts somewhere and you can read to it to your heart's content. I can not be held responsible for the behavior of said alt though. I'm always having to turn media off after one of them logs out.
  6. Good thing we don't have two of everything. Then we'd be Klingons! Or Time Lords. Not sure which.
  7. Something tells me whichever Linden first reads that particular AR will be falling off their chair... laughing. "Hey guys! Look at this one! Buahahahaha! *THUD!* *hahahahaha*
  8. And she didn't even set you on fire.... yet.
  9. Aww Dave... you're adorable! Now you just need to work on the personality.
  10. How can you breathe with those? I just happened to notice the nose pieces are situated too low. That would drive me nuts. Yes, I wear prescription glasses... again.
  11. Because we already have too much stuff and would need a bigger parcel for a bigger house to put all the stuff in? Thank you George Carlin.
  12. Might? There is no "might" to it. Griefers are negative experiences. Turning the tables on the griefer or just ignoring it and eject/ban/blocking do not change that fact. Coulda, shoulda, woulda. Prevention is the ideal form of defense.
  13. Did you not read the "watch the world burn" part?
  14. Most sim owners do this because they have experiences in the past with the very ones who "might cause issues". People usually prefer to avoid drama and griefing, not invite it. There will always be those who will take advantage of those who don't do what ever is necessary to prevent the ones who "might cause issues" from actually causing issues. It only takes one bad apple to rot the whole barrel.
  15. You think the things I pointed out aren't reasonable? What galaxy did you say you live in?
  16. Both my parents were onlys/onlies. I wish I had been. Evil? Nah. Dark place maybe, but not evil.
  17. I did it because it was one of the few things I could do to annoy the heck out of my annoying brothers. I was the only girl, the youngest and a neighborhood with only boys. Oldest brother bullied me daily (to the point of leaving a lump in my arm) and other brother did his best to avoid my existence so oldest brother wouldn't bully him about it thus turning him into a bully. It bugged the crap out of them that I am more intelligent.
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