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Candide LeMay

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Everything posted by Candide LeMay

  1. Yeah I've actually started using your viewer to set up EEPs now since it has normal sliders (AND numerical inputs) for the sun/moon positioning instead of the demented trackballs. Good jorb!
  2. 6 - click to save your personal lighting as a new preset/inventory asset... oops you can't.
  3. Is there a more precise control for moving around the sun and the moon? The arrows (both the trackball buttons and keyboard keys) move it more than I'd like to.
  4. If you only want to apply the EEP asset to yourself it should be possible to script that using RLV, although I don't know what's the status of EEP support in the various RLV enabled viewers.
  5. Technically it's possible to change any part of SL - it's engineering not magic. Judging by the past allocation of engineering resources and general (lack of) speed of development I still say it won't happen.
  6. No. With the exception of adding more bones to the skeleton in the bento project, the animation system has not changed in 15+ years.
  7. Or you use the outworldz one click installer https://outworldz.com/Outworldz_installer/
  8. IIRC the free accounts started on 06/06/06 (fittingly).
  9. If you plan to do things that benefit from using multiple cores (like video encoding), the Ryzen has more cores (8 vs 6). The Intel might run SL slightly better because it has better single thread performance.
  10. I think@Cristiano Midnight is one of the oldest farts still running around (with a walker ;-)) - going back to beta SL. I do have some 2003 vintage people on my friends list and they show up online from time to time.
  11. If you are in EU and want to compete with other landlords, create a formal business entity, apply for a VAT registration number and deal with the VAT in your accounting etc. Run a business like a business. If you want to just have a private sim for yourself, rent it from the existing landlords and pay in L$ - L$ purchases don't have VAT applied.
  12. What interests me is what streaming tech do you need on the server side for the new stuff (for example if you have your own server)? Before the recent update you had to use the ancient darwin streaming system which works so poorly. What's supported now? DASH? HLS? I can't find any details.
  13. Yes both the LL viewer and the new FS version have the updated chromium browser that supports streaming. At least I've been able to watch a youtube livestream on a media prim (dunno if that's a sufficient test).
  14. Yes whoever thought "we have a 2D control surface so let's use the 'depth' axis of the trackballs for something" deserves a golden UI design raspberry award (and ideally won't be allowed to touch UIs again).
  15. @Beq Janus are your fixes for normals - rendering inworld and the debug metadata display - in this version?
  16. I miss Starax's wand and a grid that can support such creativity (it was a sad day when LL broke it, thanks Andrew "Throttle" Linden!).
  17. Speaking of performance - is it still the case after uplift that a busy sim can reduce/lag the performance of other sims running on the same server? Is each sim running now on a separate virtual machine or are they sharing resources like before? @Oz Linden @Mazidox Linden
  18. Yes I can confirm that for me the connections to the aws hosted sims have about 30-40ms bigger latency compared to the old sims (similar numbers to what OP posted). I'm in central Europe. Our loses are Asia's wins *shrug*
  19. It's not only possible but was already in the works over a decade ago http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Puppeteering We don't have it because LL management doesn't see the value of avatars actually interacting with each other or the environment.
  20. There have been some reports (and I have seen it myself on one sim that migrated to aws) that the same set of scripts take up more milliseconds of the frame time on the aws sims compared to non-cloud. So my question is - is the scripts run % and script events/s higher on your migrated sim compared to previously or just more stable?
  21. As for the texture sizes - a typical laptop/computer display has around 2 megapixels* - a 1024x1024 texture is 1 megapixel by itself. So unless you zoom in close enough so that the texture fills at least half of your screen it's impossible to see all the details anyway. Many objects in SL have textures that are too large for no visible benefit. Texture reuse also seems to be more rare with people baking things in blender etc, while it was very common in the prim days. *4K displays have around 8 megapixels but I have no experience with running SL in 4k
  22. If you see more faces listed on the same line it means the same texture is applied to all those faces. The ctrl-alt-shift-t output only counts diffuse textures, not normal or specular textures. So I suspect your shirt also uses 2 normal textures, for 4 textures total. I have not found a good tool to get the info about those. It would be nice if the inspect tool could drill down to face level (it can do individual links in a link set).
  23. Select an object/face in edit mode and hit ctrl-shift-alt-t (requires developer menu active - it's under Rendering -> Selected Texture Info Basis), you'll get result in the chat window like: Texture info for: (Object name) 1024x1024 opaque on face 0 note that the reported texture size can change (increase) if the texture is still loading.
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