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Candide LeMay

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Everything posted by Candide LeMay

  1. Developer menu -> Render metadata -> Occlusion (seems a bit crashy though)
  2. Aren't those two contradicting each other? You don't have to put the shop into a skybox, just make the shop windows opaque. SL has a rudimentary occlusion culling system but alphas are the enemy of occlusion. If you want to get a feel for how it works go to an empty skybox and hide various objects behind other objects while watching the render statistics.
  3. Next stretch goal: animated projector texture
  4. Re: whether people pay attention to chicklets when they log in - recently I had to look at a series of SL screenshots from various people (to verify a game hud status/score) and most of them showed:
  5. Note that you can resize mesh inworld with the edit tools and watch the land impact change. No need to upload different scales from blender. Edit: I would also say - don't be TOO obsessed with land impact costs. 200 for a tree is obviously unusable but on the other end of the spectrum not everything has to be 1LI or 2LI. Back in the day before mesh our builds used up lots of LI and we lived.
  6. If you want to optimize for SL get more ram and use some of it to set up a RAM disk to host the SL client cache.
  7. A full sim can handle in the order of about 4000 scripts before things start to get south. So if it's fully occupied that's roughly 1 script per 5 prims of your total prims allotment. But no limits are actually enforced by either LL or private landlords - at least I've never seen it enforced. Even if you personally stay under your "limit", other people can (and will) eat up all the script time.
  8. The maximum texture resolution (on either side) is 1024px, not 512. All textures are uploaded as jpeg2000 which uses lossy compression (lossless is only available for tiny resolutions and was intended for sculptie maps). I would guess that's where the quality loss comes from.
  9. It's not clear to me what you're trying to do and/or are asking about. A mesh can have up to 8 materials. These materials are shared between all the LOD models. Let's say you have materials named A, B, C, D in your project. The high LOD model must use* all of them. Previously also all the lower LODs had to use* all the materials. What FS recently fixed was that the medium/low/lowest LODs can use* a subset of the materials from the high LOD instead. So for example the medium LOD could use* only materials B and C, the low LOD only material D etc. *use = have at least one triangle with that material assigned Note that each LOD model has its own UV mapping so it's possible to reuse the same material and show different things on different LODs, with each LOD being mapped to a different area of the UV space. This is also the preferred way for SL because it minimizes texture usage - it makes little sense to create a separate material that's only used for the low LOD - which based on your screenshot won't be very visible at 15+m.
  10. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Community_Land_Partnership_Program
  11. Are these land settings like that on purpose or is object entry something that could be lobbied for with LL?
  12. I've seen issues where I have a linkset created by myself and if I put no-copy items into the prim contents, it turns the whole linkset no-copy and stays that way even after I remover the no-copy items. The solution is to unlink and relink again.
  13. Rich avatar interactions are another of the could have beens if LL had the ability to get things done http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Puppeteering
  14. Prim drift doesn't happen on the scale of several meters though, so it must be something else. OP, does the skybox have some scripted functionality? Maybe a "positioning" system?
  15. https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-kertesz comes from the games industry and has experience with both technology and managing teams. Seems like a good match. edit: in case you have troubles viewing the linkedin profile here's a screenshot https://imgur.com/a/IchscbQ
  16. Well it's not deep water but I got a small parcel in Seoraksan next to the LL tunnel... maybe I can breed some giant crabs to attack it?
  17. In my experience it takes between 3-6 business days. The land will be set for sale to you and you don't need to tier up until you're ready to buy (you can also buy it for a group).
  18. I like it. It seems deep water parcels are quite rare.
  19. The new cache system doesn't seem to be much of an improvement, if at all. If I go back and forth between two sims, stuff is still grey for a significant amount of time even though it was rezzed during my previous visit and thus should be in cache. My caches are set to max sizes.
  20. It's also helpful for visualizing where the sim/scripts think the avatar representation is - plenty of people have avatars/AOs that cause a significant discrepancy between what you see and where you need to aim.
  21. Ok, what if I put a sign next to the box saying "Cookies inside". If there are no cookies inside the buyer will feel cheated, but that's false advertising and not a TOS violations as far as I can tell. LL typically doesn't get involved in resident vs resident disputes. And what if I rez 10 of such boxes and the sign is saying "Cookies inside of one of these boxes"...
  22. @Patch Linden I rez a box on my land. It has other objects inside (and those can have other objects inside etc etc). To an outsider the content of the box is unknown. I set it for sale as an original and leave it on my land. Anyone who walks by can buy it and take it to their inventory. Is this going to be a TOS violation starting next month?
  23. @Patch Linden I would like to see an official statement about what combination of randomness and permissions is allowed under the new rules. Let's say you have a SL game where you can acquire crafting materials (which are no-copy/trans) by playing the game or by trading with other players (including buying the materials for $L). You can then take those materials to a crafting station where you can combine them to acquire a new item. Which of these combinations is allowed and which is not: assuming all input materials are no-copy/trans a) you put in material 1, material 2, material 3 => you get an random choice of item that is no-copy/trans b) you put in material 1, material 2, material 3 => you get an random choice of item that is copy/no-trans c) you put in material 1, material 2, material 3 => you always get the same item in a deterministic way based on inputs. e.g. mat1 + mat2 + mat3 = item1. mat2 + mat3 + mat4 = item2, etc. resulting item is no-copy/trans d) you put in material 1, material 2, material 3 => you always get the same item in a deterministic way based on inputs. e.g. mat1 + mat2 + mat3 = item1. mat2 + mat3 + mat4 = item2, etc. resulting item is copy/no-trans Thank you.
  24. Check if you haven't disabled sending the "look at target" - if that's disabled your avatar (or anyone else) has no way to know what you're looking at and animate the head/eyes to match it.
  25. I got curious so I tested uploading a simple mesh in FS with havok hulls, itself as the physics shape and then uploading it from CoolVL with its hull decomposition. The wall is thinner than 0.5m so this produces the infamous "why can't I get through the door" problem with non-analyzed physics shapes. I'm happy to report that the hulls produced by CoolVL work just as well as havok hulls in this case and my "door" was working properly. Good jorb Henri!
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