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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Happiest of New Years to everyone. While some good things happened this year, most of the year was a ***** globally which created a lot of undue anxiety and stress. Hoping 2018 finds everyone more at peace. G and I are spending a quiet night home feasting on fine food and expensive champagne. A local restaurant we'd been to on a previous New Year was offering take home dinners this year. Waldorf salad, Burgundy short ribs, truffled cheese tortellini, garlic mashed potatoes, roasted carrots and a chocolate mousse cake to top it off. It's all prepared - pick up/heat and serve when ready. We have a bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne in the fridge, which we'll finally open. I'll keep that dinner a secret from my nutritionist
  2. Yes, of course. Anyway, I was in touch with Berry and alas, there is NO way to do this with mesh bodies. She didn't even have a specific hud she could recommend. /insert sad face
  3. Working a sort of Blythe/anime kind of thing. Catwa's new head "Uma" lends itself extremely well to this type of look. Doll-like. Catwa Uma - New! Outfit: Dead Dollz - Olivia Fur, Pink Hair: Truth - Rumor, Candy Applier: YS&YS - Ludovica, Tone 00 Eye Makeup: Zibska Powder Pack Catwa September 2017 - Kira
  4. Gosh I adore this hat New skin too - I'd never heard of this creator until this week Hat: N-Core Fur Hood, Rare (from Shiny Shabby) Head: Lelutka, Simone Bento Mesh Skin: Revoul Laforte - Saje, Tone 1 Mole: Deetalez, Mesh Beauty Mole (resize
  5. I'm going to get in touch with Strawberry and find out what she's doing now that mesh is involved. I administer her Flickr group, so I'm hoping she'll get back to me quickly. She is one very busy person, let me tell you!
  6. Yep, same. It's odd that I was able to do it several times (alas, no rotation here also) but then, nothing. Logged on an alt, and it worked with the mesh body on. With mesh head as well. I guess I'm going to have to research HUDS to do this
  7. Followup. Logged in a alt. Worked. Same mesh body. Maybe it's just a glitch, cause, SL.
  8. Is there a way to move your own avatar now that mesh bodies are involved? A while ago, Strawberry Singh had posted instructions on how to put yourself in edit, and then you could move/rotate yourself. I had totally forgotten about his and looked it up just now. I got it to work momentarily but then, nada. I took off the mesh body and it worked fine. Ghosty seems to think maybe part of my non-mesh body must have been poking through somewhere allowing me to grab it. All I know is now I can't get it to do it again. Does anyone have a work around for this or am I going to have to buy something like Anypose (I already have the one to control expressions). I'd much rather be able to do this without spending money on it.
  9. Worn: Belle Epoque, Cold Outside Rare (Pocket Gatcha) Hat: Belle Epoque, Cold Outside White Head: Lelutka, Simone Bento Mesh Applier: Murray, Rosie Pup: Jian, Santa's Samoyed Adult Companion, Rare Hair: Besom, Lola Blonde
  10. Genesis tends to have a lot of Gacha heads so if you want to take a chance you might get lucky and not have to spend too much. While Lelutka is my first choice, and Catwa a close second I do like Genesis quite a bit also as they tend to be somewhat more unusual in appearance and you don't wind up looking like everyone else if you can't afford enough appliers to stand out from the crowd. I also like Murray's head but not many bells and whistles. The new Vista Lia looks quite nice - I bought it for an alt but haven't had the time to play with it yet. That one was $2500. Not too bad.
  11. Venting. Got a new laptop a few days ago. LOVE it, very happy with the purchase. SL looks amazing, perhaps even better than on my PC. I stayed home from work today, wasn't feeling 100%. It's my busiest time of year so I figured I'd work from home. Called our IT peeps to get the new laptop connected to our work server. It's now been like 5 hours and they still haven't managed to figure out how to connect the damn thing. I don't know if it's due to incompetence (although the guy I'm dealing with is usually very good) or it's my laptop causing the issues. I could use my PC, which is upstairs, but found out the server software was out of date and also needs to be set up there again. So, I've spent the entire day doing not a damn thing other than getting angry at our Cheeto in Chief. Ghosty went into the city today with a friend, to see the tree at Rockefeller Center lighting so I don't even have him to complain to LOL. Other than that ... hello to all!
  12. Just noticed this thread. If you haven't found her yet, she's active on Flickr. Here's a link to her page: https://www.flickr.com/photos/vanillajoy
  13. Sessions just came out with an athletic body applier for Maitreya's Lara body. It looks amazing. I may pick it up for a very different look than I'm used to. Here's a link to the flickr page:
  14. Dearest Rhonda, I just popped in to see what's been going on. Was reading about your elderly cat when I noticed the above update show up. I am SO incredibly sorry for your loss. Ghosty and I are dealing with a similar issue; our 16-1/2 old man kitty has not been doing well for a while now. He's becoming skin and bones due to kidney disease and now, we found out he has a heart "gallop". He sees a cardiologist next week. It's so difficult watching our fur babies age. No different than any other relationship we have. My heart goes out to you and your extended family. *huge hugs*
  15. Haha. Well you may have to deal with a llama kicking you in the head but other than that, sure LOL
  16. I was trying on some new skins - this is a raw head shot so that I could remember it later on. skin - Amara "Beverly" from Lelutka Powder Pack this month.
  17. This one was taken a while ago. I keep meaning to do another. I have one more but...boobs. So it might not be appropriate here LOL
  18. Me, 10 years ago or so not long after I rezzed and the most recent version of me from about a week ago:
  19. She's really unique, isn't she? I love her work!
  20. Applier: Amara Beauty, Beverly, Tone 03 (Powder Pack November 2017) Head: Lelutka, Simone Mesh Bento Hair: Sintiklia, Baby Girl/Elin, Bento Dimples: Izzy's Lelutka Dimples Lips: Izzy's Red Lipstick Deetalez: Beauty Mole Mesh Body: Maitreya, Lara Necklace: #empire, Letter necklace Gold, "E"
  21. This is a wonderful photo, although a sad story. You've really captured emotions with it. No advice. Been there. It's rough. Sorry for your breakup
  22. Izzie's makes a very nice winkle applier, along with other features that will help age a face; eye bags, etc. I've used it quite effectively especially when used with their pore applier.
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