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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I bought the Givoria Wall Paint pack, pricey, but really worth it IMHO. Gives great flexibility for changing the colors of the entire house interior walls. Not only does it have it's own textures (and a ton of them) but you can upload your own which is what I do. I have a favorite paint company; I find what I like and bring those into SL so I wind up with a very custom colored interior.
  2. You do know you can retexture all of those walls and floors, right? Though I totally agree that Blush's build is much better as are her textures - the bedroom add-on for the Winchester is spot-on
  3. Been working on the interior of my Lostbell home. Kind of worked backwards this time and finished the Living Room before all else. I really like this so I'm going to keep it as is though may add a couple of khick knacks if I have prims at the end
  4. I joined on August 23, 2007 so just over 12 years. This is my main account. I had 2 short breaks but for the most part have been here the entire time.
  5. Gorgeous cottage style garden. I always have the worst time holding back on my landscaping also. I start there and do the interior afterwards. I like LUSH
  6. Lovely waterfall area in Fuhrbol region of Bellisseria I found while walking around last night. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fuhrbol/180/18/33
  7. I can't say I prefer any terrain over another. I'm fickle. I like the desert, I like snow, I like mountains with lakes, and sandy beaches. I want it all. For me it's more about this feeling of "home". I am not sure I can even quantify what that is exactly but I do think a lot of it has to do with the way the light hits the house and land and if the property has decent views of something I can rest my eyes on that sparks happy in me. Pleasant neighbors that don't crap up their property helps too. With my houseboat it's the wide expanse of Linden water it faces. With my trailer it's the waterfall it overlooks. With the house in Lostbell, the fact that it's elevated high over all the other homes and looks out over all the houseboats, homes and water below. And with the other house I have in Edgar - which by all accounts isn't the most interesting of neighborhoods (yep me, 3 premium alts) it's the utter seclusion it affords which is way down a hill, with a very small canal on one side, and a road behind so the houses in back are WAY WAY away from me. It's nicely wooded too and just feels *right* although I'm probably giving this one up eventually since I don't need 2 houses and I'm sure LL will surprise us with some other kind of interesting residence soon enough. Having said all of that though, ideally I'm still hoping for a sandy lot right on the water. Hopefully, at some point that will happen.
  8. Happened upon a stunning waterfall in Fuhrbol last night. Really nicely landscaped area. Anyone who gets a home overlooking it will be very happy I'm sure
  9. @Marianne Little A little self-pity is ok. It's rough dealing with chronic illness. I bet many here can relate to one degree or another. I've had periods in my life where I've been debilitated for long periods of time and it's pretty miserable; I have empathy for what you're going through. I actually think speaking up does a person more good than hiding what you feel. You release energy in doing so and plus, educate those around you and that's always a good thing. FYI, like Leora, I'm thrilled for the balcony you gave me. It's made a huge difference for the property I just got in Lostbell - it affords me a fantastic view from the 2nd floor from 3/4 of the house now over looking the best part of the region and it fits the Winchester really well. Kudos and thanks! 🤗
  10. This is the view from my Lostbell parcel. Except I have low bushes instead of those high arborvitae. I derended the bushes permanently. It's darn perfect. I'm certainly keeping this one!
  11. Aaa the Plaaka kitchen! It's one of my favs!
  12. If I had the time perhaps I'd learn but I don't either 🙄. I'm out the door at 6:30 am and don't get home until nearly 12 hours later, I commute into NYC for my job. Nights and weekendsI catch up with loved ones, home stuff and some SL fun time. Last thing I want to do is devote hours to building. I'd rather play with our new kitten ♥️
  13. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lostbell/112/103/28
  14. /dying 🤣 I was walking the neighborhood, haven't seen any bells (nor balls) I did, however, did see some kind of Iand/house tracking box in the middle of the road near the beach. Not sure if it was left behind by a mole or is supposed to be there?
  15. I'm no builder either but I did tackle an add on for the Continental - very unprofessionally but it worked out well. I loved that home model for it's Victorian inspired appearance but it was way too small for my needs. I wanted a much larger kitchen so I stole the idea from someone else, I was wandering around one of the neighborhoods and saw it and figured I'd attempt to do the same. I used Blush Bravin's wrap around porch as a base. Since I'm not an expert and didn't know how to completely rip apart a mesh build, I built my walls around the porch railing which worked out fine (Blush has offered to come by and help me if I decide to attempt building it better); and purchased full perm French doors, sliding doors and windows (it went through a couple of versions before I finally settled on the final one that's up now). Overall I think it turned out well and it really made a big difference for the interior space. I'd love some creator do build this for real (Blush? ) because I don't have the wherewithall to ever do it lol.
  16. Thanks Quartz I had put in a ticket and overnight it was resolved 👍 Great info - and quick turn-around fix from LL. Much appreciated!
  17. Yea, that was the first thing I did. Did not work. I sent in a ticket. In the meantime, I rezzed chairs all over the house so I can get myself into the house without going up to the 2nd floor
  18. Thanks, yep that's what I was going to do but I figured it was after hours and didn't want to bother him. But I suppose it doesn't hurt to send a notecard. I needed the reminder so thanks!
  19. Making this into a new topic since I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person this has happened to. Got a new house today in Lostbell. Am not able to open the 1st floor doors to the Winchester - can open the balcony doors and get in that way. Can not get into the Continental. Can get into the Alderly Can get into the Adams, but only one side of the entry door opens. Earlier today, there was a house "stuck in the pipe" that someone finally got that couldn't get into his house either. I happened to be at the house because I was trying to catch it also and he saw me there and we happened to start talking and he mentioned he was having trouble. Also, in Lostbell. Wondering if anyone else today had any issues in this region?
  20. All of this. To add, for myself. My houseboat, which I got early on, I'll probably never let go of. While it doesn't have a beachy area near it or any "amenities" nearby - what it does have is mostly unobstructed views and open waters perfect for sailing. And my neighbor across the way is extremely friendly and pleasant to chat with although neither of us are their too much. My husbands houseboat is fairly nearby and he likes to sail over to get me (not that I don't have my own boat but it's nice anyway). Love the lot I got for my cabin/trailer too. Will not give this up either. Lovely view of a waterfall, private and peaceful. Both of those were "firsts" of each type. Have had no need to look any further. My house, however, has been another story. I too, love real estate in RL. I work in architecture and have for decades so perhaps that makes me somewhat pickier about the more traditional home and the surrounding area/view/landscaping. I've had a few homes that I liked quite a bit but for one reason or another weren't quite right for me; either due to neighbors (one person who kept putting up business related advertising, another who was too chatty an kept trying talk to me and pretty and I'm friendly in groups but I'm really not much for being neighborly like that unless we really hit it off right away). Or the land felt to boxed-in, with poor lighting, etc. I do like the house I have now, but the one I got today with an alt does surpass it. Both are very private (a huge plus for me) but opposites for location; the one I'll give up is at the very bottom of a hill, on a cul-de-sac and really not seen by other homes very well. The new one, at the very TOP of a hill - over looking all other homes with great views of the open Linden water, houseboats, and homes below. I like it MUCH better - the light is beautiful. It makes me happy. And right now, it also looks like the perfect spot for a great Halloween house!
  21. Weirder. I can get into the Aderly and the Adams (although only 1 door of the front one opens on the Adams) but not the Continental or the Winchester. Although, the 2nd floor balcony doors will open on the Winchester. Like, wth?
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