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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Ugh can't get into my house. I WAS inside like 5 minutes ago. Several times and now it won't let me in.
  2. Probably. I certainly will try. Just bought it a couple of days ago so haven't had time to try tearing it apart yet. Maybe tonight
  3. Did not get your house but.... got the house WAY UP at the top of the hill in Lostbell. It's pretty fabulous - overlooking the entire area. I de-rendered the bushes and I have a really good clear view of the entire water line up there. NICE. Really good walkway leading to the house also. I changed the house 1/2 way through taking pix - I'll have a wonderful view if I use the Winchester from all sides. I"M THRILLED WITH THIS. Going to give up my other house on my main account for this one. Quick shots - I'm at the office Esplin starts right at the next house.
  4. I always have trouble converting between SLT to (Maritime) and back to Eastern
  5. The balcony was the only reason I bought it. I was super bummed about the rest of it. Even the scale doesn't feel right. But hey, it's only money, right? 😋
  6. I bought that add-on. It's *ok* enough. I had to re-texture everything as none of it is my tastes and it's also too large for my needs. It was also extremely difficult to place properly but that may have been because the land/house seemed to be *just* a bit off center too Did you have any trouble with it?
  7. Ok did my good deed of the day. Told him to post in group for help, maybe a Mole can come out and help him. He can rez there, but can't change the land name
  8. Ok spoke to him. says he DID get it. But the doors are stuck. I don't even think he realized the land still read as Linden land.
  9. Now he's back Interesting. and trying to talk to me but I'm not interesting and chatting w/him
  10. I saw him change the house model, so he clearly had taken possession of it. I left. Then came back just to take a look around again and the land is back owned by the Lindens. So odd
  11. Ok officially not mine /cries I'm at work and had to step away for like a minute
  12. or maybe not... some guy standing there. thought he got it but it still says it's owned by the Lindens.
  13. Crud missed it. Saw it - hit refresh too fast. I'm an idiot
  14. I keep trying for it. Not sure even if it would show up at the top of the page as a new house or if I have to pull down - I've seen several houseboats and trailers this morning if I pull down.
  15. Is that the one with the Continental on it? Says "Linden Home" currently? I like it. I want it. Release it LL!
  16. got a house boat but in an older area - Due South so I tossed it back
  17. Yep that was it! I hoped I was quick enough for Badger Beach but hopefully something later today will wind up being good too! Just want sand. Can be 1/2 sand, across the street is acceptable too. But full preferable (hint hint to the Linden Gods 🙌)
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