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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Thanks Nika, and I will. Just haven't had the time the past couple of weeks. G and I literally are spending all our time with the baby cat, and also now beginning to start introducing her to our resident kitty which is a whole process in itself. So not a lot of time for SL. Luckily I work full time or I wouldn't even be able to read the forum LOL (my job is internet friendly 😊)
  2. I haven't had much time to really mess with the camper yet. New kitten is eating into my virtual world play time! So far, what I'm finding is it's challenging because of the lack of wall space. The one I like best (not remember names off hand) has lovely Craftsman like woodwork but not enough places for furniture. So, I'm toying with other models to see if I can come up with a concept I like with those. Thus far, have a kind of trashy/hippie vibe going but not sure if I'll keep it. I was able to pass over a ton of stuff to my alt - being a gacha hoarder is helpful. Going to have to get creative and test my limited building skills again but I'm up for it. Thought 175 prims might be too little but maybe not - these vehicles are really small, and as long as I find the right pieces and are prim savvy I can see 175 going far. The ones I rezzed so far really aren't conservative enough but I am sure I have similar pieces that have the same feel that will come in under the prim count most have. Being on a nice piece of land with good landscaping and a scenic view already there will help a lot. Loving everyone's photos so far. FYI I think I'm going to create a Flickr group for the camper/trailers later today similar to the one I have for the Houseboats (link below) so I'll post it once I have it set up. I think people find it helpful to see what everyone does with their homes and Flickr is a great way for others who aren't on the Forum to see our work too. FYI if anyone already has a houseboat and didn't know there's a Flickr for them, please oh please join and add your pix! ❤️ https://www.flickr.com/groups/houseboatsofbellisseria/
  3. Ditto but for me it's more about the decorating aspect of it all. Plus, each has it's allure for hanging out reasons. Ghosty and I like to sail so the houseboats are great for that. We also like having a "homebase" that's a real house, one larger to keep all our special mementos etc. And now the camper, for get-aways out-doors lol. As long as I have an alt that's premium, I'll give each a home
  4. Haha we cross posted I may have that DRD stuff too - gotta check inventory!
  5. Soy had a gacha that was called Trailer Life I believe? Not too long ago. I'm sure the store has it there if you feel like tossing away some Lindens
  6. That's the only bad thing about some of the houseboats. One of my alts got one in the early releases which luckily faces a large expanse of open water on 2 sides .And since it's not my primary home - more of a vacation spot - I can deal with the other sides facing other houseboats. The fact that I can dock a sailboat right on open waters is worth keeping it alone. The trailer I got yesterday (another alt) is a darn near perfect location also which I got just as as they released them. Now if I could only get a house that is on water I'd be set. I like the one I have as it's really private but one on sandy land would be ideal for me.
  7. Same here exactly. I just figured something was up and started to refresh. Hit it at the right time. I'm in your region, overlooking that nice little pond/lake with the waterfall. Really quite private. A rock wall on one side so the camper set slightly above me isn't completely in my view and the other 3 sides I see none at all from inside the vehicle. Honestly could not have gotten a better site if I'd picked it myself. I'm keeping this one for the long haul (no pun intended)
  8. I was totally psyched when I noticed this. My lot is on a small lake with a waterfall turning it makes a huge difference for the view.
  9. Really, I'm so surprised that I like this. I've been inworld for many many years so I had several premium alts. I got a houseboat in a nice location months ago, which I'd never give up. My current house, I'm pretty happy with the location now - not on water but it's private on a cul de sac, and there's just something about the area that appeals to me enough to stick there after giving up at least 3 other houses that were closer to water but not ideal otherwise. So now this kind of rounds it out for me since I have a nice view of a small lake at least. After decorating the houseboat and learning to do a small space, I'm confident I'll be able to come up with something great here too. Congrats to everyone that was able to get one today! Howdy neighbors!
  10. there's a wooden sign on the edge of the property line - click on it
  11. I really wasn't thinking about getting one but, yesterday after seeing the area decided, you know, I CAN work with this! An alt just got Beaten Path also. Right on a lake, with a view of a waterfall. It's lovely. And omg you can actually turn the trailer around 180 degrees 🙌
  12. It's completely screwed up for everyone
  13. Oh wow Campwich Forest is stunning
  14. Alt just got a houseboat in Beluga Sound but...next door was someone I know that I did not want to live next door to. So, I abandoned. I like that area but this particular site wasn't great anyway.
  15. Ugh only had about 25 prims left so I took up my bathroom - I think now it's about 35ish (I have not been able to be inworld for any substantial amount of time in days due to new kitten). Debating if I need to be that realistic or I'd prefer to add more clutter to the rest of the house. Maybe I'll swap back my bathroom for the small laundry/mudroom I did - although I like the idea of the downstairs being completely done. Do not want to touch the landscaping - I love it too much. I've going over everything and all furniture is pretty low prim etc so I don't have much room to swap anything for other items. Maybe I can capture another 10 or so if I'm brutal about it. I thought my houseboat would be more challenging but as it turned out, I managed much better with the prims there even with my sailboat always being rezzed. Not so much with the house - the desire for a nice outdoor space certainly eats away at the indoor and one needs to leave enough behind to at least rez a box.
  16. IMHO, windows look like they need to be lower - for scale purposes. But I'm judging for my short avatar. If I were standing in front of them, I wouldn't be able to see outside at all. AS for the appliances, not sure if it matters. Personally I wouldn't put those 2 near each other no matter what. The heat from the stove or an oven would not be the best idea right near the fridge. And it's way too far from the main cooking area. Yea judging by RL standards again LOL. But seriously, seems like there's plenty of space for anyone to configure their kitchen anyway they would choose to, where a galley, U-shape/L-shaped or open plan with an island, etc. If anything I might move the fridge to the left of the sink (looking at the photo) and leave the oven as is with an empty area for a pantry or free standing something else; coffee bar, place for pet bowls, or for art or open shelving on that wall, or whatever else the home owner wants there.
  17. G and I were in Home Depot yesterday - wow they REALLY kicked up their game with the yard decor. I can't even begin to describe the crazy HUGE items they had best of which was a pirate ship, complete with drunken skeletons, animated of course. We have a second floor front balcony to our home, and really thought it would fit on it - though I had my reservations, let alone the price was $350 /gulps so we did NOT buy it. There were a lot of other great stuff, a witch sitting in a rocking chair that cackled at passer--bys, skeleton cats and dogs, a group of witches stirring a cauldron, etc. All animated and lit up. Fantastic. I have a feeling we may be going back and getting something. We have a couple of smaller things (a frightening medusa head we always leave near the front door) and somewhere there are some headstones. Our house just cries for being done up right - it's a stucco Craftsman that's nearly 100 ears old and a bit forbidding in appearance . On the other hand - we are a tad lazy so we'll see 😋
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