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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I'd been hoping to get a better location than the one I have for a houseboat. The one I have is pretty darn good; excellent water access for sailing the biggest perk but I really wanted a little beach area and to be able to have a better placement for a pool if I wanted one. A while ago, when the Whaleback region was released there were 2 specific locations I had my eye on because both had a lovely beach area right near them. One was much better than the other because it was totally removed from the other houseboats. The other, was the last one on the line of the houses and also has that beach access. Well, lo and behold, just now I caught the 2nd one. I'm thrilled! Even better is I didn't realize at the time that house is also set a bit in front of the house near it so they don't face too directly into each other. And it faces west too so excellent sunsets from the appropriate parts of the house. The location still had pretty good sailing access - in fact, straight up you can get to my other houseboat (and Ghosty's houseboat which is near my old one). I can also walk to my Well Springs and Lost Bell traditional houses from there. Well, if I want to fly across the channel anyway LOL. Anyway, I'll be giving up my houseboat in Isthill at some point probably tomorrow to open up another of my premium slots for another use down the road. It's a very nice spot for someone who likes boating and it's also really low lag because the region is not crammed with a lot of homes and doesn't seem to have many people there most of the time. Will try and give a heads up when I'm about to let it go.
  2. I'd just AR lol. I've long given up even trying to reason with people. It's usually pointless because if they were reasonable they wouldn't have decorated so tastelessly in a region which has rules that govern against such things to begin with. I wouldn't mind it so much in one of the camping areas but not there.
  3. Caught a houseboat in Lobster Bight. My second in that region - but I'm releasing it. Both were wedged in between other houseboats. Dislike muchly.
  4. Having that beach right there is great, been looking for that but can't say I'd be happy about a snowy houseboat with a tropical beach right here LOL
  5. I hate those huge evergreens with a passion. Wish they'd stop using them at walkways. Nobody would plant these in that area. They are meant to be used as wind breaks and screening to block views in RL. It's an automatic blacklist item for me
  6. Heads up. Going to abandon the Rockham parcel. It's lovely but too similar to one I already have. Will let it go in a couple of minutes. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Rockham/237/182/32
  7. If they announce Victorians I will release one of mine in a heartbeat
  8. Just got a house in Howling Pines but meh so abandoned. Then one in Rockham. Not too bad, region was about to do a restart so I couldn't get a good look but it seemed pretty close to the water - so might have a view. Will take a look later and see if it's worth keep
  9. I'm still hoping to snag total beachfront. Or, possibly lakefront. I have the Well Springs across-beach front which I adore. And, the Lost Bell hill top overlooking everything including beach and houseboats which makes me incredibly happy also. My houseboat is wonderful because it's on open waters with few other homes nearby. And the camper is lakefront but I'm not using it as a home - making that ice cream stand out of it I've had some homes that had neither of my "wish fors" that really made me happy because they had other fantastic things going for them. IDK again, it's that feeling of "yep, this is home" that isn't quantifiable - you just know it when you feel it.
  10. I'm going to release this spot in Wicked Stepmother n a few minutes. Wish I could give more of a heads up but I'm at work and I'm able to go in world now to abandon and may not be able later on. I spent some time last night at the land playing around with it and I'm just not feeling it. It's really a nice spot, very private, and appears so much larger than it due to the way the house it placed plus in back starts the camper area so no 2 story home blocking the backyard view at all. I'd just rather keep my last house slot open for my dream home. Anyway - if anyone is interested will be sent back in a couple. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wicked Stepmother/73/74/31
  11. May have just landed this one. I might hang on to it for a while, only because it's so private and I value that. Will play with it for a day or so and see if it starts to feel like home
  12. I clicked on the houseboat because my main is still looking and I figured *if* I got a better location (and a square lot) than the one an alt has I'd swap - got the one in Zio. Not better but it does have a view of a lighthouse which would be a nice bonus for someone else.
  13. For some reason, I thought I'd responded to this thread but apparently not. My base look for my avatar has a lot of features that are reflective of my real self. Caucasian, quite short, mid-length blonde hair ombre sort of look, large boobs. hazel eyed as I am in SL. Don't wear much makeup - nor does Elora as of late, my appliers are "as is" out of the box usually. However, I'm a lot older - she is a glorified version of of me when I was in my late 20's/early 30's - mostly in body shape. I'm on the low end of plus size petite or, zoftig as my people say. Personality wise we are equal. I don't role play. Tried in the past when I first joined. I'm able to but really don't enjoy it so you get the real me completely when you are talking to me. As for what I wear - that is the big difference. In RL I have no inclination to dress anywhere near the way I do in SL. I'm a jeans, basic top and Birkenstock shoes kind of girl for both work and home (I'm lucky I don't have to dress up for the office). Black is my go to color of choice top to bottom most of the time. Some boho pieces but most are streamlined, classic and easy to mix/match. I love fashion from an artistic, historic and social point of view, and can throw together a great outfit for Elora but for myself have little desire to dress up. Same with hair, makeup, shoes and accessories. I'm happy enough to let SL give me a way to experiment without having to commit to having a closet full of clothing I'll never cut the tags off of in RL 😋
  14. Thanks so much. That coat was a PITA to deal with. I had to do some post editing on it. No. Not some. A LOT. In fact, I also had to wear the version for a different body because the one for Maitreya was not working for photo purposes with me holding that cat. Put on the Legacy version instead which covered that arm better. Additionally the cat has several poses and the one I preferred just wouldn't work with any version of the coat. Ugh. I must have done like 20 versions of that image before I got one which wouldn't have to be edited to death. The outfit underneath has minor problems too. The mesh was breaking on the right thigh slightly and the Maitreya alpha cuts were all too large (wish they would come out with an update already) to fix it. At least that was a very easy correction to make but still. Being on pain killers last night from dental work certainly didn't make this all easier 🤣 Shocked I managed to complete it at all.
  15. Could be you had used up your 10 tries when you got that property. So it logs you out.
  16. So after realizing camping life really is NOT my style, but also really liking the land I have my trailer on being it's rather private and has direct lake access, I decided why not turn it into an ice cream store? Let alone the name - Huney Junction 🤗 Still working on it but eventually will give out the SLurl so people can visit and enjoy
  17. I guess they were just going for the rock band name without considering if it needed a little something more to round out the pun 🤣
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