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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. OMG got a house in Well Springs. Across the street from the water. Finally, a sandy lot! Front faces water, which is fine though because I have an add on porch for the front of the house. Corner, good landscaping, won't have to bother using too many prims extra on that. Elated
  2. None - as usual lol. Everything he says is a mystery to me
  3. Yea I figured it out. It was like the house nobody wanted or the Moles forgot to add any landscaping to. I got rid of it
  4. Belaire release? Got one, not sure about this. Huge mountain in backyard, very inland probably releasing
  5. Debating about giving up my camper lot. I haven't been over there in weeks so it seems that would mean it's not as interesting to me as I'd hoped it would be. Really nice spot but like I'd mentioned a while back, I'm just not a camping kind of person so I got what I needed out of it and may as well not hold onto it. Probably will make a decision today. At the moment, I have a house boat and 2 traditionals; the one in Frog Hollow from yesterday which I'm using a Continental on (with a giant Victorian add on that I'm customizing more to my liking/retexturizing & ripping pieces off of) and the one in Lost Bell where I'm using the Winchester, which is at the top of that region overlooking everyone elses homes and has a killer view. I'll probably never get rid of my house boat - the location very good although if I grabbed a new one off an alt that was better, I'd trade up. I do use the house boat now and then, and I have a sailboat there so that's a huge plus. But of the 2 regular homes I prefer the one in Lost Bell. I adore the back yard area, been working on landscaping it for a few weeks now and am really beyond happy with what I've achieved there so far. Keeping Frog Hollow for the moment since I have one more alt to catch a better location with - it's a nice lot, but still not quite what I want from a beach lot.
  6. Hahah my alt just landed on your head - sorry about that It is a very nice spot. Might try for it since she abandoned her lot yesterday. I wasn't paying attention when the release happened - too busy at work
  7. Corner lot in Cadhaire being tossed back at 4pm SLT A few rows off from the water, views possible from several angles with some creative de-rendering. Nice lot - just don't need it anymore, got a house in Frog Hollow today which I prefer. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cadhaire/37/235/31 And gone! Congrats to Neva whomever you are!
  8. One of my alts is releasing a house in Cadhaire in a few minutes. Corner lot, a rows off the water. With some creative de-rendering you can have a bit of a view from several angles. I'm putting this into the other thread also but giving a heads up here also. Will hit abandon at 4pm slt. Only setting it free because I got the house in Frog Hollow today which is a better location - I do like this one though but I have another traditional on another alt I prefer better too. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Cadhaire/43/236/30 Gone! Someone named Neva got it within seconds
  9. Looking at the map, I do think I got your abandoned house this time around. Thank you 🤗
  10. Don't know - i popped over really fast and then logged out. plus, i do the same thing i just randomly type letters
  11. Got one in Toad Hollow! Not on the water but...second row with the back of the house facing the water so I am stoked! Best location I've had yet. Totally ditching one of the others when I get home tonight. YIPPEE! FYI Not sure if this was a release or not. May have been an abandon but I am happy with it. I think there was a release because there was a huge influx of houses/trailers suddenly showing up. I could not catch one for like 10 minutes and finally did
  12. Tell him to light a fire. I have to leave work in 15 minutes 🙀
  13. OMG right? Probably more like 75 minutes. For me it seems like every time I walk out of work which is around 4:15 pm eastern giver or take. I've missed a ton of releases that came out from that time until around 6pm, which is when I finally make it home. UGH
  14. If I got a houseboat in Whaleback I'd be happy with that. I was over there and there are 2 that are quite prime located - nothing near them at all if I remember correctly. I'd happily ditch the one I have for one of those.
  15. Anyone else get the feeling Well Springs might be ready to be released???
  16. There was a houseboat one of my alts threw back which was in a great location but...I knew the owner next door and didn't care to live quite that close to someone I know. I'm a bit of a hermit in world as far as where I live. I like socializing on my own terms and was not comfortable having someone I know right next door, much as I do like that person (and no it was not anyone here LOL)
  17. I'm sure you don't mean it to sound the way it came out, but that has a tone to it of assuming that these people have nothing better to do. I work full time and my weekends are sucked up with household and family related chores and stuff most of the time. I've gotten more than a few homes over the past months. It isn't that I have all the time in the world at all. Far from it. I'm just lucky that I have a job that allows me to use the internet without getting in trouble for it. I just think some people are extremely good at hitting the refresh button and/or have great luck. There's been times where I wasn't sitting around even waiting and just by luck happened to log on at the exact moment a region was released and hit the jackpot, so to speak. As for my comment which you quoted, I've known Marianne for quite a while and was joking about her being able to get so many nice lots. I'm pretty sure all of us that have known each other for a while (Nika, to whom I responded being one) knew that too and most especially, so did Marianne.
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