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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. I concur I keep meaning to abandon mine but by the time I get home to take everything up I am too tired to remember. Note to self: Write note to self to abandon camper
  2. OMG. House obsession addict here /raises hands - both! Ghosty and I (RL husband/SL partner) must have gone through dozens and dozens of homes before we bought the one we live in now. We still sometimes go to open houses - just *because*. I stalk all the housing web sites for s**ts and giggles and future hopeful places to live. I've mentioned before I work in architecture/design so I have a natural affinity for the subject. I also loved dollhouses growing up and beyond (an ex of mind, wound up with my adult dollhouse only because I just couldn't stand going back to to p/u anymore of my things from him and the house he kept that we had together). Creating set-ups of rooms and landscapes is incredibly interesting and relaxing to me and since I can't do it all the time in RL and my real home doesn't allow me the ability to do it (there's no point with cats running our life LOL) SL affords me a way to virtually get those ideas out of my head. I was looking back at some of the houses and gardens I put together the other day and wow, I was pretty impressed with myself. Might spend some time over the weekend putting together a Flickr album on my page dedicated to the best of them. Wish I'd put details down for them all but I only started doing that a couple of years ago. So many of them I don't even know what house it was I used at this point
  3. Haha, it's the person's alt so well, good luck finding them LOL FYI - Chic's work is top notch
  4. Welcome to the neighborhood to you too Cara! 👋
  5. Yes, I saw your name on the land there! Hello to you!
  6. Do you mean the one that wraps to the front? That was gifted to me by someone on this forum. I don't know if I should mention her name or not, since she does not sell it. I've told her she should but, alas, she feels it isn't good enough to be sold. Maybe one day she'll have the time to perfect it. For my purposes, it's fantastic and it always gets a lot of great comments from those who see photos, or people who pass by the house on foot.
  7. Thank you Rae! I am loving this little enclave so much. And yes, not a darn thing needs to be hidden. It's wonderful. Truly a slice of heaven here. Another thing I love is that the homes are not placed directly opposite each other, so those of us across the street don't have a house blocking our view completely. This is a huge plus! PS: I like the little pumpkin lights you added to your house. I was considering doing something Octoberish but I have another house which is in a woodsy area that feels more Halloweeny to me, so I think I'll use that one for decorating for the season. Well Springs is my idea of the beach house I'll probably never manage to have in the real world LOL
  8. I am ridiculously happy with my house in Well Springs. This is the fastest I've put one of my Linden homes together. Exterior - more pix to follow in the next days. Down to less than 100 prims though. May have to p/u some landscaping to finish the interior 🤨
  9. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Well Springs/157/84/26
  10. This is how I felt about Light of Aurelia. Truly, it was MY dream location. Alas, not to be.
  11. Love Izzie's. Pretty sure I have all of their stuff. May as well add to it.
  12. Shield, thank you for always being a ray of sunshine and hope. Seriously. Your optimism is always appreciated here.
  13. I shop ALL the time. I keep thinking to myself that getting rid of my huge region that a friend graciously grandfathered into his for me, will save me money because I won't be able to buy as much stuff because I can't fit as much on 351 prims of land. But, with having 3 houses there's always something I want anyway so that hasn't exactly panned out yet. That reminds me. Anything good in Fifty Liinden Friday worth buying today? 🤣
  14. This one was an aggravation. I was SO ready for it. Was in world, nearby. Watching mini map. Saw it go off line. Refreshing non stop It looked like it was still off line, could not teleport there at all either but kept refreshing just in case. Not one single house came up to even try for. /screams!
  15. Keep trying for a while if you have time. People abandon after releases frequently just because the house isn't quite what they are hoping for. Everyone has different needs and opinions of what makes a house a home. If you read this thread, you'll see how true this is
  16. Funny thing is I had my alt camped out literally at the end of the block, right at the house I got. I happened to poke my head in world just as the region was going off line. It was one of those moments of luck because again, I'm at the office and while I can stay more or less logged in and half paying attention, work does come first! And, I was in the middle of something. So, started instantly refreshing the land page and then someone came over to my desk. If I tell you I was "curt" but polite, that's exaggerating. I was more curt than polite and kind of waved them off 😉 not a very "HR" thing to do (a big part of my job). I kept having houses pass me by or what appeared to be, passing me by. Kept on having to log back in. I'm sure I tried at least 50 times if not more. Yes, I'm sure it was way more until I got this this home. The fact that it is such a good spot was shocking to me. So, truly I just think it's all a crap shoot. All luck and timing. Nothing more. Except for Marianne who I do believe has some kind of extra fairy dust hidden in her back pocket 🧚‍♀️
  17. Just sent my Frog Hollow lot back. Well Springs is FAR superior
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