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Elora Lunasea

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Everything posted by Elora Lunasea

  1. Thanks @Nika Talaj for taking the time to write the above. Adding to that - it has deep negative meaning to the Jewish community as well due the image being embraced by alt-right/neo-Nazi/right wing militia/neo-confederate/eno-fascist groups. The Unite the Right protest and resulting riot in Charlottesville, VA in 2017 is a prime example, where chants of "Jews will not replace us!" along with other antisemitic, anti-Muslin and racist remarks was the marching cry of those carrying the confederate flag, crosses, weapons, torches and other items. This riot resulted in the death of a young women, who was purposely run down by a car driven by one of the neo-nazi members. He also injured 19 other people.
  2. No. You came in here, invalidated the truth of how offensive it is and then put your foot in your mouth by telling us we're childish for being angered by racist imagery being displayed in our community. Far worse. Hun, quit while you're behind. Unless you're trying to rack up more posts in which case carry on.
  3. Thank you for taking this seriously, your quick response and explanations. Does seem an unfortunate misunderstanding but one which needed to be cleared up swiftly, If one good thing came of it, I also thought the Fairgrounds looked wonderful and I'm going to get my ice skates and go back and do what my knees in RL won't allow me to do any longer
  4. Childish fits? I'm assuming you aren't of any ethnicity that may be offended by a confederate symbol or know anyone that is either. Or, have been on the receiving end of racial profiling? Or been attacked in any way, shape or form due to your color, religion, sexual orientation? Grow up.
  5. Thank you Ms. 8 Posts for clearing that up for all of us.
  6. Correct, so pretty much, pick whatever would be local to where you live. My RL house is a Craftsman but has Victorian elements to it. We have cypress, yews, tree sized rhodedendrum and hydrangea, dogwood, flowering plum and maples, along with shrubs they used; hydrangea, roses, lilac, laurels and barberry. We have an herb garden - they loved those also and of course the usual mish mash of perennials that come back year after year such as peonies. Most are natural to our area - some, imported from other regions but now naturalized because our weather is similar to where they grew originally.
  7. He seems to be very active in all things Bellisseria. I don't know him at all. But that isn't saying much of course. I'm just surprised that nobody else thought to tell him that it wasn't appropriate. Or maybe I'm not surprised. *sighs* Edit: She (not that it matters)
  8. Also cypress, holly, juniper, larch, spruce. They really liked their evergreens. They also created their gardens as "rooms". And liked to collect specimens of a plant.
  9. OMG AR'D also. How utterly distasteful. I'm feeling quite angered and outraged this morning as it is and this is adding fuel to my fire. Thanks for pointing this out.
  10. Just got a Vic in Ivanhoe. Not my preferred location, very inland, however...I kind of like this piece of property. It backs up to a canal with a bridge so no backyard neighbor (a plus). I derendered all the bushes which helped to see the water better, and then derendered the bridge itself and well, that really gave a nice winding park-like feel the back area. And although the front landscaping isn't the most inspired that I've seen, the houses across the street do not look directly into my house so again, another plus to me. So going to keep it for a bit and see if this grows on me, especially considering how difficult it's been to catch a Victorian recently.
  11. Cute! It's one of my favorites. I've ripped it apart taking off the backsplash and window in some of my houses but wind up losing animations and I'm not so good at fixing that. Also, if you take off all the objects (which adds a lot of the prims) it leaves black "spots" where they were. I solved that, for instance, by placing a prim on top of each shelf and matching the texture. So where I didn't want all those object (like those 3 shelves on the right side with the frame/canisters/banana/books/etc) became 3 prims instead of like 12-15 prims. Then I'd fill the shelves w/my own objects but just not as many. Same for inside the cabinets. But again, at the cost of losing animations. I solved that by using the extra animation box that come with Hive's Farmhouse kitchen - dropped that in and positioned it. Still didn't have a sink one but at least it added some useful ones back.
  12. I just keep seeing campers and houseboats. Was shocked I got that Vic.
  13. 351 prims. Pretty easy to have a nice home being as the house is already there and gorgeous as is most of the landscaping. I have the other land to build on. And as mentioned, scaled down substantially this past year realizing I didn't need what I had. Probably, will scale down next year again and may even give it up. I have Linden land for community. I think that's fairly easy to grasp. Last equating living in Linden homes to living in RL government housing - well I have no words to describe how outlandish and out of touch with reality that statement sounds. You do realize this is all virtual and goes away when the you turn off the computer, right? ๐Ÿคจ
  14. My alt caught one - but it wasn't yours, too inland. I let it go.
  15. This is a huge assumption on your part. I've been in SL for well over a decade. I've lived in many different types of communities, even had an entire region of my own for a year recently. I've lived on Mainland, private areas, and Linden land over the years and have had good and bad experiences in all of them. While still owning my region I decided to get one of the new Linden homes since I was always Premium as are my alts. Surprisingly, I find it a delightful experience and it expanded my circle of friends enormously. I came back to the forums too, something I'd been away from for quite some time. Living in Bellisseria expanded my experience in world, not limited it and continues to do so. There is a huge community of people of all types, all interests constantly putting together events. There IS something for everyone - I bet, even for you. I still have my own land and a rather large piece at that where I can play to my hearts content and you know what? I spend nearly all my time in my Linden homes. I love the community there. I love the homes. I love the landscaping and the streets and the nooks and crannies of it. I love being able to walk from one neighborhood into another, and being able to feel the change in ambiance due to the great landscaping job the Moles did in each and every region. If you're unable to see the shear labor of love that went into this community and the effect it's had on those who live there now, it's your loss. It's not about "just going premium" for most of us at all - because most of "us" are long term residents who already were premium. Speaking for those who I communicate most with and hear from the most, it has more to do with community - the thing you are saying the OP should look for. So to the OP - come and have a look. Drop into some of the Belli neighborhood events. Judge for yourself.
  16. Yes, she already had homes I figured it out anyway - I cleared my cache etc and it's working now. Not sure why it was only that account and none of the others. But whatever. I grabbed one home in the Carnival region but it didn't thrill me and was having trouble getting into the house. Between the two I figured I'll keep trying.
  17. Ok this is strange. I can bring it up on my phone but not on my laptop. I tried shutting down and it still won't load up. It's only on that one account. All the others are fine. I can get into the account but just not onto that page. If I wasn't so lazy I'd go turn on my PC and see what happens
  18. Ok who broke the land page? (I forgot I have one alt left w/no home) Too many people complaining and the darn thing now shows not one single house of any type ๐Ÿ˜‹
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