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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Kelli May wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Kelli May wrote: Thank you Venus. The coat is from DeLa; they sell it in loads of colours and jacket length too. ... i just remember getting it out of the box and not having to do a thing to hit..when usually you know you will be doing a fitting session for atleast a few minutes with most jackets and coats.. yep, that amazed me too. I'm a slightly unconventional shape in SL, and I nearly didn't buy it because there was no demo. I was expecting a lot of work, but it virtually fit straight from the box. there is one other place that makes these really nice tops that come off the breast with the lace that flows down to a half top..it maks the top look loose fitting..i was like ..oh ya those never work on me.. but it ate at me and ate at me and i was like the curious cat and grabbed the fat pack takign the risk.. right out of the box they fit beautifully..i was so excited that i gave the best review i have ever given on the market place..lol i bet the creator even thought i was going a bit overboard LOL i'll see if i can find it..you may like those as well..they are nice tops.. i'll edit this post in a few minutes with the link..i'm sure it's still on my market purchace records.. ETA: ok here it is heheheeh :::insanya:::
  2. is anyone else seeing this when it happens to you? chances are it sounds like what someone had suggested ..it could be something in your cache or something in your files for second life.. i would totally remove all viewers and the ones in those directories that were mentioned above..save you log files if you want into a different directory before you uninstall and delete all the folders you could have something from one of the other viewers mixing in with the cache of the others.. i would pick the viewer you like best and install it leaving the others uninstalled..i mean if you have a need for two then ya use those but use the least amount you can to avoid more than one cache messing with another.. hope you get things sorted out..i know things can be a pain at times..but once we find out how to work with them we can pass it on to others making things much smoother in the future..let us know if things get fixed and what it was that worked.. *winks*
  3. Kelli May wrote: Thank you Venus. The coat is from DeLa; they sell it in loads of colours and jacket length too. ya they do have really nice things there...thier jackets and coats really don't need much adjusting at all ..plus they give you the chest and spine option for the body,, i remember just getting fatpack after fatpack of their jackets and coats hehehe love them!! i posted a picture a little while back of one of their flight jackets.. let me see if it is on my uploads.. *Tick Tock Tick Tock* this was all i could find at the moment..but the image on the far right is the flight jacket from DeLa as well.. i just remember getting it out of the box and not having to do a thing to hit..when usually you know you will be doing a fitting session for atleast a few minutes with most jackets and coats..
  4. We now take you back in time..back to where the party has been rolling for sometime now and a band named Santana is about to show the world who they are and just what they are really made of... Look out for those snake Carlos!!! \o/ Did you know that back in 1969 before going on..Carlos santana did a drug called LSD chilrens? (drugs are bad NKaaay) very good LSD i guess as far as drugs are concerned.. it was so good that while he was on stage playing he said that he had seen an Electric snake appearing as the neck of his guitar..and all he could do to deal with it was pray and look away as much as he could and when having to look he would squint really hard making this grimacing look on his face as if he ..well..as if he were playing a snake .. LOL in turn giving one of the best performances ever recorded.. Soul Sacrifice \o/ He talks a bit about it twords the end but it's a neat interview
  5. from what i have been hearing ..sl has been having some of it's best months the last three months.. so i guess we will see how it all comes out in the wash in time..
  6. Silania Pastorelli wrote: I am just worried that she sent in some made up offence such as sexual harrasment, I know of one person who got banned from SL because of 2 noobs doing that. they will look at the logs from logged time and if there is nothing then they will do nothing..
  7. BlackThorn wrote: The reason you can't upload is because it has to be in PNG form You also have to upload it from your computer now instead of from your inventory. If you want a picture thats already in your inventory, then just open the picture inworld, and then hit the key on your keyboard call PRT SC (it stands for pront scroll, yours may be different, but its usually located around the scroll lock or num lock key). Then go into a program like paint and paste the image. Then crop it or whatever, and when you go to save the image, save it as a PNG. then go to your profile settings and chose the file from your comp that you just saved. Works every time =] you can load images from the viewer to your computer without having to do all that..just use the "save texture as" option.. i believe you can get to it from right clicking the image or it's up in the menu maybe by the upload feature..
  8. honestly i only hear about things like this when it comes to animations.. i hope i don't have to dig through all my animations to make sure they are ok.. thats gonna take all night lol
  9. this is my second one if i remember right.. the one before this one died.. it didn't wear out or anything like that.. i was making tea at the time and the water started to whistle..so i got up and started to run to the kitchen.. before i knew it i was pulled to the ground by the cord from the keyboard..at the same time that pulled my computer off the stand and it hit the ground dying on impact..i looked at my monitor and the power light was yellow..i knew it was dead .. i just sat there in a big pause as the water still whistled and my monitor power stayed orange..then after about ten minutes i realized.. Hey now i can get a new computer!! whoo hoo!!! \o/
  10. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: There's a another thread here where the commenters seem to be laboring under the impression that war does not solve anything. Yet, those same people are most likely posting from safe western nations that came into existence, due to a series of wars. And for those laboring under the impression that you read that entire thread, Perrie posted Phil Och's "Outside of a Small Circle of Friends", which indicts self absorbed indifference to the suffering of others, and CSNY's protest song "Find the Cost of Freedom" which makes no statement about whether violent conflict solves anything, but rightly reminds us of the cost of freedom. I posted Twain's "War Prayer" to decry blind faith in country, religion or dogma of any kind. Celestiall, before you make blanket statements, look under the blanket? I did read the whole thread, viewed the vids, songs, etc. I was aware of Twain's double parody on Religion/war...even before you posted it there. Yet, you and the others made no mention of the fact, that wars are sometimes necessary. Nor, did you or any of the others, counter Scylla's statement: " In memory of all of those hundreds of millions -- soldiers and civilians -- who have perished in the last century through the all-too-human illusion that anything is ever solved by war. But, we both must know that war has, and will continue to "solve" oppression. It's how we are both able to be in this free society to debate this issue on the internet. Wars were fought to ensure that right for us. That I chose to not post in that other thread, and instead posted here with my message...was deliberate. But, that does not mean that I can't express my opinion about what is being said in that thread. I chose to post here in this thread...as the sentiments expressed here by the OP...are much more in line with my view of Veterans Day. Not, the message that Scylla is propagating...which basically says that wars are in vain...and lives lost were for naught. You might want to try looking under that blanket yourself. i admit my first post in her thread was in haste because the thread did not apear to be as deep as she usually gets..i expected it to be a big long post and saw it was really pretty tame.. so i just posted a video and typed up some of the words in the song.. i wasn't making a big statement about war..i didn't even see your post here until after i made my second post there.. because i took a little more time to think about what today was.. going over and stopping hitler is a war that needed to be fought...especially after finding out what was going on after.. stopping the war on saddam in desert storm when we had everyone with us was just a move on our part so we could go in on our own years later to claim our position in the middle east.. he went back and killed tons of his people and all of those that surrendered to us by us stopping..so we wait and let them build up..we broadcasted that we are coming which triggered outside help for them.. so now we are there forever.. when we could have made it short and clean years earlier..ending in a couple of months back then what will never end now.. thats politicians at work not generals..thats a war i can't back.. but i will always back and support the troops..because those are the people that are living next door or at work or in our homes.. i look at politicians as they look at us..just a name on a on some piece of paper i see once every two to four years that i don't give a crap about if they live or die..
  11. Snugs McMasters wrote: Dad fought in WWII and witnessed the second post war A-Bomb test at Enewetak Atoll. Although he voted Republican (often the most hawkish side of the aisle) all his life, during his many reflective moments he expressed grave doubts over any nation's ability to wield power in conflict wisely. He was not a fan of "My country, right or wrong." Ask any soldier if the war he fought was as simple to him as the one advertised back home. Your point about romanticism rings so true. In addition to the 27 million lost Native Americans you cite, Ceka, I can add 100 million lost at the hands of Hitler, Stalin and Mao Ze-Dong. Stalin's handiwork was eventually undone far less violently than it started. I quite agree that one's perception of the value of war depends on whether one is the victor, the vanquished or a third party historian. Mankind can't run this experiment both ways, our history is the only one we've got. Nevertheless, the very big numbers, as I believe Celestiall has noted in the past, point to our present as being the best of times. We are healthier, wealthier and less violent than at any time in human history. I remain hopeful the trend will continue. We will, I think, forever have disagreements about correlation vs. causation here, but I hope we can believe there may have been a better path to our present than the one we took and that we'll continue to look for better paths going forward. Dad never talked about his war experiences, but I am certain he introduced me to Twain's "War Prayer" because he was able to follow the bullets flying from the wings of his Corsair straight into the souls of the fathers and sons that never returned home because of his skill, his will and his belief that he was doing the right thing. A belief he felt deserved constant scrutiny. So I shall honor those who fought for what they believed was right by challenging what we believe is right. my family fought in those wars as well..infact Natives were a big part of the war with the japanese..those that could speak navajo..because the enemy could not figure out the language to decode the messages so messages were passed in native tongue.. as far as the 30 million..my point was there were 3 million left..break that down to all the tribes that were left and you are cutting it pretty close to being extinct.. apache maybe having 2,000 left when it was over.. orders were given to make the apache extinct..thats a scary feeling when i hear that..i feel very fortunate to be here after hearing that.. i wasn't trying to say we had the largest genocide..i was saying that it may have all sounded good from that side of the fence.. but it didn't do the other side much good even in today..they are not better off today..they are not less violent and they are not healthier..and they are now still oppressed.. i may be benefitting from things.. but i am one of the fortunate ones..because my great grandfather decided not to live on a reservation.. i don't hold things against people of today for past things they had nothing to do with..and i don't claim to be a victim of those things because i was not there myself.. i am in a very good life..and i am grateful to have such good fortune.. but for me i do look very close at why we go to war..and who is declaring it.. i never judge the warriors because they fight them because that is their job and they are doing what they signed up to do..and they each have their reasons for signing up.. i have the most respect for them all..i know lots of them from where i live..even some that did not make it back..i know lots and lots of veterans.. and i know lots that are soon to be shippping out.. in tennessee there is a saying..They don't call us the VOL's for nothin.. at work there is always someone shipping out it seems also... there is one man that is a veteran that goes around in town just cutting the older womens yards that have lost their husbands in past wars..he is like 75 years old..he was captured by the japanese and held until the war was over.. i've talked to him a quite a few times while out in my yard in town just chit chating about anything..i've never asked him about what hapened..i'm sure i would start to cry because he is the sweatest man in the world..and just thinking of them hurting him puts tears in my eyes right now and pisses me off to no end.. soldiers or warriors can't start to think about right or wrong or they won't live through them..thier job is to go there and try to make it back to us in one piece..i mean who could ever spit on anyone making that kind of sacrifice? not me..not ever but a politician..i have no mercy for and also see they never change over time either.. i can't help that i hate politicians..it's a vice i'm not willing to let go of..ever
  12. too all those that gave their lives may they all rest in peace.. to all those politicians that were giving away and taking lives as if they were chess pieces.. may they roll in their graves constantly to never feel peace again..
  13. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Thank you for posting this. There's a another thread here where the commenters seem to be laboring under the impression that war does not solve anything. Yet, those same people are most likely posting from safe western nations that came into existence, due to a series of wars. My own country, the US, was founded by a brutal war. Yet, that war, and the subsequent government that arose, became a clarion call for freedom that has spread through the world. This past year we have witnessed the Arab Spring, whereby those who were oppressed, fought to try and obtain some of the same freedoms, that we here in the West take for granted. But, this taste of freedom does not come cheap, and we saw Arab civil wars as the ultimate result. Even knowing that a brutal war is necessary to obtain freedom, humans time and again...choose that option! Why? Because humans want to be free. I actually have two sons that are old enough to be registered for the draft, and they are registered. So, as a mother of sons that could in theory, be pulled into a war, I certainly do not advocate for war. But, I also know that until we have a world where power hungry oppressors are unable to rule over others, that war is something that is neccessary, and is often the only way to stop the oppression. So, for those that hate war, I suggest that they look at the root causes of oppression. That is the key to ending wars. Look at how some governments deny their people basic rights, deny their people education, deny their people the ability to make a living. Wars happen for a reason and not only does war solve and eliminate oppression, but it's usually the only thing that can. please don't misunderstand my hate for war..i know how the U.S. was founded..it was founded by greedy politicians.. i won't go into too many details about that..all i know is it wasn't all in the name of freedom..because there was a population of about 30 million natives when the boats landed..when it was all said and done..there were about 3 million left to rot.. i guess it was a good thing if your family was on the winning side of all that.. i don't go around bitching about the losses and where we are today too much..because i know we can't turn back the clock.. but i won't fool myself to believe that politicians have wars because of the people being oppressed in other countries either or that it is in the best interests of the people in other countries..thats just romantic sales pitch that seems to rally people.. because if that were the case we would have been in more wars than we were already in..you can bet there needs to be something either self preserving about it or about better financial positioning or power.. iraq is the center position of the world in the middle east.. we are never pulling out of there..they spent too much to get positioned there.. just as they did with taking the america in fear of the savages..they have them in fear of the new term terrorists and taking positions in the middle east..sure there are terrorists..but there were not any in iraq..they fooled us like they did before.. since the war has started.. terrorism has incresed 100 times more than it was before..it just doesn't happen here now..but americans die from it more than they did 10 years prior..it's just happening in a war now.. my hate is for the politicians and the times when they waste lives more than anything..i know sometimes we have to fight..it should be when we have to protect what we have rather than take what we want.. i will always respect the soldiers..but i will never respect the politicians that do what they can to make sure the people in their own families and lives never get close to seeing a war..but will stroke the pen if it will get them some votes or better station in life..while it takes so many lives for them.. i won't repect their wars unless they can prove good reason for them...but i will never disrespect the ones that fight them..not even the ones on the other side unless they are a war criminal..because they are only doing the same thing..what was asked of them.. sorry for bringing this here.. but i felt i should answer why i posted what i did in the other thread..
  14. too many die while politicians play games with our lives while they hide their own families from going and fighting at our sides..in the name of freedom..as long as it doesn't cost them anything.. i had a few that i was trying to decide which one to post..but i think they all have important words to say..so i'm just gonna go ahead and post the others as well.. a lot may not like him but i think George Carlin was pretty smart man especially when it comes to war.. also i really loved when GNR came out with this song..i love the songs that mention the politicians and those so rich that they can get a free pass to watch the game.. i respect our soldiers..if we don't then who will? the politicians? ya right..they send them to die..
  15. i remember moving my skybox one time and i must have went over my head as well..i was cammed way way back..so i moved it up..then when i let go i went to go inside and seen i was bald.. so i started to fly around looking for my hair.. after like 15 minutes with ctrl alt T on..i went inside and was looking everyone.. i was like..what the CRAP did i do with my freaking hair!!! \o/ then i cammed back out and it was above my head the whole time way up above me..when i was moving around it was moving with me the whole time meters and meters above my head hehehehe i was like.. omg there you are!! i wish i had taken a pic..but i was too busy feeling really stupid..
  16. I'm liking mine so far =) i've been in the beta for two weeks now or so and i think i'll be downloading the new release to see what may be different.. i can always go back to the beta if i don't like something on the new release..
  17. how did those fall off? hehehe just curious lol
  18. Qie Niangao wrote: Finally, I'm pretty impressed with the pace at which new stuff is getting rolled out these days. It's almost as if somebody competent is managing the place. :smileysurprised: i know i have been saying this a lot lately..but i really do like our new CEO..A lot! hehehehe i look forward to the future in a much more excited way than recent past..=)
  19. Marianne Little wrote: Did you read my post? I have bought §L since 2007. If you want to compare cost of our inventories, we can have a contest. But the point here is that newbies must find joyful things to do in SL. If they start to customize their avatar, they will soon want better things. It is way too many that quit SL and never come back. The OP want to look good and find a job. I am sure that the money most earn in SL, is spent in SL and helps the economy. I agree totally.. we have to let them find thier nitch to where they begin to love being here..help when they have questions.. in time they will learn there is soo much more to SL than what they are seeing now.. they may become one of the top creators that everyone must have their stuff because they came up with something that nobody else has yet..then they will contribute like gangbusters hehehehe we were all new at one time and didn't know squat or have a pot..some forget this it seems.. they will find their way and become part of the community in time... if we don't bum rush them making them want to run away..
  20. TsukikoGeist wrote: I heard sometimes people help newbies with items or things like that, I would like to have a job but I want to look better first, so, is anyone willing to help a newbie? or just tell me about free good items? ♥ Do you have an idea of what you are wanting to get?? I'm pretty good at finding great deals hehehehe You can IM me in world if you like and just give me an idea of what you are looking for and i will hit my resources.. I'm sure with that and the help the others are offering we can get you looking *POW*!!! in no time at all lol I won't be on today..But i am on in the AM hours on sl starting around 6am SL time to about 1pm.. Have a great day and welcome to SL =)
  21. i tried physics for about 5 minutes.. i noticed something when i put them on and took them off.. when putting them on things shifted downward like a Gforce just tugged at everything at one time ..only it didn't go back up..this was when i was standing still hehehe then when i took them off everything went back up where it belonged.. it just didn't look right to me so i took it off and haven't worn them since..
  22. i've been using the beta version of it since close to when it came out and i really like it a lot.. it was nothing to switch from the v2's to this version.. i love the roomy feeling it has..there is plenty of work space when i am creating hehehe i also love that it's not a hog to run.. i love the buttons..about the only thing i could think of was maybe getting a worn tab if they don't have that on the new version.. that and some media/stream/MoaP filters.. i also like the IM's and notices where they put them..now i notice those right away when i come in rather than people hitting me up and all of a sudden noticing that someone had IM'd me an hour ago and it's too late to respond now..hehehehe I can't wait to see what the TPV devs add to it..=)
  23. JeanneAnne wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Canoro Philipp wrote: i agree, the idea of forming those organizations can be with good intentions, but they can get corrupted, sadly, thats a truth. but luckily, not all organizations that their purpose is to benefit society are corrupted. i agree there are some..i think the best ones are the ones that educate the user.. not the ones that want to be the weapon for them.. arm the user so they can protect themselves.. and i mean that in the sense of making them more powerful by being more aware of SL and it's good and bad things and ways to deal with them when they encounter them.. inform them of places that they may not run into griefers as much as some other places.. also how to avoid scans and and scams and any info like that that can help them out.. the way we get the grid dealing with griefers and all the rest of the bad that is just waiting for them.. is to help the people new to the grid get educated faster on how to deal with them and the many other problems they may face.. this way people won't feel the need for a crutch like these griefer groups trying to pass themselves off as justice for the grid.. no user should be cop,judge, jury and exicutioner to any other user..and no user should have to have that imposed on them either.. mind over matter hehehe *winks* This is the best post I've read on these fora, Ceka. Kudos! to you for it. :smileywink: You know what bothers me most about all this? What bothers me most is that all this creepy vigilantism, this cyberstalking of people, this using music stream to rip IP addresses, this collecting of RL data, this delusional paranoia, this activity that borders on if not actually violates criminal law ... seems to be tolerated and condoned - if not actively encouraged & supported - by the "Godz." What is up with that?!? Given all this, people can still support corporatism and dogpile on me for calling for SL to be run as a members owned & operated non-profit democracy? What is wrong with people, anyway? Jeanne well for the people as far as why they tolerate it..a lot of them don't know about it.. as far as the gods..a lot of that will show up as you read on.. we're sposed to be hearing an announcement of some kind ..well it was sposed to be last month ..but we're just hoping it's over due and still coming.. fingers are crossed hehehehe
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