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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Gavin Hird wrote: Scylla Rhiadra wrote: To use the analogy of movies again: I want to know if a movie is going to be excessively violent and gory before I pay money to see it, because it empowers me to exercise my personal choice in deciding to see it or not. Exactly, and how do you do that? You research the movie upfront using internet, papers and broadcast media reviews (which for SecondLife translates to use search, blogs and forums). You check the maturity rating of the movie and theater upfront (for SL use search or the map to check the rating of the sim) You don't just barge into a red light theater RL and start screaming for police and auhorties (Linden Lab and governance) becaue you did not like the movie or the people there. You don't just go to a random movie and make all kinds of fuzz when there is a scene of violent content that exceeds your limits. You simply leave. This behavior is easily translated to SecondLife. If you want to avoid content that disturbs you, you simply don't teleport into random, unresearched  locations on land that has adult content (adult in the meaning of the full range of activities that adults do.) Otherwise you simply stay in G regions where you will have an experience compatible with having children around and strict business. that was well put..just had to give you props =)
  2. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: when reading the maturity definitions you have to look at it as if you were a business or someone using search or some sort of advertising to promote your land..looking at it as they are talking to private residents will keep it confusing.. I know... And that drives me nuts because I suspect a -LOT- of us do more in SL than -just- sell stuff to the noobs. After all... the noobs buy the stuff, for a reason. Usually that reason is to go do 'stuffz'. So what kinda stuffz can we do where? -sigh- well also a lot of us own a business but also may have a private home hehehehehe. say you own a home on moderate land somewhere but also have an adult business located on adult land somewhere else that sells.....hmm whats a good example of a product? ok ..something that is not allowed on the Moderate market.....this is a make believe product by the way lol say you make these and sell them from your adult store in say zindra or at a mall in an adult rated sim... an orgy gor violent human bloody body chopper that has all this included.. Representations of intensely violent acts, for example depicting death, torture, dismemberment or other severe bodily harm, whether or not photo-realistic (meaning that images either are or cannot be distinguished from a photograph.) Photo-realistic nudity. Expressly sexually themed content, spaces or activities, whether or not photo-realistic. then one night you say to yourself..i'm gonna take one of these home and call up some friends and have a party.. you could do that in your home on moderate land..as long as it wasn't an advertised event.. General..well i would keep it as G disney as i possible..they don't want a mans nipple showing up in general..remember the one LL birthday they had ..no nipples day? LOL if this is what you were meaning by what we could do and where?
  3. Dillon Levenque wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: actually blondin was speaking with residents..but it was residents that were merchants.. these are the ones directly affected by the changes and ratings. in other words private residents and their private homes don't fall under the ratings defenitions. nothing has changed from what it was before for private residents.. we could never be nude or have sex on General lands..it's always been disney.. it's not speaking about private residents and things they do in their private homes..because private residents don't advertise.. I was wondering about that and still am. I looked at a piece of land for sale in a G (as in PG) sim and having read the current ratings wasn't sure. Did that mean I couldn't have a sexbed in my house? The owner never answered probably because he or she didn't know either. It says one can not be 'located' without any further descpription. . you can have a sex bed in General lands..but it would have to be disabled G maturity rating would probably be a good one for private residents to follow..i mean thats the only rating where they actually do stray from it being just about businesses and stuff like that and show they are speaking beyond it being about search or open to the public.. this line alone shows it.. A region designated General is not allowed to advertise or make available content or activity that is sexually explicit, violent, or depicts nudity. Sexually-oriented objects such as "sex beds" or poseballs may not be located or sold in General regions. basically they don't want any of those poses or animations in general but disabled sex beds are fine..it only becomes a sex bed when those poses are avalable to use.. A typical (if there is such a thing) American residential area in RL is pretty much PG. Anything out of line would draw fire from somebody. But I am almost positive that behind closed doors sexual intercourse takes place in those areas. I do realize that 'camming' in SL is a lot easier and less expensive than doing so in RL, but it seems to me that a person should be allowed some discretion in his or her private residence no matter where it's located. I even read a quote from a Linden on one of the wiki's saying in essence that 'we won't be looking at what people are doing in their houses'. Is that official? I'd like to see those definitions 'unfuzzed' at least to that degree. i would have to see the place in the wiki where they said this..if LL is going to say one thing and a linden say another..i would have to go with LL over a lone linden.. it would be better to just see the quote to see what led up to that quote..
  4. you mean like this? soul had a lot of screamers hehehe but since it as well as the others are a root of blues and blues had a lot of screamers as well..i would say somewhere in the blues history before it birthed all these other genre's of music
  5. Actually for private residents as far as rules go are pretty much where they were before the adult changes.. the same things apply to them now that did back then..the only difference is they can buy adult rated land if they want..but they don't have to..unless they feel they need it.. they can do the same things now that they were doing before.. if ratings were set up to where we had to qualify to be able to move to those lands..private residents would not qualify for adult rated lands..
  6. actually blondin was speaking with residents..but it was residents that were merchants.. these are the ones directly affected by the changes and ratings. if we look at the definitions as if we were opening a business it all makes sense..if we look at it from a private residents view we have a hard time seeing anything mentioned about us.. the reason is because private residents don't advertise the things they do in sl or on their lands.. an example would be say an escort living on mature land that owns land..she takes her customers to her home to perform her job..there is nothing wrong with that..she is still following the guidelines of mature rating.. now she see's there is a good interest in her so she wants to widen her horizons more to get more customers.. so she says to herself..i'll put an add in search..that should get me more customers.. so she looks over the rating definitions and see's where she would fit in..she see's that advertising sex from her home would have her fitting into Adult content rating..so she would have to move to an adult rated land... not advertising and she could still do what she was doing before and stay on mature..she would still be considered a private residrent having sex in her own home because she is not promoting her business from her mature land.. Adult definitions do tell us what we can have on mature by telling us what has to be on adult.. if we decide to go public with those things or whatever falls under those things that qualify for adult..we have to rate up to adult or move to adult..if we don't go public with them we can stay on mature.. it is very confusing if we look at it from a private residents point of view..because all three definitions are telling those that wish to open a business or have a business or something that is for public use..look here to see where you fit in.. and if you are not sure..you better check to make sure you are not operating like one of these or you will get a rating of one of these or moved if we find out you are and are doing it in the wrong place heheheh .. in other words private residents and their private homes don't fall under the ratings defenitions. nothing has changed from what it was before for private residents.. we could never be nude or have sex on General lands..it's always been disney.. if we look at the CS we see right away what rating they are speaking of..adult is all that stuff that is open to the public and in search and things we would do in our bedrooms gone live on channle 9 so to speak hehehe..so this part of the CS is speaking about pretty much advertising.. what is highlighted in blue is also speaking about land and groups and listings and events and other things that are ment to draw the public so to speak.. it's not speaking about private residents and things they do in their private homes..because private residents don't advertise.. Adult Regions, Groups, and Listings Second Life is an adult community, but "Adult" content, activity and communication are not permitted on the Second Life "mainland." Such material is permitted on private regions, or on the Adult Continent, Zindra. In either case, any Adult content, activity, or communication, that falls under our Adult Maturity Definitions must be on regions designated as "Adult," and will be filtered from non-verified accounts. Other regions may be designated as either "Moderate" or "General." For more information on how to designate land, events, groups, and classified listings, please carefully read the"Maturity Definitions" i hope i didn't just add to the confusion lol
  7. when reading the maturity definitions you have to look at it as if you were a business or someone using search or some sort of advertising to promote your land..looking at it as they are talking to private residents will keep it confusing..
  8. seriously? you are going to put that much into a one time in a long time search i made to go out dancing ? hehehe just so you know..you have me mistaken with someone that wasn't there for the ride hehehe i was involved heavily in one of those big projects that still is around since 2006..though it's not as big as it used to be..but it's just as popular as it always was..still in the same place it has always been in the search also.. i've been in some that have also fell off because of changes.. i assure you that dance clubbing is not all i do..it is just once in a while that i feel like going and this last time it took me close to 5 minutes to find a spot.. and no it's not like the next one or the next one after..this one had people in it having a fun time.. not like the bot riddled ones that some seem to be forgetting that covered the lands and riddled the search.. that had a big impact on a lot of businesses in sl..not just clubs..i'm sure scripted bots made for some of that waste land space on the grid we have now.. lots of changes happened over time..people have been hounding and hounding for search changes because traffic was so easily manipulated..to compete you had to have bots if you wanted to be seen..that or a good established following.. so finally traffic manipulation is being taken pretty much out of the equasion of having an impact and now search is the problem again because it was changed to what a lot hounded for.. the fact is people have been pretty bummed since before the OS sim scandal or whatever people chose to call it...i chose to call it that OS thing.. it's been that gambling is killing us..OS is killing us..tier decrease is killing us..tier increase is killing us... adult changes is killing us..v2 is killing us.. teen merger is killing us...display namesare killing us.. search is killing us ..market is killing us..ect. myself i stopped digging in in 2008 early 2009..i went from being dug into another big project to having been told to tear it all down because half the sims were OS sims and that we were giving all the sims back and folding up..a years worth of terraforming and sculpting and building and creating textures trying to design things not seen in sl yet for just one project..all down the drain in one IM..going from deep deep concentration to FFFT!! gone in the blink of an eye no warning...nobody got to see it but me and a couple of others invited to have a look around in phases.. that hurt for sure..but it was a good lesson..things can and will change in a heart beat.. SL changes constantly..it's part of SL and always has been and always will be until it is no more.. i'm here because it's still a great place to relax and to escape and create and meet a lot of really good people.. if i find myself getting bitter because of it or the changes made ..i won't be wasting my time in it..i'll be involved in something else.. the time i do have nowdays is not time i want to spend wasting it on something that i don't enjoy anymore..
  9. Guy ruth it's the best ruth eva!! \o/ we should have given them their own name for ruthing..
  10. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: C'mon ..you know Prince Will is hot now Tsssss i mean just look at him hehehehe and he has got talent too hehehehe Will Smith and Jamie Foxx have got to be two of my favorite actors. Both started in the typical fashion for how Hollywood labels a young black male actor: playing boys from the hood in a comedy. But both have shown themselves to way above Hollywood's perceptions of minorites. Though I've got a slight preference for Jamie since the Tookie Williams movie. that was a great movie..and ya i love how they ended up where they have..they are both my favorite actors..and both so funny still hehehehe will smith has the best expressions in the world.. i was watching the new karate kid when his son and the asian girl did that dancing game..The look he gave her after she was done was so Will smith "i am speechless" expression that i had to start laughing so hard..it was his father in him so much hahahaha it's that look like he is shocked and kind of looks around their face before he changes the subject lol oh i have to find this clip now lol.. here it is..watch after she is done the look he gives her..then goes whoo real subtle heheh
  11. Mayalily wrote: Again, this thread is for human avatars who want to look human, please. And a guide inworld that comes with the shape is what I'm talking about because people are spending real money to be on SL to look cute or smexy, but it doesn't look cute when a human is adult-sized everywhere except the arms, which are about the size of a 6 to 10-year-old. A basic guide inworld for the shapes can't be that difficult to create or add. I think it's a good suggestion. i can see where you are coming from now.. i just seen it switch from most to include everyone and had to voice my opinion..only because there are a lot that try to impose a certain way on people that come here that are happy with what they have chosen.. some of these threads their have been some that get right down to the tiny pixlels and pick apart someones work..i mean thats a bit too far when in world walking around nobody is going to pay that much attention to it.. i made my shape from my eye and never had anyone tell me i was amazon or too short or my arms were an inch to high or anything really.. i create with a tingle that runs down the back of my neck..it sounds goofy but thats how i know something is right..in photoshop when i am creating something or in one of my 3d programs or in my music and video editing or machinima or anything..if that tingle is not there then it's not right.. some i guess use a ruler.. some may have to use one where some just have an eye for what they feel is perfect.. rules will never change that and i don't care who their teacher is or what they told them..a ruler may be how the majority is doing it nowdays..until someone comes along and proves a better way and i guess we get more amazing aliens than we have now lol then all the chatter willchange to say the old ways are the wrong ways now..start doing it like this
  12. i am saying we have a basic avatar we start with..a mold..if someone needs more than that more power to them...if someone wants to be accurate as they can be ..more power to them.. if someone wishes to bring in RL features then yes by all means do that..if that is what they are after.. but if someone decides to change it into something else..or stray those features you don't need a ruler to achieive that with the mold..there is a basic mold already.. are artists saying they need more than that to work from in sl? my main point was this thread was posted as everyone is doing it wrong..my point is that not everyone is.. that kind of defeats the word creativity in sl.. i don't need a ruler to deform or stray from this model..that if someone says i did it wrong..that is only their opinion against mine with the way they choose to work with their mold vs mine.. if people are going for reality then ya follow that line.. if not then do what you feel like and ignore the ones trying to impose rules that they follow because they were told this is the only right way to do it.. trends get set all the time by people that show the rules can be broken and still work..they would get broken with more success if we were not always having rules tossed at us.. 
  13. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: no not all are trying to conform.. because it doesn't fit some avatars plans.. i would say..people trying to look RL human should try this rather than telling everyone they are doing it wrong.. Proper artistic deformation first begins by understanding and working with the undeformed. - Which is to say that, if you're arms are short or long - it needs to be by intent to achieve some particular purpose. Otherwise yes, you are doing it wrong. no it doesn't ..stop putting rules where there should be none LOL my point was don't say everyone is doing it wrong.. it doesn't need to come from anything but the imagination..where the heck do people get this stuff that there are rules to go by when it comes to art? in a world that is meant for "CREATION" not break down and follow the rules hehehe you don't need to know the exact features to create anything.. as i said..if you are going for RL human..then yes follow the rules..if not then no..but saying EVERYONE is doing wrong is doing it wrong...
  14. C'mon ..you know Prince Will is hot now Tsssss i mean just look at him hehehehe and he has got talent too hehehehe
  15. i noticed something today when i was on firestorm.. that i could not see a name on anyone..only the viewer type..i was like what the heck is going on? lol then i switched on display names and could see names and viewer type.. i switched off display names and went to user names and still just saw a viewer they were using.. could this be in their latest update that we have the option to not show user names and show display names or no name? i mean i scrolled over them and didn't see anything either.. not until you check their profile or put back on display names.. this was Firestorm ..so i don't know what is going on in LL's latest.. and i didn't really notice it until today when i went to certain sims..so i am wondering if servers are updating to this way also?
  16. all i am saying as a customer is this..i'm using what works best for me..if you guys want it to go back to the gamed mess that it was before that so many complained about then have at it.. i didn't see fair when i had to wade through 5 pages of bots that i don't have to wade through now.. a lot of places that would have been burried and would not be seen before are being seen now when i do use search it works better as a search user trying to find something..thats it's job and what it is meant for..results..not for who can cheat it the best.. in places i have 6 different options to choose from now..i'm glad it's not free and easy to manipulate search like it was in the past.. as i said..the other night it took me 5 minutes to find a good club to go to when i felt like dancing.. i can't remember the last time that happened.. if it got harder for people that have a business on the search..i would be blaming the ones that gammed the crap out of it for years rather than the ones that made it better for the ones that are getting results now.. all those years of complaining and they heard those complaining about it..they got what they asked for..if some regret that they spoke up..then not sure what else to say..complain some more i guess and see how it turns out next change hehehehe
  17. if people are trying to look RL then ya.. if not then no hehehe no not all are trying to conform.. because it doesn't fit some avatars plans.. i would say..people trying to look RL human should try this rather than telling everyone they are doing it wrong.. just sayin *winks*
  18. I've only seen the one that came on late lastnight.. after how it was in the forums before these..my hats off to the mods in reacting as fast as they are nowdays.. i woke up thismorning and the one i did see was gone and no others around.. keep up the good work and thanks again =)
  19. it's an internet thing..it happens everywhere all the time.. the thing is it leaves a mith behind with it having people think that is how it is most of the time.. that only those types use the intranets..thats old intranets.. with cell phones and every kind of gadget and laptops able to connect..anyone can be on the net..it's not just for people into computers and coding anymore.. it's grown to where it is becoming one of the top forms of home entertainment.. now we can hook the internet up to our tv's and crusie or have music playing or second life or watch a movie.. second life is full of fashion for women.. there are some that still believe that only men woudl be attracted to that LOL that girls still do not exist on the intranets..Oo
  20. 3 years ago the search sucked lol it may have been good for businesses that knew how to play it .but for customers trying to find anything..it was crap.. there has always been a market and a lot of us wised up to start shopping xstreet or the market before we went to a store.. why is market so popular..beause we can see what is there before we go there..not get lured by a bunch of bots to a place that has stuff that should be on the freebie shelf.. search is not just for the ones that put up their adds..it's also for the ones using it to spend the money on their stuff.. if i can put up a search and find what i am looking for it's working..if i have to wade through a bunch of junk because they know how to play the game better than a better artisit..then it's not.. i've been using xstreet for my catalog long before the search was changed..because you couldn't find anything on it 3 years ago..
  21. Sure you can hehehe thats the great thing about virtual worlds that allow it and immersion that can come with it...Ethics that count change from land line to land line..not user to user..in other words..another user pushing their ethics onto another user is wrong in a place where it is allowed.. "oh thats just not right put some clothes on".. "well the rules say it is allowed so i don't think i will" thats all this is really about..people dragging their RL ethics into a virtual world where we are allowed to be as free as these rules say we can..it's users trying to cramp less freedoms on others than themselves trying to make others fit into their second life and not respecting the second lives of others.. have you ever felt good about an outfit? a pair of boots or hair that fit just right or a set of eyes that changed the whole look of your face? if you have then you can see how someone can get that same feeling from a shape and skin.. it being right or wrong is not up to me or you or anyone else unless they come into our land where we may or may not allow it..that or are on General running around.. I don't run around nude myself..well not all the time hehehe..i love a lot of the fashon i buy and how it fits me..i feel good about it..it's only just a bunch of pixels..but so is all the art and everything that we can see and interact with on the net.. it's the internets atoms.. 
  22. you would be asking the wrong person about that hehehehehe it could be someone elses or glitched or anything really..
  23. it's some sort of orb or some protection they have on thier land..
  24. greek Wingtips wrote: From the days when there was 69k people logging on, god knows what it is now, but for sure it def has dropped to what I think is critical levels, the other day myself and my partner decided we go and look for somewhere to dance, I could not belive how many places were empty and I not talking about low turn out times, I think we hopped to about 7 clubs then decided to quit looking, I own a club but its more for my 24\7 blues radio and a place for newbies to chill out,I aslo sell tats on market place and at my club, again sales are so low to the extent of maybe one a month, dispite my add's I really want to know what LL's are doing about this, keeping us in the dark and thinking we cannot see this and the amount of friends that have left SL either for new worlds or just quit dues to the cost, Its about time LL's told us what thier future plans are and how they tend to get things back up to the levels it was, and before anyone say I am moaning, please dont forget I do pay £££ to play this game so I have a right to express my views, I really dont want to leave SL as I have made many friends which is the main factor I am here, but thier will come a time when I will also hang my boots up, I like to here anyone views or better still any LL's employee's as the projected future plan of SL it takes me about 5 minutes to find a place to go dancing..i just found a really great club the other night that has me going back to it.. i think a lot of bullcrap has been weeded out is all.. because finding one before was harder to find actual people in it..sifting through the bots was a pain..
  25. men walking around with no shirts on thinking it is ok when i am shopping or out dancigng in a club or at anyplace in sl need to be put in check then..that or i'm just gonna start going toppless the second i see one lol.. they are not considered nude..but if i were to take my top off and stand next to them..it would be me that was considered the one that was nude.. maturity ratings show it is ok to be nude in mature and adult lands...just not general.. Mature and adult lands unless a sim owner or parcel owner doesn't want it on their land then that should be respcted..otherwise the same respect should be paid to someone nude as well as clothed.. people should expect to see nudity on mature lands just as they should be expecting it on adult.. normal is decided by the rules and land owners..not by people saying..just b'cause.. 
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