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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. if it wasn't for spam we would never have this kind of important stuff that makes fun of it..
  2. you would not be able to send your alt the things that are no transfer items.. pretty much everything else you can..
  3. i wonder if we would get muted by them if they sent us one of these adds then did the same thing back to them sending them one or maybe 3 for every one they sent us about something stupid like.. Bot: Ceka we have a great deal on this brand new car we just put on the floor for only 99L$ Ceka bot: oh that sounds like a really neat item..i have a new scab on my butt from falling out of my car..don't you hate when that happens?just not in the mood to buy a car today..oh wait someone just drove by in their loud Azz truck so you may not have heard me..i'll resend..but before i do..have you seen STORM and know if he has my pic or not?..me and my hubby 2 b are hunting him down..
  4. OR!! there are a lot of red headed step children in sl that are all grown upnow and here to escape the memories of being a red headed step child? Oo Well it's possible
  5. this is me from the front just getting dressed for the snow we have been getting this past winter... and now mah sexy back view as i was walking away from the tennessee's lil miss body building championship..i only took 4th..those other girls were built
  6. Melita Magic wrote: IBTL. oh you mean i get to use my IBTL pic? i haven't gotten to use that in such a long time *opens her bag of pics* now where is that damned thang? STORM!! did you take my picture!!!?? hehehehe
  7. also did you install over the top of another version? sometimes that will mess things up as well..a fresh clean install may be all you need of the current version..
  8. my fiance just opened his account a few days ago and went premium right away..went to a sand box to rezz his boxes so we could get his shape and skin and clothes on him.. he tried doing it where the avatar was born..but there is no place to rezz things there..the lands wouldn't allow it.. so where do we send them then? just have them sit there until the clock ticks saying ..ok now you can really go out in the world.. would you honestly settle for that as well if it was you just entering SL and having to wait around before you could go out into the world?
  9. i think if we based it off of everyone growing up in a nice area like a suburb then it would be more understandable.. some were raised watching disney with everyone sitting around the tv.. some were born duckng bullets and making sure they didn't step on any crack needles..some maybe a little less violent areas.. some may want to picture what it was like growing up in the areas they didn't grow up in.. Adult doesn't always mean porn.. a lot of ghetto sims and more harsh version of reality sims are in mature and adult regions.. things that can't be placed on General sim lands.. some stores are only located in mature and adult as well.. not all sell things that have to do with sex.. i think when we hear the word adult..a lot think sex or fetishes and forget there are other things going on in them.. a lot of moderate sims keep the M rating but are run as General lands..I'm sure some adult regions are the same way..
  10. if there is a setting for this it would be under preferences and then the firestorm tab and then at the top of that window click windlight .. there are settings in there that may help..i never really mess with any of that so i'm not sure if the one you are looking for is there or not..maybe though =)
  11. holy crap!! it's 12" ishy where have you been hiding? first the bouncing F and now this.. Ishy i have another request *winks*
  12. you could try getting an older version from the group the group name is" phoenix/firestorm viewer support" if you are not in there already.. i have all their versions but i don't think i can upload them here or i would give you the version you are looking for... you may be able to get it from their blog if the links are still live on there..here is the link to their site.. http://www.phoenixviewer.com/ just scroll down until you see the version you are after =) ETA: actually it shows a link on the second page of blog posts.. and the links look live..here is the link for the second blog page..the version you are asking for has links on the bottom of this page.. http://phoenixviewer.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2011-04-21T09:04:36-08:00&max-results=5
  13. i would say that by now people would know what kind of reaction they will get from some of the people in SL.. no type of avatars go unjudged from others..everyoine has their haters.. someone that likes to make a pretty avatar is looked at as shallow and superficial from some others .. people that play furries have their haters too..some furries hate human avatars.. if you are asking why people do this..it's human nature and people hate on different things..mainly because they don't understand them or never take the time to learn the why's.. if someone attacks you because of how you look..that is just them scared because of their ignorance or of only looking at things from one side of a version of it.. i don't think that is ever gonna change.. you can deal with them or act like you don't see them..but i doubt you will change many of their minds.. human nature is human nature..and in SL the inhabitions get lifted a little more and people will show a bit more of how they really feel in here and voice it..where in the RL they would keep it clammed up a bit more.. if you roll a child avatar and head off to mature and adult sims i think you would know what kind of reactions you might get.. i think everyone should be able to roll what they want and play them within the rules.. but there will be some that feel that if you enter their viewer window that they have the right to push you around.. if they push too hard just AR them..if they are just spouting regular jibberish that you have heard many times before..then just ignore the programmed ignorance and continue what you were doing..
  14. Dogboat Taurog wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: actually V1s hog more resorces than V2's if you are speaking about the servers and sims.. if you are talking about computers..thats gonna change between users Phoenix runs faster than V2 on my machine. thats a fact. ive tried them all as i said before, and i have been in SL long enough to know what suits me. perhaps you dont know much about resources and frame rates. perhaps you didn't understand what i said..server side V2's are less of a hog..client side it becomes user to user.. your last line speaks volumes..it says..dogboats system is how we tell how frames work..that frames and resources are only affcted by usage and not settings.. what suits you does not define user to user.. it just shows your lack of knowing how this whole thing works.. i use both. i don't just try them.i think i know my system better than you do..mine gets better frames on a v2 than a memory leaking patched up v1 trying to run on v2 servers.. my v2 will run the same and use the same 5 hours from now..if i fire up a v1 then it is count down time to a crash depending on the viewer as the leaks suck down my resources..i find myself going into processes and clicking off slplugin.exe after slplugin.exe over and over because of my v1 trying to keep up.. that may not be the same for you..it's all in the settings and systems..not on some scale we all go by..
  15. that was a good movie =) i love all his movies he is in though..he's funny and sexy all at the same hawt time
  16. my alt has the same shape as me..so i just try things on me and make a few setups and send them to her and she dances around or walks or whatever to see how they look.. i adjust as needed then resend them to her..it helps a lot
  17. so you won't be wearing clothes *winks* ever seen Crixus from spartacus..thats a sexy look..after the hair cut hehehe there is nothing like a gladiator in wrappable cloth..it's like christmas and everything is wrapped with the expensive wrapping paper =)
  18. actually V1s hog more resorces than V2's if you are speaking about the servers and sims.. if you are talking about computers..thats gonna change between users
  19. you seem to be in a bad mood..i think it's time for a plate of Get happy
  20. are you talking about people that use it in world or in the forums? cause really the forums seem to be pretty tame nowdays.. Inworld. nobody really ever said it to me. i think i could count on one hand the amount of times i have really ever heard it said by others in something like general chat .. also never in the forums has anyone ever said it to me.. i've seen in the old forums some ARing threads more than anything..not really someone saying they were gonna AR someone..
  21. if they ever decided to make some commercials they may get some attention..they have been around since 2002 and hardly anyone has heard of them.. word of mouth is about their top advertising..
  22. i believe it's a nice place to visit but i wouldn't want to live there.........without the option to come home
  23. it's a far cry from the version when it was introduced.. the side bar moved the whole screen over and thats what set off the hate for the side bar.. seperated camera controls..like looking around and loooking right to left were something people did at seperate times.. thier first release was crap.. now with third parties coming a long the way they are..more are switching to V2's. Firestorm is getting better and better with each version.. their first pre alpha performed better than anything out there.. I haven't crashed one time since using it.. i always felt that when firestorm gets released on beta..the tides would change about V2's so far people are loving it that were v1 users.. i really feel thats it's going to be what brings a lot of people over from v1's.. it just has a feel that a lot would like.. plus there is PIE for everyone that wants it \o/
  24. if it was market place and all else fails maybe you can AR the item as well by reporting it with their AR system..i mean if it is on the market and taking money for something and fraud is going on..then there should be something that can be done there..
  25. you can maybe try this..this is just a quote from another post "you can go here https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ then open a case under account issues. if you are wanting to change it to new information then just choose option from the second drop down "Change Account details " they should help you now.."
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