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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. That reminds me of an old saying from one of the nations.. "A nation is not conquered until the hearts of its women are on the ground, Then it is done, no matter how brave its warriors nor how strong their weapons." I wanna say it's Cheyenne,but it's been a little bit since I've had the time to refresh myself.. hehehe
  2. When I stopped watching the news for anything but the weather and removed any kind of political jargan as soon as it hit my browser or around the dinner table and inside our house, peace and quiet soon followed and my own thoughts and ideas emerged and overcame everything.. Once the clutter and noise was removed,there was much more clarity and enlightenment.. hehehehe
  3. It's like insulation from the outside noise the world makes..It's why you can hear your feet crunching the snow so easily.. I miss that insulation..A lot..hehehehe
  4. In SL,most of my shopping is online..But I'll go out into the real virtual world if there is a nice top or outfit at an event or a good sale going on..But mostly do a lot of MP shopping.. the strange thing is,I won't buy from a store in the MP,unless they have an in world store..hehehehe
  5. It's funny how we act like we are not animals but still act like animals ..hehehehe
  6. Every time i hear the word Audacity,I think of Brian Regan doing the skit about the guy with a stomach ache claiming to be a pain level 10..Then talking about how he couldn't claim to be a 10 because femur bone breaks have exclusive rights to level 10.. Then saying to himself,what am i worried about it's not like there is a femur ward here or anything.. like some guy is going to come down here limping in a rage from the Femur ward screaming..Who in their right mind had the AUDACITY to claim a level 10!! hehehehe He does it better than I can explain it..hehehehe
  7. That's the one.. M.Wonder hehehe I remember asking him a question about if me and my husband wanted to play..we would both get banned because we both had the same IP and would be considered the same user.. Redzone was much worse. I don't even want to get started on that one ..hehehehe those days are over for me..
  8. Wasn't there that sploder that had the security built into it that would match an ip and connect the dots from two or more accounts? I remember the guy that made it going after everyone in the greenzone group..He put us all on his list and any sim that used the sploder would kick us..I was kicked one time....one time..hehehehe But it could onnyl catch you if you went there at separate times with your accounts..so if your alt never went there and you had all media and music off and didn't try to play..they wouldn't know..because to play you had to expose your ip to them.. but if your name was already on their list it didn't matter,they could still boot you from the land.. That's kind of what I remember and that was a long time ago ,so it may not even be around anymore,but maybe the security part is..
  9. I've been watching 6 Underground.. It's a Ryan Reynolds action movie about a tech genius billionaire that grew up playing with magnets to the point he was inventing different types and 5 others with each their own special talents..They fake their deaths and become a task force to improve the world by taking out the really evil powerful people that are, as they put it,Putting too much stuff in the box.. They have a box and put all the bad stuff happening in the world in this box..If one of the bad guys on their list of evil powerful people puts too much stuff in the box,they go after them to get rid of them..pretty much..hehehe It was pretty good..
  10. I'm just a lurker with a smartass attitude..
  11. I think you need to use the server address and not the .com for it to work.. I know that if I add a station to my land ,I can't use the page the station is on,but the server address itself.. I usually have to take a station into winamp to get the server address from info, before it will let me use it on my land..
  12. I remember giving a friend an idea to toy with her kids on Christmas morning.. just put one box each with a piece of charcoal in each box under the tree,then move all the gifts downstairs on the couch where the kids usually first go when they get up.. But Christmas morning you know they are going for that tree first.. She was like,OMG we have to do this..They just have this automatic attitude that they are getting something.. So I went over to her house real early in the morning and helped her move the gifts downstairs that she was gonna put under the tree.. We had tea and waited for them to get up.. Sure thing,they went straight for the tree first thing all excited,until they seen only 3 boxes under the tree.. So they ripped off the paper and opened the boxes and found the charcoal.. The youngest came up to their mom and said mommy Santa gave me one of dads rocks for the grill.. I about busted out laughing but held it in when she said that..just relating it to the grill I guess..hehehehe Anyways,she said to them..you guys must have made Santas the naughty list or something.. So they all threw the charcoal in the garbage and went down stairs.. There was this big pause and then the loudest screams of joy I'd ever heard.. hehehe I could finally let loose and laugh.. She told the kids,Santa must have been leaving you a warning about being good.. I started laughing even harder when she said that.. she say's ,those kids didn't take Christmas for granted after that.. They know now what we did,now that they are older and know there is no Santa.. But ask them what was their favorite Christmas and they'll tell ya..the one where we didn't think we were getting anything and then we did..hehehehe
  13. Well,I heard we have brains to keep the Zombies alive,which in turn keeps the Ninjas that hunt the zombies,happy.. Zombies usually eat a lot of the new users brains because they are pretty easy to get since there is such a learning curve at first and the zombies can outrun the new users really easily.. There is a trick to not getting your brain eaten by a zombie as a new users and it's why we always have new users around.. When a new user goes to try stuff on,a lot of times they get boxes stuck on their heads and zombies can't smell their brains.. Aaaanyways,Zombies keep the ninjas happy which keeps us older users safe..because if the ninjas have no zombies to hunt,they get bored and start Hunting older users,because new users are no challenge for them.. As older users it's much better to run from a zombie than it is a ninja,because Ninja's are much smarter and way faster than Zombies.. I forgot what the original question was.........Oh yea!! And this is why we have brains..
  14. I have to say ,this thread has helped to break up the monotony at work last night.. I don't know why,but it was just interesting to read.. Maybe just more interesting than work was I guess.. Anyways,thank you all..
  15. I believe it has to have a dot gif .gif at the end of the link or it won't.
  16. Yea,I'm not sure what the technical term is..I just always called it fast port..hehehehe
  17. I have that on. With fast port off on the land, you just end up at the landing spot each time and not where you wanted to fast port to.
  18. I'd much rather be able to fast port to spots than fly.. It would be nice if the places that didn't want fly, would open up the fast port..because walking in place gets old really fast.. hehehehe
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