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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. After all the years of her being gone,she still keeps on giving.. Oh how i loved the days before autotune became so overused that it's saturated in the industry today. you know the funny slogan about eggs on a frying pan being your brain on drugs? That's how I see auto tune and the self proclaimed artists on autotune with egos. This is an artist,A real artist,not on auto tune..
  2. Here is a funny way to find out.. Go to the market place and buy anything that say's,strip me or something similar..Then turn off any access.. Most have some sort of message that will come over your chat. Try a bikini and go to the beach,grab a beach towel or lounge chair AND JUST WAIT.. I was in tears cracking up this one time.. This guy must have clicked my bikini like 50 times.. He must have thought he was clicking or doing something wrong,because he just wouldn't give up.. My chat was flooded with his effort and determination..
  3. No you don't actually sit on the horse..You have to wear the horse..
  4. When Life's a drag and you're under the weather, Click play, Then Shake your tail feather.. Good music always helps me..Hope it helps you too..
  5. I heard what was supposed to happen sort of with those people..But don't want to spoil it if they do bring it back..Plus it may just be what they hoped for in it as well.. hehehe
  6. I sure hope so,because it was one of my favorites.. I loved when they would get people on that you thought would fit in well and then something silly would happen to them and it would end up just being the core group again.. Like when Will Ferrel was on there..hehehehe It's such a great show.
  7. I'm gonna start up this show for the third time.. I just love this show and hate that they canceled it in season 5..it was just getting even more better.. Last Man On Earth
  8. No,but we do save them for people that seem to like them, every time we take some bulls in to stock up the freezers.. I've never had them and never will.. Trust me when I say,people have tried to trick me into eating them and my,don't do it senses started tingling..hehehehe
  9. If it tastes good I'll eat it.. Well,most of the time anyways.. I'm not gonna go eating some Donkey wee wee because someone say's it tastes like chicken..
  10. Open to the public free of charge to get in.. Can't say the drinks and entertainment won't cost you an arm and a leg,but you can get in for nuffin
  11. I call everyone at work,Maynard. So far in the 10 years I've been there and the thousands of people that have come and gone..Nobody really ever has had a problem with it.. I'll say Hey Maynard..They all say hey back ..hehehehe I have no idea why or how I started to do this..it just happened and just stuck..but people are fine with it ..hehehehe I guess it's my version of someone saying hey girl or hey bro.. I even say Hey Maynard to the other girls too..hehehe
  12. I'll be watching Fraiser for a little bit before bed.. it's one of those shows that I can watch over and over..I think I'm on my fifth time watching the series.. Not back to back ,but will watch it once a year.. It's such a funny show.. This was a good scene..
  13. I was watching a Behind The Music of AC/DC,when I noticed this on the side menu on youtube.. Angus Young is always exciting to watch and listen to..So much energy.. I kind of felt sorry for the rest of the band,especially the drummer..His arms had to be so tired after the song..hehehe
  14. I've been on a David Ruffin phase since I found that last video of the Temptations.. I've been watching videos and listening to his voice,hearing him sing with other singers and other groups and hearing his voice just making such a difference in how the song changes to just that much better of a song.. His voice to me is just incredible and one of those voices that stands the test of time..I bet when people first heard him back then when there was so much less communication,they had to just be so blow away.
  15. I figured phil was one of the names I could mention in the forums that just about everyone knew..hehehehe All i was saying was,when this topic came up awhile back and I had mentioned about my alt,he knew what the alt fee was for.. I just have the one alt..I never bothered making anymore because I didn't really think they were worth the money back then.. lol
  16. I do the same with Gummie worms also.. In fact,I sometimes bite off like the green or orange and will stick two red pieces together and then will have a bunch of reds left over to enjoy,rather than being left with the worst ones.which really,there are no worst ones when it comes to Gummie worms..hehehe When a candy is a good candy,there is always a procedure to eating them..
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