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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. it's because if you send out something to 100 or 1200 users some odds are someone will answer.. some groups are about notices and some just think thats what has to be done.. if you join a dj's group ..expect them .. i really don't mind the group notices more than i do the spwanlings in the groups jumping on their friends lists to clog up my im's with the same thing i see in a group notice.. i rip those people off my friends list like a sheet of paper out of a notebook then crumble it up with their calling card..that cured that one lol groups i expect to get something like that from..friends i don't.. if you sign up for a group..it's not spam..if you didn't sign up for the group ..it's spam..
  2. Mayalily wrote: Is that a slam against female Dj's? Well, the men or male avatar Dj's are worse, they play way too much metal you get metaled to death (their macho stuff), and the male Dj's also play way too much Country or Rap when the sim's theme is Rock. Women do a better job at knowing what a change up is also, imo. There is one male Dj though who is out of this world and should be a Dj in rl; he's that good. Not to mention that most of the male Dj's play that trance crap. I find overall, the female Dj's are just better, with the exception of one. i think what josh was saying is that good music was playing..that should have been their first clue as to why people were not on their mics..they wanted to hear the good music and not someone too lazy to type hehehe i didn't take it as men dj's are better than women dj's.. that good music is better than listening to someone talking over it hehehe
  3. or if you want to try these out =) these are the onyl pictures i have i think that show my hands up close hehehe sculpted hands hehehehe you can put rings on them and nails that will stay put and even change hand positions with a click of a button for each hand.. plus the nails on them you can change the colors and skin tones ect..you would need a copy version of a ring to put on each set of the hands though if you wanted to wear a ring..but they are pretty neat for hand poses..plus you can just take them off and use your other hands if you wanted..you just neeed to take them off and then take off thealpha layer..i setup my alpha sor my shoes and my hands so i can still wear my prim feet sandles as well..and who see's your feet any other time anyways if you are weaing boots or pants hehehehe also they move better than the other hands..like when you are dancing..your hands are moving around more like real hands..i love mine hehehe
  4. Pat Starship wrote: So today I ran into a girls only lesbian club/mall Personally I find a theme like this  and to ban a user over gender of their avatar is counterproductive to a social network, face it you might as well say No black AVs,No white AV and so on.It is racial prejudice to pre judge a person by the outside and not the content with in. So I tp to this club as it has a lot of people and I am here to be social  On tp in every one is nice,a lot of people and good music.Freindly staff greeted me and the DJ was playing request.OK so maybe I am wrong? LOL...WRONG...I hate to type ,it is a real pain in my butt and I rather use the mic,People acted like I was almost being rude if I told them to turn on their mic I hate to type.The only people on the Mic was my self and the DJ....67 people in this sim and 65 of them all had some reason they never use a mic..I am sorry but I find all that to be a bunch of BS.A mic cost 8 dollars at wal mart.... In SL I have been to a few gay clubs,every one was nice.It was male and female open to any one that wanted to have fun.I do not get this whole fake lesbian thing... so you tp to a club and everything is going ok..then find out you and the DJ are the only ones being heard.. Besides the music? you and the one rolling the tunes lol a lot go to clubs for the music..why would someone want to hear someone talk when they went there for the music? just because you feel a little lazy aboutt typing is no reason for everyone to turn their music off.. that thought never entered as to why they might not want to get on the mic..that omg they are men and hiding as girls rather than clubbers out clubbing? LOL
  5. i understood that part perfectly and never said otherwise hehehe.. you basically threw something out of left field in there..i caught it and threw it back..lol i never attempted to say how it ran on someone elses system..just that it would be different for everyone.. some have trouble tping while some don't hehehe..some can go to a club with 40 people in it and some wouldn't even think about it hehehehe what may be a bogger for someone else may not be for others.. but when it came to impact on the grid..that v1's had a bigger impact on resources than a v2.. if you go back and look at what i had said from the start you will see that i wasn't disagreeing with you ..just seperating the server and client cliuttering is all.. "Dogboat Taurog Wrote: V2 will become the defacto Viewer by force only. it is slow, clunky and almost feature free by phoenix standards. apart from this proposed Mesh, i cant see any reason for using V2 and i dont think Mesh will be the success many naive people think it will be. as far as im concerned V2 is a slow ugly resource hog. tried them all including kirstens and i hate them all."  "Ceka Cianci wrote:  actually V1s hog more resorces than V2's if you are speaking about the servers and sims.. if you are talking about computers..thats gonna change between users"  i never called you out on anything at all..not even the fact that you put up phoenix  against V2's and not against firestorm it's v2 version which has more features than phoenix.. or that more users are starting to switch over on their own without force.. Firestorm will have a big impact in the change of tides on it's own..if people will take the time to learn it like they did their v1's instead of just jumping in for a short time and saying they used it when they only tried it for a taste.. there are always going to be people that cannot run the current viewers..just like people had to run on lessor viewers before v2's ever came out.. i loved phoenix..also imprudence and always kept my snowglobe around and still do..then when firestorm pre-alpha came out i was sold.. i think we will see a lot of that in the near future..because it doesn't look and feel like a v2..i end up forgetting about which viewer i am in..i've caught myself checking to make sure i was in phoenix or firestorm quite a few times hehehehe there is a heck of a lot of support behind it thats for sure and it is getting better with more features with each version.. i think you are going to see v1's fall off a more and more because of dev attentions moving more to the v2's and thier features.. people are going to move where the features are.. emerald showed that..then it went away,,then when phoenix came out they showed it again and people came in droves like someone was giving away free sandwitches hehehehe.. now firestorm shows up with more features..when v1's can't be patched up to what everyone wants or people find out that maybe firestorm runs better with those features on their system (dependign on the systems and users hehehehe) than their v1's..you will see them switch over.. change is gonna happen and it's not gonna be by force.. it's gonna be because of want..because we all love more feature and we all love pie \o/ hehehe a lot may disagree with that part..but history pretty much speaks for itself when it comes to wants in a viewer.. *winks* mesh will probably be like sculpts at first..you see some here andf there..now look..sculpt hands and feet and clothes and hair ect.. mesh won't be on v1's..they may not have a huge impact ..but they will be a combining part of the switch over to v2's.. 
  6. LOL i forgot about that version /hugs hehehehehe
  7. it's really just a bunch of people playing oposite of themselves in rl and getting an overload of attention and becoming cliques and enjoying giving the beatdowns for once hehehe anyone saying you are doing it wrong in that way is way too caught up in their role..they need to unplug..beause fantasy has taken over the reality that waits for them.. wanna really test if they have lost it? do an inspec and go buy everything they had on..then show back up there and take a few steps back after you introduce the new jan bradey hehehe..because they are gonna explode...why? because they are not unique anymore lol hehehe thats warped.. be like me but not so much that i am not myself !! Oo here goes that line from dewey cox in rehab hehehe.. Dewey: i'm cold.. Nurse: omg he is cold dr!! DR;he needs more blankets.. Dewey: i am so hot!! Nurse He is hot DR!!! DR: get him less blankets!! Dewey: i am cold and hot at the same time.. Nurse: omg now he is hot and cold at the same time DR!! DR: he need more and less blankets
  8. it wasn't meant as not washing the day before..it was meant that you get it so close they can smell passed the soap LOL kind of like when someone says ..i'll hit ya so hard your whole family will feel it ..hehehe they won't really feel it hehehehehe you can't really schock value these forums very much..i've tried many ways and it's like ..ya ok..anyways..lets anaylize what you just said
  9. his music wasn't really so bad..it's that he let people put him on stage as something he wasn't and everyone saw him as a wannabe.. i saw him later in a few interviews and he hates that he let all that happen..one interview on mtv he took a bat to the tv and tape they were playing of him doing ice ice baby..he scared everyone in the room LOL
  10. ya i agree..but thats because they can get pretty loud..they are not the majority thats for sure hehehe just really loud hehehe i live in the bible belt..who are you tellin this to? LOL
  11. Wow and people say the U.S. is uptight? LOL
  12. Are you talking about teenage mutant ninja turtles? when did they have their names changed? after the series was long passed over? it never changed where i lived..even the movies were teenage mutant ninja turtles hehehehe go ninja go ninja goninja go
  13. just see if there is a teleport option..most times when people are offine you won't get the teleport button on their profile.. maybe that changed who knows..
  14. you need to make the background image is all..a lot put their avatars in the background image instead of where the avatar actually goes..i think thats the last tab on the right in those settings.
  15. bleh..are they better than DR phil? if oprah never had them on her show then they are not worrthy..
  16. try looking on the market for complete asian avatars ..you should find something on there..i ran pass more than i could count just the day before yesterday..
  17. life is just too short to be held back by what others feel is normal..everyones thoughts on normal are different depending on who programmed them..some are able to hack their way out of it while some just get the next patch.. so many always trying to save someone else all the time from not being normal.. lifes too short to let others live it for us.. a lot never wake up until later in life and realise what they really wanted all the time was something totally different.. times change and ways and thinking do as well.. normal is when we find our compfort zone that we really enjoy.. You know what you really do when they get like that? Just Hold up that hand ..ya thats the one!!! then put it right in their faces nice and close so they can smell your ,man from the day before..good and close till they make that eww face...then you tell those biotches nice and loud..Get out of my lazy boy before i break ou the real canowhoopaZZ and lay out some real normal round here!!! then after that you grab them by the......OK OK!!! calm down Ceka!!! the rain will stop and summer break will go on again soon..just deep breaths ..thats it deep breaths....here listen to this ..this always calms you..OMG i am talking to myself in a FORUM!!! WT hell am i turning into..OMG!! normal vitals fading fast..PLAY it!!PLAAAAY IT!!!! \o/ just kidding..i woudl never really do that..i mean who talks to them selves in a forum ya know? ya i know
  18. thats just people trying to impose their fansasy on to yours.. there is no standard..if they feel their is then tell them they are misssing the point and should probably unplug before they miss too much more of anything else..
  19. ya my fiance became honoured like the same day he made his account..he had been back and forth with LL with trying to get them to fix his account that it must have made him honoured lol i was like..oh look honey you have another message..see if it's them.. he opened it and all i heard was HAH these guys are funny..what am i sposed to be amused or insulted? i looked and was like omg that is too funny LOL
  20. i haven't had this happen in a long time it seems..unless everyone had gotten smart and stopped telling me about it lol friends have pulled that on me before..then after a little while would send a screen shot saying..this is how you have looked for the passed hour.. or would say things like..i have a secret to tell you..promise you won't get mad? OMG how could you wait so long you perve!!!! *ports home* LOL friends with benefits..can't live without them and you can't live without them
  21. ya also watch the groups as well..especially if you have land.. going to the same places and using say the same gestures in the same way and you will stick out as your main like a sore thumb.. to be honest..drama will fade and she will at some point get bored with it..you could just live it out and not do all the hiding.. i understand if you want to get away from her..just use the alt for that ..let her get bored with the main and when she does..you can get back to normal on it.. all i'm saying is..it sucks having to feel liek you have to hide is all.. i've had some pretty bad drama brought on me.. but i told myself when i made my avatar that it's gonna live with what happens to it ..good or bad.. so far the good and bad all come and go..it just takes time is all..just don't give them the satisfaction that they are having an effect on you and they will all fade away in time.. so many times i wanted to break my promise to myself and make an alt to hide..but i'm glade i didn't.. i did make one at one point..but it was out of boredom and feeling like making another look..now she is just a prim model for when i make prim clothes.. crap i hope she isn't listening whatever you decide is what will be best for you..it's all about finding your place and escape..sometimes i am sure there are some that are just that irritating that we have to just get away from.. i hope i never find one of those types lol
  22. if it wasn't for spam we would never have this kind of important stuff that makes fun of it..
  23. you would not be able to send your alt the things that are no transfer items.. pretty much everything else you can..
  24. i wonder if we would get muted by them if they sent us one of these adds then did the same thing back to them sending them one or maybe 3 for every one they sent us about something stupid like.. Bot: Ceka we have a great deal on this brand new car we just put on the floor for only 99L$ Ceka bot: oh that sounds like a really neat item..i have a new scab on my butt from falling out of my car..don't you hate when that happens?just not in the mood to buy a car today..oh wait someone just drove by in their loud Azz truck so you may not have heard me..i'll resend..but before i do..have you seen STORM and know if he has my pic or not?..me and my hubby 2 b are hunting him down..
  25. OR!! there are a lot of red headed step children in sl that are all grown upnow and here to escape the memories of being a red headed step child? Oo Well it's possible
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