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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. This is ground control to major Tom.. 128,128,22 is open and all clear for landing.
  2. They explain about Mom in season one..I forget what episode it is though.. She was made for Vanya because Vanya kept killing her nannies.. She would get mad at them and use her powers .. So Reginald Hargreeves modeled Mom after his only lover outside of his marriage, or as they call it, Paramour.. This is all season one stuff, so no spoilers here.. He made her to be durable when Vanya would get mad.. Also Reginald had Allison rumor Vanya that she was normal and had no powers, when really her powers are more powerful than her brothers and sisters.. Plus he kept Vanya drugged a lot of the time so her powers wouldn't surface on their own like they happen to do when she's not drugged. I hope they do a prequel of this series to where we can at some point get a season when they were young and the team doing the missions.. that would be awesome, I think..
  3. It's worth it..the rabbit hole in deep with this show hehehe
  4. Season 2 really explains a lot more about the father.. Season 1 is more about the kids.. They all have the same birthdays and all born at the same time.. On the same exact day there were 43 women that became pregnant and within moments all had a child.. Reginald Hargreeves, which is the dad, went around trying to adopt all of the 43 children that he could find, but could only get 7 of them.. The media asked him why he did it in a press conference.. He said, To save the world.. I really don't want to give anything away from season 2.. All of that is from season 1.. In the first season when he opens the jar, if you look past him into the background you'll see missiles incoming and outgoing.. this is all before the kids were born.. the cool thing about this series is , they put so much detail into it that you can rewatch it and rewatch it and get more of the story from little details that get missed that you wouldn't know about until you watched the series once.. even certain sounds can answer questions.. It's really wild. But if I tell you too much, especially about him, it will be like a spoiler for the second season, hehehehe
  5. I'm about to make some juice. 4 carrots 2 apple green 2 pares 2 stalks of kale 2 stalks bok choy 1 beet And a 3 inch piece of ginger root Last is 1 lime. To eat 3 soft boiled eggs.
  6. If you seen season 1, you see the dad open a jar with some glowing energy that floats up into the sky. If you are still watching season 2, the talking chimp gets revealed and why they are intelligent.
  7. I always liked those days to the point that it was almost sad to see the grid come back up.. Because so many people would head back in.. It was like, Omg this is so much fun, Hey where you guys going!? \o/
  8. This is why we need an age limit for people in office.. When they get to old and rich and powerful enough that they forget who they work for.. It's time to clean house and put in the young bloods that arn't so old and uncarring about the people that put them there in the first place.. All this stupid piddle patting around and arguing when people are going homeless and jobless.. Just irritates me to no end.. This is why you can't trust a one of them bastages.. Edited to add: That was more frustrated rant than trying to really make any logical sense.. I just really hate seeing them even thinking about going on another break in the same freaking virus pandemic.. What is this like the third break they've had since it's started? If this is a once in a century thing like they are saying ,then do the once in a century thing that needs to be done, which is their jobs!
  9. I started to binge watch it as I was going to bed friday, but fell asleep right away.. So i binge watched it all on Saturday.. I don't know if you've seen it all.. All I'm gonna say, so i don't give anything away is.. It looks like there will be a season three which is awesome.. plus it looks like they are sticking pretty close to the comics.
  10. I'd like them to be going back as well.. But I'll probably end up keeping them home.. If they give me a hard time about it, I'll home school them myself if i have to.. I just don't have enough faith in the system or the politicians either.. Until there is some sort of anti retro viral or anti viral or a vaccine, I'm just gonna have to not leave it up to them and go with what Me and my husband thinks is best for them.. I know I won't go a minute without worrying myself to death if I let them go before I feel it's safe.. I know not everyone can do that and I understand and feel for them.. I really do.. I just have such lack of faith in government and the way everything is being handled right now with this virus..plus just seeing people so lazy about staying safe when out in public.. At my work, you wouldn't know a virus was going on..everyone is going about it like it was before it happened.. My kids would be going to school with their kids..So I have to really look at not just the school but what I'm seeing around town and all that.. I just don't think a lot of people think it's a big deal..that's what has me really leery..
  11. The thing that I don't understand is, sending kids only part time.. like yea, the virus only works from wed to Friday,so the kids can go to school Mon and Tues.. Then I hear things like, well not everyone has the internet and can school from home.. I'm like,what the heck were home schoolers doing before when there was dial up and most people not having the internet? Sometimes ya gotta get old school when times get rough..
  12. mine is pretty low.. I'll grab all my demos then go home try them out and decide if the item is worth a trip back..hehehehe if it's not , I'll delete it right away.. if I have something I really like I'll go back if it's just one item..But if it's something that I liked but kind of lost it's impact when I'm at the house.. I'll delete it.. I've been really saving a lot of money doing things this way, using my laziness to my financial advantage... hehehehe
  13. It's been so long ago that i forget why I came to the forums.. Probably asking a question or something.. That was when it was residence Answers in the really old version of the forums. like 2006.. Why I stayed was, because I learned a lot about SL in them and over time could start to help answer questions for people coming in.. after awhile it just gets to be a place where I post up and also come to see communicate with people I've met over the years and also see if there are any good topics going on or any new news about in world.. things like that. Plus it just becomes part of a routine too..
  14. We'll just see about that whole nothing thing..
  15. it's getting too damn civil in here..
  16. The company isn't poor or anything like that.. In fact the old owners had in the contract to not do certain things to the employees, also don't take away certain things.. The virus gave them the right to do what they want now.. it probably has something to do with god like actions or something, to where they can loophole their way to what they were wanting to do the whole time.. We had a meeting last week and I guess in a couple years maybe three, they are wanting to get it to where the guys on the line won't have to do as much work.. Robots will be doing most of it..the guys on the line will just be inspecting the parts putting them on the skids and keeping the machines running.. But for now it's the growing pains part of it all.. I still don't trust them for a shake.. But if it gets better for those on the line then it will be a good thing.. it's just really wearing them out with these temperatures in the summer.. Winter, they can throw something on..summer it's like being over dressed the whole time because of just the protection wear.. it's molten aluminum, and the parts while they are cooling can easily be 900 degrees just on the line cooling down.. When you touch that with bare skin, you can feel that burn go right to your heart.. it's instant scar..
  17. I watch this guy almost every day since things first started to shut down.. He just gets right to the points and doesn't take sides.. He just tells it like it is..
  18. I think a lot really has to do with people still being cooped up for so long and so much change happening this summer.. Even a lot of introverts are like, C'mon! Let me outta here!! \o/
  19. Here is another Bagpipe cover..This one is of Metalica's Sand man.. Then the lower two are from The 2CELLOS..Those guys are just amazing.. Sorry if any of these have been posted already..
  20. It would only work if there was one ruler.. Of course that one ruler would have to be a Super Premium Excalibur Account of Awesomeness Member.. Otherwise we would all be doomed..
  21. That could be..I just remember not knowing what it was but thinking it had something to do with something else..hehehehe
  22. Aren't a lot of info hubs on private sims? Didn't they add a lot of those years back? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong or something though..
  23. For myself, SL has pretty much stayed in it's place.. Nothing has really ever leaped out of it to impact my everyday life other than some conversations with other people..Well that and my husband complaining about the money I spend shopping in world.. But he does that in RL too anyways.. hehehehe That and just the creativity that happens here.. It's pretty next level in a lot of places in this world.. The conversations I ever have are never on the level of RP.. It's most times always just me in chat talking to someone mostly from another country and me asking tons of questions because for me, meeting people from around the world has always been fascinating..Then them asking me a ton of questions as well.. That is probably my biggest take away from here, because it was the first place it happened..Meeting people from all around the world and learning from them and becoming friends with many of them.. A lot of myths get debunked, which is a good thing in my eyes. As far as promiscuous and kinky.. Lets just say, there was the old younger me and then the, after I became committed to someone else me.. hehehe There is still some kinky, just no more of the other.. There were some very very good times and some very very bad.. Enough to satisfy my curiosity.. Not to say I wasn't curious about a lot of the things in SL in the kinky part.. But that's because a lot of times I didn't even know what they were..hehehehe I remember just searching one time just to see what was in here.. I came across one and had zero idea what it was about.. I think it was called Gore or Gor or something.. I just thought it meant like Gorean.. But it wasn't.. I teleported and looked around, then wandered into this kitchen and was like, What the hell went on in here? 0o Then found out what went on in there..I was like, that curiosity is settled.. I don't really fantasize about the kinds of things that I wouldn't do.. Just the things that there is a slight chance I might..hehehehe In SL I've probably fantasized more about the art and creating things than anything.. I just really enjoy the imaginations and how creative people can get in here.. Just looking at the map and then zooming in to where you can see the green dots and then zooming into a community..Then doing that over and over.. It grounds me a lot and helps make me see that there are many different reasons people come to this huge V-world.. Just taking a ride on the trails and roads of the mainlands is like taking a ride through a forest of imaginations.. Everything is created in this world by the users.. For me, when really looking at it in detail and then the big picture..It's a really wild place in many ways and many reasons people come here.. This is getting kind of long of a post and can feel myself drifting again.. A glass or two of wine and a quiet house with everyone else sleeping, that's gonna happen I guess..hehehe I'm just gonna add this and I'll be done.. I know a lot of times when I post, I'm speaking just about myself.. I know it may come off as Ego or something like that.. I just really never feel comfy using words where I sound like I'm speaking for anyone else.. So I just try to give my own perspective and experiences to topics as honestly as I can remember them.. Life is shooting from the hip half the time anyways.. hehehe Enjoy yours Ceka ❤️
  24. You'll probably like this.. They are saying like, since in the 1960's it has been around.. I'm gonna watch it tomorrow since i have to head off to bed for work tonight..
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