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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. I didn't care for either of them..I was actually hoping the gorilla was running again..I was gonna vote for him.. Instead i just picked the most random one I could find.. hehehe It was that or not vote at all, because I don't care for either of them, as a person..Politics really had nothing to do with how I voted in that election.. And from the looks of the choices we have this time, politics won't have anything to do with my vote again, because i don't care for either again.. We keep having such poor options to choose from as time goes by.. Anyways, we should probably not take up too much of this thread.. our posts are more than likely gonna get deleted, now that i think of it..
  2. I don't think the polls were actually saying 90%, where a lot of the media was.. All of them were pretty much saying it was in the bag..Even George Cloney was saying at a press conference ..There is no way Donald Trump will be president.. Nobody believed he would be.. Hillary even missed the Mid west thinking those states were in the bag.. Only half way through election night did people start to say anything different from having it in the bag.. It was much more than just polls.. It was that whole side just being overconfident until they seen it slipping away.. I never in my right mind thought he had it until that night either.. The only thing I enjoyed out of that whole election was, Trump was pissing off everyone on both sides..Even the republicans were looking for a way for him to not be their man..Then he won and they all started like, He's our man.. hehehehe I don't think even the republicans thought he stood a chance, to say the truth..
  3. The one the other day about an oil spill wasn't really even that bad at all.. I went looking around the other day for other collars and stuff.. But it's been a few days now and haven't seen another since.. So really a lot of the stuff at the start of my log in gets buried pretty quick anyways.. I don't want to end up redoing all my folders and whatever else I would have to do, just for a notice once in a great while.. It would be more a pain in the butt to redo all that stuff, than some random message every now and then would be.. So it's the lessor of the two evils when all it takes is to scroll down to get rid of it..hehehehe
  4. I know, because they are doing the same exact thing again.. They need to make it sound like it's much closer or even might be behind to draw more people out.. They'll screw the pooch again if they don't stop spinning their wheels.. hehehe
  5. I've been at work for like 3 months now, I think.. Something like that.. Even when I was off for like two months, it wasn't too bad for me.. But I can go riding or do just about what I normally would anyways around the farm.. The only thing different is , not as many people stopped by when I was off.. Work, you would,nt even know a pandemic was going on ,the way everyone is up on each other like before the virus.. The real strange thing is, not a one of them has gotten it yet.. As careless as they are, they have all dodged the bullet so far.. I'm wearing a mask the whole time and gloves and shower the moment i get home and throw my clothes in the wash before i even get around my kids.. These guys are probably hugging them at the truck door soon as they hit the driveway.. it's crazy..
  6. If it was just that, it probably wouldn't be so bad, but from what I've seen, it's other stuff as well that sits on the edge of drama.. I won't go into what it is because the last one I remember wasn't too bad and they don't really repeat over and over.. She can do what she want's , it's her world her imagination.. Just as we can in our world as well.. If it was non stop spam, I would have dropped it before this thread even got started..But it's once in awhile you get some message on general chat, like when you log in.. It usually gets mixed in with all my stuff that loads when I log on anyways.. hehehehe
  7. Also the ones using it on the other side as well had their own propaganda work against themselves thinking they had it in the bag.. Telling their side that their candidate was a 90% chance to win, kept a lot of people home.. If there ever was a time to prove polls were wrong on either side, it was that election year.. That was such a crazy year all around.. hehehe
  8. I don't see them show up a lot..Not even everyday.. I just think it's a strange place to post up drama and other things to your customers.. But since it's not all the time, it's not so bad really.
  9. Second Stimulus Check Update & News Report Tuesday August 18
  10. That one was even done in a lot of the dance clubs a lot as well..I remember we played it every night in GOL when I worked there.. Then would hear it when we would go clubbing after working at our club.. hehehe It's been going strong probably since before I got here..
  11. Someone must have played it a lot in a row.. hehehehe
  12. I'm just looking at all kinds now and trying out all the ones I come across, just out of curiosity.. I didn't go into work tonight so I'm bored and exploring different ones.. I've used my other collar for a little over a year maybe, but never really learned a whole lot of what RLV is capable of.. So I'm gonna look into a bunch of them tonight and see if I can't learn more as I go..
  13. I just really like my current one for changing clothes and rezzing my huds on my screen and like the utilities of it.. I don't really do any of those other things.. I just like the having everything push button rather than going into my inventory all the time.
  14. I was reading on that Whim one.. I might give it a try.
  15. What's a good one to get, because I should probably switch then if that's gonna end up happening.
  16. Yea I'm using a Vd and just got a spam about an oil spill or something like that.. I like the collar itself, but if those messages get to where they start to annoy me I'll probably switch.. It's just in general chat anyways where i see it.. So I'm not too worried about it right now.. If they start to get political, I'll drop it like a bad habit..
  17. I watched The Shape of Water earlier. It's a good movie to curl up on the couch with a blanket and watch..
  18. I believe they just need to have their media streaming setting on in their viewer and they should be able to see it..Just as they can hear the same music as everyone else with a sim music stream..
  19. While everyone was sleeping, I decided to watch, JoJo Rabbit.. It was really good actually.. I honestly didn't know what to expect at all..
  20. Ok last one for me for awhile today..hehehe Angus Young has to be my favorite guitarist..If for any reasons at all, His energy and just how he enjoys playing as well and feels like he was born with a guitar in his hands.. I wish i would have went to see him when they came to Nashville a few years back.. I envy anyone that got to see him way back when Bon Scott was in the band or when He was younger even with the newest singer.. His energy just transfers over to me when I see him play.. The second video, he still has so much energy..
  21. This is really wild.. Music with marbles.. This guy made this machine..
  22. Isn't that just for cashing out? I mean if you are just buying lindens and using them in world, you shouldn't have to give up all that information.. Also if LL is sending out 1099 forms, it's a good chance they know who those people are.
  23. This isn't a cover, it's just really really good..
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