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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. if they are on an account that is showing they are still under age..account verified won't let them get the adult settings either..
  2. what is it saying when you go to age verifiy? i will say this..if there is anything wrong on the initial information when you made the account they will ignore the rest..like if you accidentally hit the wrong year on the DOB when creating the account.. my fiance just went through 7 days of run around with LL and finally said heck with it and made a new account.. he gave SSN DLN State ID number and creditcard information as well as usualy information of address and all that.. like 3 different times lol so if some information that you are giving them now is not lining up with the information when you made the account for the avatar.. you will probably have to scan or mail in or fax them using the manual methods..
  3. yes and you can also have camping and other things like them as well on that kind of land.. i was referring to the type of bots that the OP was speaking about..bots in land using search for a business..
  4. i may end up stoping in there over the weekend to look around.. it sounds like a neat place for sure =) thank you
  5. all we have heard is they were bots..thats why i was curious if they were scripted bots or not.. you can have scripted bots on your land..
  6. traffic is a minute factor in the search now..also were they set as scripted bots or no?
  7. if you are on an estate it would be no problem if they had to change the rating..you could even change the rating.. if it were mainland you would have to move to whatever they rated it as..because mainland region ratings can't be changed to anything other than what they are already rated at..
  8. you must have missed the part where i had said he made a new account and is in now hehehe
  9. he gave all that information..SS number and creditcard number and DL number and even state ID number.. and was age verified 3 times with 3 different forms of ID.. he said 7 days back when they first noticed it being his birthdate that he woudl just delete the account and make a new one if it would be easier..they said no ..just do this on this list..so he sent all this information again and agian and again.. today he just said..ya know..it's not worth it..their system just doesn't look at the information i gave them..just their slider for DOB.. so as a last ditch effort i asked him to make a new one..so he did ..they even finally said ..well if you are going to make a new one then make sure your DOB is correct.. he said..listen..i filed this ticket to correct it like i was told from the market place people to do.. now you are telling me what i have been saying this whole time..to make sure my DOB is correct?? So he made a new one and now has his account and is finally at our home lol what a run around lol
  10. Darrius Gothly wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: so much so that fap is considered actually having sex hehehehe Heyyyy ... My hand is now highly offended that you don't consider the "magic" we share together as sex. *harumph* *GRIN* Sorry..I am just frustrated with LL at the moment..My fiance canceled his account because even after he did everything they asked more times than he should have and even told them that he may have hit the wrong birthdate or did some sort of typo.. they still would not open up adult or moderate for him.. all the information they get from us is usless because it all hinges on their birthday slider..so really any kid can get in real easy with some fake stolen information..because they don't check it out..but someone legit better not make a single mistake or they are jacked around for days on end until they get so frustrated that they tell them to piss off basically..
  11. Pussycat Catnap wrote: I don't RP, and I consider privacy paramount. So that gives me no spot on that scale. i have to agree with this.. i mean why would i look at strangers in SL any differently than i would strangers on yahoo or aim or any chat client? when i see someone giving me crap because i won't send them an rl image of myself..i start thinking yahoo perve wanting to build up to a cam to cam fap.. just because there are 3d charactors in this program..it doesn't change what it really is..a yahoo with a lot of extra interactive things to do.. that can put people in a false sense of security that they are in something safer than a yahoo when they are not.. so much so that fap is considered actually having sex hehehehe
  12. i think there are a lot that don't like to give out information because it's the internet..not a very safe place.. immersion may be some of the reasons..but security is surely in there somewhere as well.. i know i am always keeping in my mind..why is this person so curious about me? so i don't just hand it over as a first response to their question..they are going to have to try a little harder than..where you from ? on the first opening line of meeting
  13. between G and Moderaste..i would choose Moderate for sure..much bigger and better market and you can expand a little more on the things you could be able to do..
  14. you would think the men would be all over that RP as good as that show is.. i love that series..we have both seasons on dvd.. My fiance watches it all the time as do i..he hates when i get all emotional about it..like when gannicus left.. i haven't cried so much as i have from this series.. Gannicus and Meita Crixus and Naevia Spartacus and Mira Gannicus and Crixus(Daydreams) are my two favorites Gannicus mostly hehehe but then omg there is Crixus..i'm torn!!! There is so much RP there ..i would think men would be dying to play gladiators.. maybe it just hasn't caught on yet.. i may have to look into it as well..it's been so long since i have rp'd..i think i could really become immerssed in it..god knows i do enough day dreaming about it hehehe Gannicus come home =( sorry for being so off topic...i get overcome with the show hehehe
  15. just drop back to the previous version before..there really isn't much difference that i could see in them.. i use firestorm myself for my V2..my fiance uses LL's latest V2..i couldn't see a difference when he was using it from the last one to the latest ..
  16. Tommy Rampal wrote: No elements of death or blood (really), about as much violence as you'd see on a wrestling programme (WWE) or UFC - and that's catered to young audiences. ya i doubt they would have any problem with stuff like that.. i think that rule is for really bad stuff like chopping up people and things like that lol Basically how it works with content like that to figure if it is allowed on moderate is like this..if it doesn't fall under the adult rated definitions..then it is allowed on moderate..unless it is not allowed on the grid at all.. so if it's allowed in SL and isn't considered adult..then you are fine =) also i think that would be a fun sim =) when you get it going can you please send me a landmark? *winks*
  17. i only noticed a little lag this passed weekend and not real bad lag really.. it was more of a predictable lag than the "will my post ever show up or in order or in time" i was only like 15 seconds at most..so that is a huge imporvement from before.. =)
  18. i wonder if people feel embarrassed later when they realise how silly they were acting about something like that.. it's like showing up to place with large amounts of people and seeing someone in the same dress or top.. Ceka: Omg honey we have to leave!! Hubby: Why do we have to leave? Ceka: What are you blind? Can't you see that she has MY top on !? Hubby: Wha? Who?Oo Ceka: That girl over there surrounded by those guys!! Hubby: All i see is a big circle of guys..What do you have xray vision or something? Ceka: Lets just get out of here before everyone notices!!! Hubby:Notices? We're at a concert!!! Ceka: You just don't understand..SHE HAS MY TOP ON!!!!! Now lets go!!! Hubby: It's the lead singer of the band!! (Hubby at work the next day) Friend at work: Bro so how were those Flyleaf tickets i got you? Hubby: Don't ask...................................
  19. majestic12 wrote: When in Rome, dress like a Roman...such a big fan of ROME and SPARTACUS TV series. one word Crixus Capua Shall he begin? 
  20. i believe notices and IM's share the same cap.. say the cap for im's was 20 or whatever and you got 10 IM's and 10 notices..your IM's would be capped.. it's more that 20 i believe..but that was just an example number..
  21. if your battle sim is going to be intensely violent and have depictions of death and catering to the public ..it needs to be on adult lands...
  22. thats what my old club did that i used to be HM for..we had a weekly schedule and a full staff of dj's as well..we did events from i believe 9am to 10 pm.. but we really never had to send out notices for them.. if i remember right we had a weekly schedule that went out a few times a week with what dj was working what sets. it saved a lot of time and frustration ..
  23. how did you fix it so we can let others know? hehehehe
  24. thats even better ..i was doing it the hard way hehehhe
  25. i'm not sure..maybe try looking at your mesh settings to the right and see if adjusting any of those may have a change .. i'm not sure if they will or not..it's just a suggestion..
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