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Ceka Cianci

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Everything posted by Ceka Cianci

  1. Someone used to have a forum avatar with that cartoon character.. I can't remember if it was here or at SLU. I remember seeing it all the time years back.. Now it's gonna bug me who it was.. hehehe
  2. That's why you have to *Biff* the hack of the head. They lean forward and then look around for who it was.. *Boop* to the nose,they know it was you before it hits. But even better is, start a conversation about spiders and other tiny creepy crawly things. While you are talking and they are really focused on your face.... O.O Take a piece of wire you had with you the whole time and just touch them on the arm or leg.. hehehehe
  3. Imagines tossing a 1/4 stick out the door to upset the balance of noise coming from over there.. Pictures them all stuck like a deer in headlights wondering , where the hell that come from.. Then someone saying, maybe someone is shooting at us....... Everyone RUN!! \o/ 😜
  4. I started to work on a new look today and thought I would try a style of hair I usually don't wear.. I ended up finding a really nice style that is out of my norm at the Foot Loose& Fancy Free event, From Stealthic called Riot.. It wasn't too bad of a price for the full pack either.. A lot of styles I find like this make me look like I'm a teen or anime, Which I'm not trying to go for.. this one really works I think..
  5. You figure that amount when you do your taxes..You report your gains and losses on your tax form.. LL only gives income you received if over a certain amount.. Just as it would be the same if subcontracting for any place or owning any business.. You save your receipts and weigh that against your income they show on the 1099 at tax time.
  6. You may want to try adding more torso muscle, to see if it helps with the rounding or what they call noodle effect, where the shoulders meet the arms. That adds a little more thickness to the upper joints, arms and shoulders. Looks great so far though.
  7. I don't know if this happens anymore.. But I remember, you used to have to be careful not to put things too close to the corners of sims or they would float from where you sat them.. hehehe
  8. Honestly, I didn't even want to go in too deep at all on a Sunday.. I should have just kept it to my first post and left it at that.. hehehe It doesn't take too much of a search to find those things if you really want to. I should have just stuck with, "Ceka, just give a look in the forums and then get'cher butt on the grid! \o/" hehehe
  9. I said going after rights which both sides do constantly. Not this case but over all our rights are under attack from both parties.
  10. I didn't mean to quote you to save what you said.. I seen it as, it was just us in a civil conversation.. If they delete mine too then so be it I guess.. hehehehe
  11. If they were not allowed to sit on a hill and rant their old ways, those ways would fade away and be overshadowed by the younger louder blood more in chime with the times and current problems.. Instead we let them sit up there on that hill and let their ways fester to where a 50 year old freedom got taken away. Both sides are going after and attacking our freedoms and rights.. They both are in a power struggle with the people, for control of the people, to knock that contract down between the governments and the people, in their favor.. I'm not at all in favor of what they did to the people.. But as always I was brought up to never trust a one of them bastages on either side, because in actuality, they are on the same team with each other against all the people.. Get rid of the too old to be in there and their ways start to sound like someone looking back on the old days..
  12. This is why we need to put an age limit on government offices.. So them old dusty geritolers that are out of touch and their old ways can fade away without a sound. Instead of younger, we still see old as dirt movin on up or stayin put, harppin back and forth.. More young blood that is more in touch with the times is what we need.
  13. If you rezzed the building from your inventory, and you own the land, they couldn't delete the building.. If you are on a private sim and have a section of land on their sim, the sim owner could return your things to your inventory, because they are the true land owners and only sell owners rights to their land.. You could try looking in your inventory under your, lost and found or your objects folder to see if they are there.. If they did return your items, the icon in your inventory will look like a cluster of cubes instead of a single cube and named object. That might be the case, but just guessing at the moment.
  14. I think you might be looking for the introduction thread.. Here is the link to it.
  15. You may want to look at this thread if you were paying quarterly. it's a short thread , but the last few posts might be helpful for you.
  16. Or when they are selling a skin or a shape but load it up with so many other products that it covers what's actually for sale? Or how about those adds where you can't tell what's for sale because they don't put it in the image.. Is it the ring, is it the hair, What the hell are you selling?!! \o/ hehehehe
  17. Ya, but even in the states, the final purchase is going to be different from state to state, because of states having different tax rates and some not even having to pay tax.. On any purchases that get taxed, we'll never know until right before checkout what % tax our state will charge.. I mean I'm sure we can look it up, but I doubt any place calculates it in until right before checkout.
  18. That's how my received folder gets sometimes.. hehehe
  19. I tried looking through the blogs and things For that topic and can't seem to find it.. Maybe it was put on the back burner and we have much more time to get things straight.. hehehehe
  20. Ya, I really hated that one.. I think I have that folder under control now, which took forever.. I just went at things like, Am I ever going to use these things.. I did a quick scroll over mine and I remember just deleting chunks of things at a time.. I remember at one point making a new and old inventory to divide things up a few years ago when mesh bodies were coming out.. Almost all of my old inventory is gone now.. There was a lot of things that were nostalgia that I just pulled the trigger on and let go of.. I have a real hard time of thinking one day I might use this or that.. I had to get my head out of that and just rip through, because it all comes down to, will I actually ever use this again.. I hadn't missed those things so far so they went bye bye.. Even after that I still have to re-organize things so that i can get to them much quicker with less digging.. Something that will make it easier to find things even if I take a long break and come back.. Once I get them all straightened out, I'm never getting lazy with them again, it's too much of a pain to get back in order..lol
  21. Two of mine are good to go, but this one is still a little bit messy.. Not as much of a mess as it used to be, but this one is down to like 45k things, where my other two are in like 12k range, so they were pretty easy.. Maybe we didn't get hit like those with much larger inventories, maybe?
  22. Wasn't LL supposed to be doing something with the inventory right around now, Some sort of change to it? I remember a little while back some were saying to make sure you have your inventory organized or it could be a bigger mess after this change. Did that already happen?
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