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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. It's spam for a good cause. If net neutrality is erased I'm not sure how many SL customers could get priced out of the market, potentially causing SL to crash, and then you wouldn't have your fun place across the pond to play in. http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2017/11/philip-rosedale-net-neutrality-vr-second-life-high-fidelity.html
  2. I have a full sim for rent. It's off by itself surrounded by water. 15,500 $L per week, 62,000 $L per month (or 240 usd per month via Paypal). 20k Prims. Full Estate Manager rights to terraform, add textures, make commercial or residential, rent parcels. Message me in-world or email lunabliss@lunabliss.us Available now.
  3. Full-prim sim for rent (not a Homestead). It's off by itself surrounded by water. 15,500 $L per week, 62,000 $L per month. 20k Prims Full rights to terraform, add textures, make commercial or residential, rent parcels. Message me in-world or send a note card to Luna Bliss if interested. Available now. * Or send email to lunabliss@lunabliss.us
  4. Updating is the bane of my existence as a merchant in SL, and I have to consider carefully and prioritize since there's only so much time in a day. If I thought Mediterranean Splendor would be a good seller I might update and take photos, but realistically very few people want an entire sim build with a club, and if they did even less people would want that particular Mediterranean style, and so doing a lot with it is not at the top of my to-do list. Originally I created it as a custom job, but decided to box it up to see if I could sell as a prefab, or use it as a template to begin another custom job. I agree with you that some better textures and photos would enhance advertising for those who care about bump maps or do chance across it on the MP (however from my persepctive I see other issues that would take updating precedence). But.. it would take weeks to update the entire sim, plus I have no vacant sim to rez and update it on and so I'd have to incur the expense of renting one. Added to those issues...most people do not hire me as a custom designer of sims from seeing my items on the MP...so it's just not a good business move to spend lots of time and expense to update photos that few potential customers see. When someone wants to purchase a particular theme this provides motivation for me to update a prefab sim. But if I consistently updated every assembled garden, skybox, and prefab sim I ever created due to various improvements in SL I would never have the time to create anything new again. It's one of the problems with creating large prefabs (skyboxes, instant gardens, prefab sims)...eventually they have to be updated (changing textures, eliminating big prims...changing from the 3-prim to the 1-prim sculpts for plants...and then again to 1-prim alpha planes for plants, or adding updated plants/content I simply like better). So I have to prioritize updates -- when I have the time, when it's financially beneficial, or sometimes just when a build particularly inspires me enough to improve it. My main priority regarding updating at this time is to improve various instant gardens and skyboxes available for view in my store...especially removing these 'blobs' showing up in some assembled gardens and skyboxes! Apparently the sculpt texture disappeared from the SL data base and so the meadows show up as blobs wherever I used that sculpt
  5. Ah ok, yes I did wonder who you were referring to but just assumed you meant the landlord. Anyway, I deed the prims to the land group and so once I leave group and estate manager roles I can't affect the prims as they belong to the group and not me. Strange how they do (or used to) flood back to my lost and found folder if deleted, but if I remember right I can't even affect the perms on them anymore so they're technically not mine. BTW, one advantage of deeding a build to a group is that the sim owner can make various roles that allow managers to have degrees of access to deeded prims. However, group roles along with estate manager access is where the 'prim deletion revenge' can take place.
  6. Ah, you have updated the listing now I think that having 'xstreet' in the description would have suggested that the product has been available since way back when that was the name for what we now call SL Marketplace. That would make it very much a pre mesh item and possibly slightly heavier in land impact than other, newer designs, and less likely to make full use of normal and specular mapping, windlight effects and so forth. But Joe seems to like it, so perhaps he will soon be the owner of a new Mediterranean sim? Ah but I explained a couple posts up how these types of sims are like a template that I modify for customers, meshing or convex-hulling if needed/desired. I've run into quite a few people who do not want mesh for various reasons though. Old PC's, experience with previous mesh they hated. So best I rez out as prims and tweak to the customer specification.
  7. Yes, the lack of control you cite was one reason I thought Callum would be wary of purchasing it. And I see what you mean about the issues you've had with your sims when others did custom designs for you. I guess I'm lucky that I've had very few problems with anyone having those kinds of sim glitches, though a couple people accidentally deleted an area that I came in and replaced. And to the other concern (the actual owner of the sim taking their rented land back), I've never had this happen, but did envision possible problems with that, and so I have a contract that says the sim and terrain file are only licensed to the customer who made the purchase. Plus, I've referred a lot of people to various landlords so doubt doubt even an unscrupulous landlord would screw me or my customer over like that. But...most of the above points are probably moot as I often give the customer the rezzer so they can rez it again if something gets deleted or messed up. However often they prefer I rez and tweak it to their liking (and it is so much easier to modify when the prims are still in my name) and don't really care about a future rez box, especially if I give them a cheaper price when I don't have to take the time to box up a modified template. It's not for everyone, but is great for those wanting a custom job quickly as opposed to waiting for weeks/months. It's a complex process and negotiations are usually made, though there are some that are happy with it as it rezzes out and don't require modification. I don't really sell a lot of these types of sims anymore (half prefab/half custom I guess I'd call them), but they do provide photos for ideas, good templates to start a custom sim from, and a portfolio for those who might hire me to do a totally custom sim. I've gotten some good feedback here as to how I might market these better in the future. Number one is fix that text that says 'X Street' on some! Maybe I should start calling these designs that utilize the SL terrain 'custom sim templates' and stress that negotiations can be made according to what the customer needs. I've kind of said that in my description, but need to make it less wordy and clearer. Back in the day, nobody dreamed of boxing up a complex nature sim, so these were unique when they came along. But now is not then, and many have trouble understanding just what they are.
  8. Thanks, yeah it really takes a long time to create a full sim like Mediterranean Splendor (and adding the time-consuming boxing up of complex terrain elements like waterfalls/streams did not help time-wise). We spent 3 months of woman-hours on this one (7 days a week, 12 hours a day), with all the different homes (Italian cottages to the back of the sim), stores, furnishings, the cafe, canals, waterfalls, streams, new plants... and of course that huge club. Some customers would not want to spend that much time on developing their sim, and some would not want builders messing on their sim for months, and so we can come in and instant rez it and and with some updates and mods they're pretty much good to go. However, this is a dated build by now so of course I'd need do some convex hulling and perhaps meshing along with other general updates, but the design/layout is timeless and provides a good template. So that's pretty much what these sims utilizing SL terrain are - templates - but I have lots of full-sim builds utilizing prim terrain that can be rezzed by the customer on the ground (or in the air as a skybox in order to easily add another landscape level to their sim).
  9. Why would that keep you from buying it?
  10. Virtual simulations often provide a venue to create one's own reality. It's not much of a leap (if one did not perceive how we create our reality in RL) to begin to realize there are so many dynamics/perceptions in RL that one is creating too, and so one then has the power change these dynamics. I've always described virtual worlds as a hotline to the unconscious.
  11. Haha...well could you make that magic toaster produce low-carb toast. I'm on a low-carb eating plan BTW...there are some poetry gardens in SL I've been meaning to visit. I hope you keep sharing your writing here.
  12. No charge to upload that I can see. Choose from a number of pre-made scenes (I like the highlands all nature one, but there are ones with structures too). You can manipulate elements around in these or delete, and combine with free MP items or your own creations. Lots of free stuff on the MP to grab.
  13. I wonder how long the max size at this point would take to download today, with lots of content on it.
  14. As Sansar is set up now, you have 3 experiences for free to play with. Each experience is about 300x300 in size, so that is somewhat bigger than the SL sims of 256x256. So everyone can have a home for free at this time, and I hope they don't change that. Some will charge a fee to view their experience in the future, but I doubt all will. If you visit the Yosemite experience there, you will see that it's far bigger than the 300x300 typical experience (it takes forever to walk to the edge of the land) -- so they have joined several experiences together in Yosemite. I think this is one of the goals -- to have huge continents where all the fun things on the Mainland in SL can be there too -- who knows how many chunks of land or experiences can be joined at this point, or what they have planned. Anyway, I don't think it's contiguous land-lovers that will keep people in SL, as it appears this will be in Sansar. I can think of a number of other factors that might keep people in SL though.
  15. Sleeping in the Forest by Mary Oliver I thought the earth remembered me, She took me back so tenderly Arranging her skirts Her pockets full of lichens and seeds. I slept as never before A stone on the riverbed, Nothing between me and the white fire of the stars, But my thoughts. And they floated light as moths Among the branches of the perfect trees. All night I heard the small kingdoms Breathing around me. The insects and the birds Who do their work in darkness. All night I rose and fell, As if water, grappling with luminous doom. By morning I had vanished at least a dozen times Into something better.
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