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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. I agree with you in that ideally it's best not to be a grammarNazi because we don't know if the person is doing the best they can. For example, some people are dyslexic or on medication, or didn't have the opportunity for a good education, or perhaps writing is just not their thing because they are hopelessly 'right-brained' (my curse), or perhaps they can't see well, or perhaps their IQ is lacking.....so many problems might be going on that make it hard for them to communicate, and we should not make them feel like they are bad. But, whatever this shortcoming is makes it take longer for me to understand what they're saying, or with customer support it takes much longer and I have to ask question after question after question. So, if I think the person COULD do better I will get impatient, and even if I don't outwardly become a grammarNazi I sure am thinking like one when I think they could do better (for example, if I think they're just being lazy because writing clearly DOES take effort). And I can also feel impatient if it seems especially difficult to make sense of what they're saying, no matter what the cause.
  2. If you want land in the middle of nowhere with mountain views, it's not hard to find in SL. There are lots of abandoned parcels in isolated areas. If you have a premium membership, you can request that an abandoned parcel be auctioned by sending in a support ticket. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blanda/165/101/139 Underdeveloped Heterocetra http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Simcoe/106/44/97 Abandoned mainland. Looks like the surface of the moon. There's lots more. Thanks, but I'm not looking for land as I'm feeling like I have too much of it atm (the redesigning of a 2-sim nature park on the ground level below my store is taking way too long). My comment related to an appealing aspect of the discussion between Penny & Phil....the questioning whether or not 'a view' has value, and especially if one can't access the view via exploration.
  3. Aye, the most wondrous beauty is but a longing..
  4. Now step back and take a breath so you can be objective...the fate of the Western World depends on our accurate solution to this dilemma.
  5. Thanks for letting me know. One of my store sims has lots of parcels, and while the cost might not amount to a whole lot it's still a few real dollars a month I'd rather keep..
  6. I rode through a city without any clothes on, on a bicycle. Long ago of course, when I was very young.
  7. I assaulted a Republican on my sim making disparaging remarks about the poor by ejecting them, experiencing glee when I saw them flailing about at the sim periphery.
  8. I think they're locked into believing that all conflict must be resolved by making one party or the other into 'the bad person', when in reality there are so many nuances and mitigating circumstances when attempting to decide who is 'right or wrong'. Black and white thinking is so much easier. And yes it really is hard to get people to change when they're addicted to black and white thinking!
  9. Thanks for your acknowledgement, but I don't think of it as being generous and kind. It's more like I realized the OP's initial statement was so distorted that she must not be thinking clearly. If someone is not thinking clearly to such a great degree then it's likely I have the advantage (unless I haven't had my coffee yet ;0). So if I have the advantage then it's not really a fair 'fight'...and so I feel more protective of that person and my own needs are put more into the background.
  10. I was meaning in the past...a shame she didn't get treatment...so that her life and those around her was not so chaotic and/or miserable. Interesting to think about though...just how much plasticity does the brain have...even in such late years...I'd like to think it's never too late to change but that might be too optimistic.
  11. Competition to the end? Sounds like a lovely relationship. /sarcasm
  12. My 96 year old emergency backup mom is like this. Everything is a tragedy, soothed only trashing those who don't give her the attention she deserves. I never noticed this behavior when I was young, but it's grown over time to the point it consumes her. I've done more for her over the years than any of her family members, to whom she now says I'm her "greatest disappointment". A trophy is a trophy, I'll take it. And it works for her too, she's made it all the way to 96 powered primarily by vinegar. It's perverse, but I suppose I hope she never sees the light. I think that would kill her. It's a shame she couldn't get treatment for it. With your backup mom it sounds like she has borderline personality disorder. I had a friend with this and she was a real pain, causing chaos within every group of people she encountered. She got treatment though and stopped blaming everyone, and is now able to function very well and earns her living as a therapist.
  13. It could be a temporary satisfaction -- the belief that everyone else is bad while ones own self is the good one. But when that temporary power surge fades it's a very miserable state of existence to be in when one believes the entire world is a horrible place and bereft of any support or love.
  14. wow that's really cool...if I ever make more rezzing rugs or furniture I'll look into purchasing that from you..
  15. I clarified in the previous post and added that you must be the creator of the item.
  16. Yeah the permission problems with that sounds like a nightmare...
  17. I'm not an expert scripter, an it's been some time since I made furniture, but I don't think you can pack things in rezzers (like furniture that rezzes things and so qualifies as a rezzer) unless it's modifiable. *** can't pack them in rezzers when no-mod unless you created the item There may be ways around that though via some talented scripter...
  18. I take it you feel this would not lead us down the winding path to Wonderland....
  19. As you point out here, the 'teacup' or any other prop must be copy/trans so that guests can say, sip tea with the owner of the furniture. I've often created furniture with LOADS of props -- it would not be fair to me if some other creator could buy this furniture and get all my props to then use in their own furniture for resell -- and they can do that if it's mod/copy/trans....but not if it's copy/trans only. Actually, a creator who wanted those props would not even have to buy the furniture -- they would only need to receive it from any furniture you had rezzed on your land that gave mod/copy/trans items to guests.
  20. That is one definition, usually used in non-fantasy settings and more often than not the part of it that is focused upon. wow those people must have felt terribly oppressed by PC restraints in society if they feel a need to roleplay freedom from those restraints?
  21. I looked it up...it appears a component is that certain people become unusually thrilled to be able to utter words deemed unacceptable by society...like the 'N' word.
  22. I think the blacks who are now allowed to sit on the bus anywhere they damm well please are much happier, or even be able to SIT on a bus at all, as often they had to stand if no seats where available at the back of the bus -- even when there were open seats at the front of the bus.
  23. There are many things we can't do in our own RL homes, most especially if it affects the public in a harmful way.
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