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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Surrender I have abandoned theories and notions. They rattle through my mind like hail on roofs made of tin. The controversies and the discussions, the explanations and the explications–– they have nothing to do with who I am. What I want is this kiss the rose is offering just now, this opening into more than I can tell. This silent knowing, this feeling rising and falling like waves against the shores of my unnamed self, my only reality that I cannot capture in any net of words nor contain in any vessel. Dorothy Walters
  2. In the "do what ye will but harm none,changing consciousness at will" philosophy you mentioned, one invokes gods and goddesses to change consciousness. The awareness is maintained, however, that these are symbols. I believe that some reify the process however and lose this perspective. In Jungian psychology this mother-father archetype is a powerful one, and whether one projects this on a 'god' or not, it is almost always present in some way in every individual.
  3. I fell asleep seeing anchors Bitsy in answer to your question in the previous thread, I think meditation helps more than anything I've come across.
  4. I think what we need to feel valued shifts over time. In the earliest years what we need to feel valued focuses mostly on our individual needs, but it appears (according to growth psychology) that our self-esteem shifts more to what we contribute to society (if our development goes well). In other words, to what we give as opposed to only what we take. These seem to be the happiest people with a sense of purpose -- those who are able to achieve this.
  5. Blender is feeling very appealing right now
  6. If you wish to attract members who want to create anchors in their life for positive change it might help to provide more information. For example, a description describing how you intend to guide people into developing their anchors would be helpful. Or perhaps this has not even been developed and is something you intend to create via group input? I don't think English is your native language, so perhaps it might help to explain that many have a negative idea about the word 'rule', especially if they think you are imposing rules on others. I *think* I get what you're wanting to do with your group though. For example, I know I feel better throughout the day if one of the first things I do in the morning is sit out in my garden. I don't always want to do this, especially if I have pressing things to accomplish in the day. But after seeing the benefits I've created a 'rule' for this in my life -- an anchor -- that causes me to do it no matter how I feel. And I try to follow this rule even though I may not want to initially.
  7. Is it this one? https://tinybuddha.com/blog/how-to-create-the-life-you-want-using-anchors/
  8. JoeDex, is this the philosophy you are referring to? http://www.lifeforward.org/index.html
  9. It's a shame really that the thread was locked. You might have eventually realized you weren't really trying to help Prok at at all, but instead trying to control her due your disturbance over being an unacknowledged Green Dot King on her blog. When receiving help from anyone, a person should be able to choose a PREFERRED METHOD from the solutions offered -- you are controlling and not helping the person when you won't allow that.
  10. Prokofy did not ask for help. She asked what the thread title says. In her post she layed out a situation, and suggested what Linden Lab should do to stop it. Since only Linden Lab can answer for certain why they may tolerate this kind of griefing, and Lindens obviously refuse to answer that question in here, it's a total moot point to have that thread going anyway. Yes she believed it was LL's responsibility to fix, and stated that initially, but the thread progressed beyond the title. She questioned and responded to people -- sometimes in a defensive manner and sometimes not. She was trying to sort it out, despite not being a technical person. As the thread progressed I experienced her trying to understand both what LL could or could not do, and what was or was not within her power. I don't think just because there was no Kumbaya moment from her we can assume that she was not asking for help. So I don't feel it's a "moot point to have the thread going". Plus, it was interesting to discover just what was or was not possible for self or LL regarding the inhibition of this griefing problem. When it comes down to it I actually believe it is easily within LL's ability to fix -- if they get repeated AR reports containing recorded abusive chats from an avatar it's easy enough to get their IP. Get enough complaints from that IP and just ban it. I can only imagine it's just not within LL's bottom line to do so.
  11. Pixieplumb, when someone is being abused (as Prok has been with those griefers who consistently try to wreck her SL experience)...and they genuinely want help in order to make the abuse stop (and I believe she is sincere)...then it is NOT helpful to assign all kinds of psychological motivations of fault or incompetence to them if they don't understand or accept your help! (motivations such as they are willfully misunderstanding, or refusing to help themselves, or not changing because they don't have to and so just trying to make LL fix it). I can't say it strongly enough...this is NOT helpful...it is a form of psychological abuse, whether you believed your accusations to be true or not. And my guess is that you believe your imaginings of Prokofy are true in this case, but still it is abuse. However, you should be aware when you have negative feelings toward someone and recuse yourself from giving advice. This is what I see as the crux of the problem -- if we don't like someone we attribute negative motivations or aspects to the person, and if we like them we cut them some slack. I just did not like it at all today when I logged on to take a break from Blender and saw your spewed hate toward Prokofy continuing, further abusing someone who was being abused and asking for help, and that's why I confronted you today. This little diatribe: "Um, how kind, /s off. Done until you're back with a rinse & repeat, I expect. My sympathies are now entirely with the dwindling pool of your residents. Also, WHY are you and your alts banned from the Jira? Asking for a friend " Hate and manipulation are just oozing from that post. I am not sure why you are accusing me of not being a happy person -- I'm not the one trashing someone in a forum asking for help like you are -- perhaps you are the unhappy one.
  12. Prokofy is being abused by these griefers, and is being abused by people like yourself and Pixie who actually BLAME her for either the abuse or not being willing to do anything about it (which is untrue). It's a worthy cause. And I hate Blender.
  13. I'm sorry, but if someone sh*ts in my face and I call them a name then I'm not going to take responsibility for this "negativity".
  14. My take on Prok's problem is that she simply criticized some of the nastiest griefers ever to grace the SL sims, and had the 'audacity' to publicize them. They are retaliating. Bringing up Proks behavior as a social critic, any fights we had with her in the past on her blog or another forum, or the Jira banning... is irrelevant. She has been very well-behaved on this forum -- as much as anyone else has anyway.
  15. LOL And PLEASE...keep it going...I don't want to go back to Blender!!
  16. I don't believe we should call people names, but sometimes it's good to look behind what someone was actually saying...and I believe Prok was saying that she believed that Pixie's concern was not genuine (when calling her a 'concern troll') and I have to say I believe the same although I can't be for sure. Perhaps it was similar to how Pixie wished me a good day at the end of our mini-argument?
  17. These comments by Pixie don't seem very helpful. They seem to be blaming Prok and are actually quite insulting: "But when many people have made repeated suggestions to you to mitigate the bullying you suffer, and it IS bullying, and I DO sympathise, you turn those suggestions away, wilfully misunderstand them and refuse to help yourself." "...but it certainly appears to be the case that you either get griefed a lot more than anyone else, or that it bothers you more than anyone else, or that other people who are griefed simply use the tools available and the problem stops/diminishes/becomes bearable. Whichever it is, I'm absolutely sure that until you change something that you do this isn't going away. And you won't change what you do, because you don't have to, and you're not breaking the TOS and the Lindens should fix it." I don't think Prok understood fully what LL can or can't do until later in the thread, and that is certainly not "willful misunderstanding", or "refusing to help yourself", or "not changing because you don't have to and expecting Lindens should fix it". It's a very complex issue, and took a lot of explaining...thankfully some were very clear in their explanations.
  18. There could be other reasons you hate her and want to tear her down..
  19. ChinRey, you said: "You get a different picture if you read all her posts and not only the last one." I don't get a different picture from reading all her posts -- what causes you to think I should?
  20. Somehow, I get a sense that Pixie is not truly wishing me a good day, and wonder why she is referring to me as 'sir' ;0
  21. I thought flaming wasn't allowed here. It appears that the only goal of Pixieplumbs post is to tear Prok down, discredit her, or exact some kind of revenge.
  22. "As for the rest of this "catch flies with honey," the real question here is why anyone would accept the word of a day-old alt making a claim not backed up by anything at all, versus the protest of a 12-year-old avatar. Again, this is common sense most people accept. " Prokofy, 'Trust' in another person is a complicated issue, and how we determine trust in RL is not always the same in virtual worlds. Those differences are interesting to ponder, but perhaps best left to all those academics coming into forums and asking us annoying questions to complete their dissertations on virtual world dynamics. I would certainly trust someone more readily that had an abundance of information in their profile (and this occurs more often in those who are 'old'). Not that I would believe everything written -- there are simply more clues to develop possible trust from. There are numerous psychological studies on trust, and it seems familiarity is one aspect that enables trust to develop. And familiarity needs 'time'. Our profiles indicate that time has passed via our join date, and some can make this leap to more 'familiarity' via this indication of stated time. But for most people in order to develop trust one has to have 'experienced' time vs a simple statement of time on a profile. So I agree with what you are calling 'common sense' for RL, but not for virtual worlds. Of course if we want to go to the trouble and have the time we can check out the persons profile, make a verification of stated facts. But this person was needing to make fairly quick decisions on whether to trust you or not. Plus, she was being gaslighted...a form of abuse that makes it difficult to sort out facts -- she was caught in a kind of trap as she tried to determine who to believe, going back and forth between 2 people stating different realities while knowing one person was feeding her lies. We don't know to what lengths your griefer was going to in order to alter the perceptions of your potential renter. It was probably easier for her to believe you were doing something sort of benevolent ("entertaining" yourself and others with silly games) vs believe that she was being 'played' or manipulated by some creepy person whose intent was to harm others. So anyway, all this is to say that I think your expectations of this avatar (to trust you over the griefer) were unreasonable given the circumstance. However, I'm not blaming you, and if I encountered the situation I very well could have told the avatar she lacked 'sophistication' in less kind ways. After all, here you are having to experience people griefing you for years, and these griefers are trying to make it appear that YOU are some sort of griefer, or a racist. Very crazymaking.
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