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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Well animats, there will be something for just about everybody it sounds like. Get over there on that other thread where people are describing what they'd like to see on the other regions. Regarding Philip -- perhaps he already has his nice house in the burbs (well I know he does as my daughter lives not that far away from him in SF). Many would like to experience in a virtual world what they'll never have in RL (a nice home in a traditional style).
  2. 1. I would like to see a 5th option added to the homes for a gazebo as I'd love to have a community garden on the ground and I don't want a house ruining it. ~~~~ 2. Yes, mountains with pine trees & a stream or 2 if possible. I know heights are not easy (even more so with the requirements of an optimum number of homes on each region). But it could be done with 4 mountainous regions, keeping the pathway fairly flat up in the mountains once it rises from the adjoining sims...and steps from the pathway could lead up to rustic cabins.
  3. I think it's better to do a limited launch of just about anything in order to access the beginning stages and determine the best way moving forward. Plus, LL does have a limited number of workers and only can do so much at a time -- they are not a mega corporation with unlimited funds. And..If they had waited to launch until all the continents were finished we'd be birching about how long it took to get anything out.
  4. According to Wickipedia watercraft are considered vehicles: "A vehicle (from Latin: vehiculum[1]) is a machine that transports people or cargo." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle Most people just move on and buy something else instead of requesting anything from a merchant. One of the main rules of commerce -- make it as easy as possible for your customer to purchase something. Of course, a demo area may eat up too much of your marketing costs and cause you to earn less overall -- at this point anyway.
  5. One of the fundamental principles underpinning good, functional communities is being able to accommodate those, even when they are in a small minority, who have different expectations, perspectives, and practices. Totally agree regarding trying to accommodate all people as best we can and not base decisions on 'majority rule'. But, what do we do when the majority and minority conflict to the point that there can be little compromise -- those are the tricky areas, and sometimes the best course of action is to go with the majority as less harm is inflicted overall. And, something we need to pay attention to in SL, is that sometimes a very vocal minority will complain so much that it seems the problem is bigger than it is or that it affects many more people than it does -- the result is that changes might be made that negatively affect the largest segment of the population unfairly. Case in point, just one person suggested on the Jira that a change could be made regarding the display of sales dates and it was implemented! Most others did not welcome the change and thought it was a waste of resources (perhaps not the best example as the reason given for the change was that they simply thought it was a good idea as opposed to 'going' with a minority vote). A better example of my own with a touch of irony: I repeatedly reported a mainland resident who kept shoving a big prim over my customer's land I was trying to landscape. At some point in the future the ability for one avatar to rez big prims in the vicinity of another avatar was eliminated, and while that solved the griefing problem it caused me to have to rebuild many of my skyboxes that used big prims as my demos would not rez for customers since the big prims intersected them! Now I seriously doubt it was only me that caused the change, and most likely big prims were being used as griefing tools all over the grid, but I always wondered if I created this disaster for myself with my excess reporting of a griefer on this one frustrating day. lol
  6. What a beautiful light house area at the southernmost tip of the existing continent -- I hope you put a few more of those in the new 'pickle' area. I didn't think I'd like a boathouse but these areas are gorgeous...all the water surrounding them and a small sandy spot for a sand garden..
  7. I have not encountered anyone (except a few on the forum) upset by the lack of ban lines. Have you encountered quite a few inworld? I wonder what the proportion is...if there really is a "good portion of the population" with deep resentment, so would welcome your feedback.
  8. I don't know much about gachas, but I recommend focusing on what you CAN do, right now instead of what you imagine is inhibiting sales (whether gachas are actually limiting sales for you or not). First, put a link on the forum here under your posts. It was kind of hard to find you on the MP quickly since you have no link to your store on the forum, and I was searching for a Joshua tree - eventually got to your store via Cindy's link. I see you create boats, and with all the boat houses opening up for Premium residents with lots of open water and people who love to sail this could be good for you! Take a look at what everyone likes via some exploration and put your unique twist on it -- you might have a winner! Then join some advertising groups inworld and post listings, have hunts & events -- put some focus inworld too in other words.
  9. omg SL is goin down due to your action! Please reconsider!
  10. Oh I didn't know Patch was a Psychic and could predict the houseboats would sell out fast, hence yes he should have ushered a warning
  11. Ziggy, it's only the feelings/perceptions that we choose to give something (in SL or RL) that makes it anything at all. I don't judge people who prefer not to invest emotionally in experiences or pixels in SL, nor do I judge those as wrong who do invest their feelings. I totally understand that you are choosing not to invest emotionally in your pixels and would feel silly in doing so -- because that's how you feel. I only wish you'd give consideration to the other side as well.
  12. The Moment by Margaret Atwood The moment when, after many years of hard work and a long voyage you stand in the centre of your room, house, half-acre, square mile, island, country, knowing at last how you got there, and say, I own this, is the same moment when the trees unloose their soft arms from around you, the birds take back their language, the cliffs fissure and collapse, the air moves back from you like a wave and you can't breathe. No, they whisper. You own nothing. You were a visitor, time after time climbing the hill, planting the flag, proclaiming. We never belonged to you. You never found us. It was always the other way round.
  13. At least for those few moments the uncrippling of art Qie speaks of was allowed manifestation in all its glory upon your land.
  14. So true. I did think of that with my wooden shoes reference -- wondered if some from Holland might find it offensive too. My positive feelings about wooden shoes won out since I actually had a pair of them once for a dance recital! They were very cute. Yes, this whole PC thing has made social interaction a minefield hasn't it? I have been more and more careful about taking offense, as often the "offender" is innocent and the issues can be sorted out without starting a war if approached carefully.
  15. It looks to me like Resi and Selene sorted this out well. I need to point out something though about comparisons being made between cultural stereotypes -- wooden shoes vs Native raindances are not the same because Natives are sometimes thought to be less-than or inferior due to their customs. Native Americans were (and still are in some ways) denigrated due to these stereotypes we've placed on them, while we don't think of those from Holland (in past or present) as somehow less-than for wearing wooden shoes. Similar with the gouda cheese reference. This myth of "the wild injun" or "savage" persists. Native Americans were thought to be less sophisticated and intelligent -- primitive. And some still think they are. So there is a difference in your comparision of stereotypes, and this is crucial to the understanding of why Natives can be offended by certain stereotypes. Knowing this has made me more sensitive to using cultural references in comparisons. Though some references are made innocently we need to become aware of how they can be offensive just the same.
  16. You could make the entire back area of your yard a raised area. First, add some prims to the side of the pool to match the green surrounding area of the pool. Then make a little fence to place in the front where you go from the lower height of the garden to the new higher area (the rest of the fence is the one you see already in place that would surround your raised area). Have some steps going up to this raised area at a break in your created fence part.
  17. Likewise for you Qie. (I realize I'm quoting you from nearly 3 years ago, but feel the need to say that some people feel their home in a virtual world (albeit simply "pixels") is very meaningful to them. If invested emotionally it can feel like a hotline to their unconscious mind, and they want it to be private even when not in their home). You know I had a lot of sympathy for your side before I actually read the first part of this thread! No wonder the "my home, my way" crowd dug in their boundaries so severely -- your side has no respect or understanding for the other side, it seems.
  18. I realize I'm quoting you from nearly 3 years ago, but feel the need to say that some people feel their home in a virtual world (albeit simply "pixels") is very meaningful to them. If invested emotionally it can feel like a hotline to their unconscious mind, and they want it to be private.
  19. Yes, "criticism" is such a loaded word and many think it always means something negative. I like to use 'critique' instead so as to avoid confusion when giving feedback.
  20. That must be difficult, developing as an artist under such conditions. Hopefully they are supportive of you? Yes that "imposter syndrome"...it's always there even if one is not comparing themselves to others...one always knows they can do a better job and as soon as one is finished it's not 'adequate' anymore..lol.
  21. I like your etching... And yes, it is the process that matters...and the most important part of what makes art "good" in my eyes... It's such a vulnerable & confusing time when a creator is exploring a new venue for their creativity...they actually need some external support....yet the goal is to move on beyond needing it..
  22. From your descriptions on quite a few threads detailing your methods of teaching, I think it was a sad day for students when you left
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