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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Faireye, Perhaps you're not aware...there are models we can get from other places that are legal. You are accusing Reid of doing something illegal when you have no proof. Stop accusing Reid, stop harassing me in PM.....I will report you for harassment if you continue.
  2. I made that snarky comment because someone entered the thread saying nasty, untrue things about Reid. It must have been reported, as comments have been both changed and removed now. Anyway, Reid, on the rare occasion someone has been upset about a billboard type plant using mesh alpha planes I point out the LI savings using the billboard and they then choose the billboard plant over a "true mesh" or 3 dimensional plant. In the case of your vine, I bet a complex 3 dimensional one stretched to 16 m would be way over 1 LI -- don't know if it would help to demonstrate that to this particular customer, but maybe worth a try. I do love the 3 dimensional plants for their realism, but one can link two mesh alpha plane plant groupings of 10 plants each together and get 20 plants using only 1 LI! Can you imagine the LI for a tall truly 3 dimensional tree?
  3. There is a market for selling full-perm meshes. Merchants use full-perm in their larger builds to resell. The license in these full-perm meshes always states they cannot be sold individually and must be part of a larger build. I'm not sure how large this market is presently, but it might be worth checking out with a few items to see if it's worth your effort.
  4. Thanks for the links, Maddy! I'm afraid my mind is simmering so much it will boil away and never return on this subject.... But later...
  5. Oh great, miss-the-point merchant has entered the thread.
  6. I'm always thinking about this, trying to understand it. What is this "significant lack of awareness" exactly? I was just reading about how experiments have demonstrated that the people you are describing are less able to be introspective, and if you can't examine yourself on a deeper level and understand your feelings, well is there much hope? Is this characteristic a structure of the brain formed at birth or in the womb? Can it be modified via environmental interactions?
  7. Gadget, I generally like you for some unknown reason...and that is a feat in itself as for the most part I don't like people with too much of a conservative mindset. But right now I'm wishing there was a law that could glue your mouth shut. How you could twist Scylla's post in the way you are, quite possibly one of the best single posts on the forum I've seen, is beyond me.
  8. The special effects were great. I'm glad I watched it and felt entertained. But I can always tell if a movie is truly great for me if I'm inclined to watch it again, and I won't be watching this movie again.
  9. Double reply, but oh well https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2796447/lyrics-baa-baa-black-sheep-changed-kindergarten-teachers-racial-overtones.html The operative word is "credible". There will always be outlying cases such as this, or people you encounter in life playing the race card (cases you delight in finding) -- stop using these in attempt to create false equivalencies -- it only makes you look stupid (unable to make apt analogies, unable to use logic in appropriate ways).
  10. Sorry Lindal, I can't remember It was quite some time ago I snatched it off of search..
  11. It might be a good thing to troll (if we define 'trolling' as being insincere or playing a game) when up against some really nasty people who are playing destructive games. It could be a better option than being overpowered by them. Of course the better option for the OP might be to just not go to that place in order to fight trolls.
  12. My best guess is that they feel some satisfaction in punishing others for their general unhappiness. The tendency to blame others is very pronounced in some...
  13. I dunno about that, kitty....I just know this is my kind of white knight
  14. Oh BilliJo, you reaaaly got me...how will I ever extricate myself? Once again, we see how black & white thinking rules you, and that nuance is not your friend. No credible person has ever advocated changing our usage of words that associate the color 'black' with evil and the color 'white' with good, in fact that would be impossible to eradicate. What is advocated however, is to become more aware of how evil associations can be transferred to people of color so that we don't discriminate against them based on their darker skin: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-bad-is-black-effect/ The ramifications of associating dark skins with evil personality traits is heartbreaking. Numerous tests demonstrate we do this on an unconscious level. One tragic result is that darker skinned people are more likely to be found guilty and so they're incarcerated at greater rates than whites. Whites are more likely to be hired for jobs too, and less likely to be gunned down by police, and they receive shorter prison sentences than blacks. In all these tests it's easy to see what plays out in all facets of society -- basically any time a person is judged by society the darker skinned people are more likely to be perceived as wrong.
  15. Are you being a true white knight with honor? Or are you just trying to take out your aggression on creepy people? * And what do you mean by "trolling"...what are you doing?
  16. I would say "Well you know all those games people play? I spent a lot of time in one that has more choice in it...choice of how we look and what we do. More ability to create your own environments too".
  17. I suppose it's different for those who make money from Second Life. Even if it's jsut a small seconday income, that in itself is something that is relevant to family and close friends. But it's not relevant for for us who have never made a single cent here and never will. Do you want me to come up with an imaginary line for those people? Thinking....lol
  18. Yes, Tari, I do believe you are creating love
  19. Have you ever mentioned SL? Don't think you have from what you mentioned earlier. I find that when I mention SL people think I'm an escort or something, so long ago I developed new lines..lol.
  20. I ran across this blog where the author claims she worked at a greeting card company in the US, and that half the V Day cards sold were friendship cards, so yeah, given this evidence (she seems reputable anyway) and all the evidence we have from US folks here in the thread I'd say the U.S. V Day is not just a romantic one: https://www.bryndonovan.com/2019/02/04/beyond-valentines-day-holidays-about-love-and-friendship-around-the-world/
  21. If I'm not happy, content, & feeling all is well in the moment (is this a definition of love? maybe...or maybe these are important elements of 'love), then it's usually because I'm trying to control SOMEthing. Perhaps my mind is foggy and I'm frustrated that a blessed clearness is not in the cards that morning, or perhaps I wish to be out in my RL garden but snow, ice, and bitter cold covers it so I'm stuck inside, or perhaps a friend spoke harshly to me and I wished for support and kindness....perhaps perhaps perhaps...there's always something to need from our external reality...ways we'd like to control the world if we could. But, if I just face the pain of not getting what I thought I needed and let go of the striving then an amazing peace comes over me...and I'm happy & content, feeling all is well in this present moment. Accepting responsibility and choosing to allow this state of consciousness (love) exemplifies that we are believing in it -- we let go of the striving, let go of the mistaken belief that something in the external world will create the illusion of permanence. That's how I see it anyway, on March 1st, 2019
  22. If someone is curious I try to tailor my response to something they're more likely to understand. For example, if someone asks how I earn my living I might say "you know all the games that people play online, well somebody has to create the elements in them, and that's what I do as a freelancer". That usually suffices, and if the person is interested in social aspects as well I might mention that I sometimes discuss issues with other people involved in the game or platform as either creator or participant.
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