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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Yes, but when they go low, we get high. Well you may be right Qie .... In my defense perhaps I'm still p*ssed off @ my impending 30% pay cut....I need to get busy and channel that into this job I'm avoiding I guess...
  2. I agree. I didn't really get why people were so enthused about the ability to change names at first. I mean it was easy to understand why someone would want to avoid the minimization of identity that comes with having to name themselves Blopsop75939357 and so want the proper identity of having a first and last name, but since I have no desire to change names, at first I couldn't understand why having the ability to change from one first and last name to another was so appealing. But...I think it's similar to how we like to change avatars -- a sense of freedom, not being tied to any one thing, a spirit of experimentation. It's just fun to play around with identity, and names are so crucial to identity.
  3. A bit uncalled for. As they say, play the ball not the man. Perhaps you should go to her blog and read the 2 over the top attacks against me -- that she has not and never will apologize for. My jab here was mild in comparison.
  4. Very admirable of you ChinRey, to attempt to teach manners to Prokofy. Numerous studies have shown the mentally ill can learn manners given enough time and patience.
  5. And don't forget to make a LM once inside the skybox.
  6. Well, you should have purchased one of mine that takes you to the sky on a little flower, and the flower rezzes the skybox around you ;0 But seriously, all you need to do is rez a chair and sit on it...then select the chair as you're sitting on it and scoot yourself inside the skybox. Or...place the chair inside the skybox and reach inside and sit on it (if you have good camming skills).
  7. This has been mentioned several times in this thread, and I'm curious about what these customers are doing -- are they buying things to leave bad reviews? I guess I should be happy that there's at least some form of griefing I haven't experienced personally
  8. Exactly -- there is a huge difference between SL and other platforms that sell 3D content.
  9. Not sure about the legalities of that. Also, I don't think most of the content creators on the MP even have inworld stores...or at least a large percentage of them don't.
  10. The following is what was said in the birthday announcement: "In order to avoid shocks to the in-world economy and to take care that we keep the business healthy, we plan to make these changes in a measured way, taking time to assess the impacts of each change as we go." At Sansar they take a 30% fee from each transaction, and this is a common charge on 3d modeling sites (30%, or even 40%). They take 5% presently, so if they plan to "make these changes in a measured way, taking time to assess the impacts of each change as we go" I can only assume they are headed up to at least 30%, and that is an increase of 25% over what we're charged now for each sale.
  11. I could feel okay about a 5% increase ...bringing our increase in fees up to 10%, along with a 5% sales tax that purchasers on the MP pay for each transaction.
  12. Ok, I'll just come out and say it. I think this "birthday gift" is a smoke screen...it's 'market-speak' manipulation. It shows a profound disrespect for creators here. One has to wonder if LL thinks we just play with tinker toys and so should be compensated accordingly, or if we are in the 'illustrious category' society places artists and healers and decides they should give freely to society and live on air while doing so. Silicon Valley has to change...the people on the internet using the tools Silicon Valley makes have to make a living too, especially as more and more services go online. Even though LL is a small company, they are acting like a big Silicon Valley company and I'm profoundly dissapointed in the way they are putting the squeeze on their creators. We are "partners" ?? Grumpity, I know you have to say what you have to say as an employee, and I never met a Linden I didn't like (well maybe one)....but if we are partners maybe you can convey to LL that they need to pay the Moles more than 10 freaking dollars an hour if they want to show they really value creators here. This is pretty much proof of how much they value creators -- I've found over the years that people usually value what they are willing to pay for. I know several creators that are in the thousand dollar a month income range, and they work well over 40 hours a week. They simply can't take a 25% reduction in wages and remain working here...actually it will be more than a 25% increase because cash-out fees will increase too.
  13. Pamela, can you think of say, the top 3 new features to the Marketplace that could compensate for a 25% reduction in our income? (I do believe the plan is to inch it up as far as possible, to the 30% Sansar takes). I can't see any changes to the MP mentioned so far that would enable this, or even come close, but maybe you have more ideas regarding features that could compensate for at least a bit of the lost income? Or might I be failing to see the great benefit of some already mentioned?
  14. Might be the only way many merchants make it through the upcoming squeezes. I'm lucky to still get some custom jobs, paid through Paypal. I've got one now where my customer paid me 500 usd to start and added 200 usd to his account for me to buy whatever I want, and then he ran off to Hong Kong and I can do what I want on his 2 sims. But reaslistically, how many jobs remain like this? And all the stolen content on the MP, and people who model for free or really cheap, just for fun, more of it loaded onto the MP each day. Our days of being even a starving artist here are numbered I fear
  15. You might try turning it off yourself if possible. If it's coming from a transparent prim you can highlight transparency (Control/Alt/T) to see it...then click to get a menu to set parameters or turn on/off (unless they have it set to 'owner only'). Press the same keys (at the same time) to remove highlight transparency.
  16. I've been a butterfly all week. I wonder just what they think about that!
  17. Yes! I was all excited at first...wondering what in the world I sold. Mine starts at the 6th when first logging in.
  18. Yes! Could not remember the name. That river was amazing...nothing like it then or since...
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