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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. read your own words to somebody else in another thread, apply it to the "creators" attitudes who posted here and think again. Think you'll find some feelings of superiority in your own words and posts. How dare the LL's and paypals in this world put fees on me... and how dare some go against my high positioned opinion ... Alwin, there is a difference between someone speaking up for what they perceive as an unfairness and trying to rectify it by bringing it to light on the forum VS the type of 'entitlement' you are describing where a merchant would have no empathy whatsoever for the other side (the other side being LL in this case). I have no way to know if Naiman considered LL's position. You may be right, it seems she did not as she only stated her own position and so perhaps she feels only her position should be considered. I don't know. It could be she didn't speak to the other side as she knows nothing about it, and would be open to learning. For me, I have tried to understand if LL's positioin is true and fair, but I don't think it is. I do not think only MY position should be considered in any way -- I don't feel a sense of entitlement as you define it. However, I do tend to give more sympathy to the person(s) with less power, and in this case it is the merchants with less power and a corporation like LL has all the power and make the rules we must abide by without us having much say in it at all. I would expect fellow merchants/residents like you and Klytyna to support us, and to join us in speaking truth to power. I'm not sure either one of you is much of a merchant though, and while this may just be my projection I wonder as Rya does whether you are jealous of successful merchants like Naimen and myself and so feel fine about attempting to take us down a notch. If not that, then I suspect you just hate to see people come to the forum and complain & criticize, as that appears to be the perogative of you and Klytyna.
  2. why should those in power voluntarily give up their power? Because the fate of the human race (and much of the rest of the planet) rests on whether humankind can give up this 'might makes right' mentality. A mentality that supports dominating others against their will and favoring their interests over others simply because they managed to acquire power. It's abuse! Good God, where were you in pre-school when the teacher said everybody should get a piece of the orange instead of one person hoarding it all. And you you believe you are moral while others who believe in sharing are degenerates???? Are you a sociopath who has no empathy...no connection with the rest of the world?? It is this type of excessive individualism and feeling no connection with the rest of the earth that is steering us into the destruction of the entire freaking planet!
  3. There needs to be a way for people to feel good about themselves WITHOUT feeling superior over another, WITHOUT domination. I think it's possible.
  4. There was a really nice graphic on the log-in page one day this month...three gay couples standing side-by-side. I wish we could see it once more before Pride month is over.
  5. It is an annoying phenomenon isn't it....people who 'eat their own'...
  6. I think the loss of power (through decreased superiority, whether true or only imagined) is more difficult to deal with than never having power at all. Hence I have some understanding for poor Phorumities and his kind, who think America is superior and should continue to dominiate the world, latching onto the protestations of "make America great again". They must feel the Western world is out of control and trying to get them when not long ago America was nearly worshiped, a beacon to the world, a hope out of life's misery. These types trigger Klytyna (anyone who feels superior she must point out and trash), hence this derail into 'who invented what first, and who is better), and I have to admit sometimes they trigger me and I want to try and take them down a notch. But mostly I just feel sorry for the alt-right people. Can you imagine being 'the default' (conservative straight white male) in a country, the ones who made the laws to favor themselves. What power & control, and now all this is being taken away by these "horrid groups with demands". Yes, people who want equal rights...individuals who have been oppressed by those in power and are now demanding they have a voice too. Poor Phorumities....giving you a big socialist hug* lol
  7. I think both sides have a tendency to apply labels that don't always fit entirely. What did you mean by "when the left has completed its task of destroying america through degeneracy..." How do you perceive leftists as degenerate?
  8. But you don't simply express opinions that are contrary or controversial. I've seen others express controversial opinions from time to time, and while not often accepted warmly they are not called trolls. You are called a troll because you're not serious about having a discussion....you only want to argue and berate others who are on the left side of the political spectrum. It's obvious your mission is to put down "lefties". You are not trying to have any kind of real debate. That's why you are a troll.
  9. Okay. I'm ashamed of America because too many conservative straight while males live here like Phorumities.
  10. Yeah...I run at LOD2 since most do. In the past I suggested going up to LOD4 to fix the problem until I discovered that can be laggy. Some of my old sales boxes still recommend that, but not sure when/if I'll get around to updating. I bought a lovely Medieval house to use for a full-sim job, placed it up on a hill hoping it would be a great distance view...old home up on the side of a mountain surrounded by pines. But the thing pops out of view when far away! Next time I'll cam out before purchase.
  11. I don't understand...why would you not support a group of people who have been systematically humiliated, oppressed, taken advantage of, and even murdered throughout history, coming together to gain strength from each other and foster self-esteem? I wouldn't think you're homophobic if you don't support them, rather I'd just think you're an ashhole.
  12. I do too, feel appreciative and thankful to LL. Yet what they plan to do might cause me to leave (by not making it affordable for me to stay here). It's kind of crazymaking, this gift and the taking away of it at the same time.
  13. lol too true... and what's going to happen to all of us I can't even remember all the changes that screwed things up for me, but I just found a workaround when I could. Sometimes you can't though. I'd suck it up for progress, but will it be progress?
  14. I was thinking more of normal people who rent a homestead - some of the bigger customers of the H&G shops. They now get extra to spend. No? They would have more money by spending less on land costs, true....but would they necessarily spend more on content? Perhaps they would just save the money or spend it in RL. LL has framed the debate here or created the format for us to think about the problem (that lower land costs translates into more money spent on content, and that the only solution they have to increase their own revenue to charge land owners less and content creators more). They even blame the supposedly needed change on us, saying we were always complaining that land costs too much. It's always unwise to let others frame a debate (especially those with more power or the greatest chance to benefit from perceiving the issues on their terms) -- not because they are necessarily some evil corporation, but because everyone tends to lack empathy for the other side, and so with the greater power/influence they slant the debate their way.
  15. "waves" (and other H&G content) are copyable and so landlords would not need to buy more. Also, while it's a bit too soon to tell I have not heard of one merchant revealing an increase in income
  16. Hahaha... Good Content needs Good Content Creators, and hiring those costs MONEY... Hiring some freshly graduated inexperienced hack from a cgi course at the Buttburg College of Knitting, who's keen to work in the 'games' industry, and who'll accept 'apprenticeship' payscales, is much cheaper, and so... You get bad content... Klytyna, Penny, Optimo, and ChinRey… In order to reduce lag do you guys think it would have been better for LL to change the way mesh and sculpts are implemented at the core of it all rather than asking content creators to rein in their triangles? I'm sure changing both ends would be great, but I don't see any information about changing the basic code. The end result is that we will end up having less value for our money if LI is calculated differently (unless they do allow more prims on the land too).
  17. Thanks, yes I love the new Firestorm settings. Thanks Whirly! However, if I come across some mesh that is sooo beautiful but poorly made, and I don't have the time or talent to make it , I will just HAVE to use it on the project. Beauty before FPS!!!
  18. What if.... They were charging too much for land all along. If so, this 'balancing theory' of getting more from creators to make up for less income through land would be a ruse. What if... Comparisons between taxes in RL don't hold for a fantasy land where there are no price controls for merchandise. If so, comparisons between SL & RL don't hold. Chic, what if I said I was going to punch you in the noggin and told you to feel good about it because I'm giving you time to prepare?
  19. Wow you and Optimo sure have a wealth of knowledge in this area. Did you work in game design as Optimo did? It's a little difficult to parse what you've explained without reading a lot of background info, but I think I know better what to do. I'm wiping out any sculpts over 4096 on my 2 new sims, and checking for excessive triangles in both mesh and with sculpts. Decided to rezz non-phantom without the unphantom scripts going off. Still unsure about the mesh though (how much to incorporate into these new builds). I've always been very careful with these full sims...using repeating textures with both sculpts and regular low-res textures, even tinting to give variety. And more recently using more mesh planes for plants that utilize alpha masking.
  20. I am shuddering to think about what this could do to all my assembled gardens/full-sim builds. Do you think it might cause mesh and sculpts with a higher triangle count to increase in LI? Or would it change hi res sculpts? Fortunately it looks like I don't have too many bad sculpts in previous builds -- I'm just being very careful in 2 new sims I'm packaging up now that have more mesh than I've traditionally used.
  21. Thanks for the info Yes Chic mentioned this physics shapes to none earlier but most of my stuff needs to be walked or bumped into, but this reminded me I could at least set all the plants to this. By "things not rezzing as they used to" I mean they're taking longer than in the past, and a couple times even just walking around it took awhile before a sculpty popped into view, and that wasn't happening before. Could be it's my viewer or internet connection in the latter case, but I'm more and more thinking it's the increased mesh I'm using that causes the ground (high mountains, waterfalls, ponds, walkways) to take longer to rez in my skybox demo area. Seems to be okay once a customer owns the sim (in terms of lag). And yeah, I just took out all the unphantom scripts from a new sim I'm packaging up...like 50 or so...and that can't be good when they're all going off as the sim rezzes.
  22. Unfortunately the ground needs to be non-phantom so customers can walk around and check out the build.
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