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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Oh Groundhog Day already? Yes, certain patterns return again and again, like choosing to focus on something one doesn't like as opposed to focusing and commenting on the greater, more beautiful & bigger picture. Indeed this is a meme too, like the groundhog meme.
  2. It's always good to hear the thoughts of a creator when deciding whether to support a project, and so here, with permission, courtesy of Lawrence, they are: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Anne Frank Memorial (Notecard to HL group today): Hello, "In spite of everything i still believe that people are really good at heart", is a quote by Anne Frank. It is placed in the city, on the outside walls of the Candy Shop, which is the only protected happy place of hangars liquides. This is a dark and dystopian city, this is not a place we want our children to be or grow up in. But unfortunately we can not protect all the kids enough and what happened to Anne Frank, after I read her diary, is to me, the prime example of what is the most disgustingly dystopian in our world. In all the darkness, I made that very colorful innocent place with giant candies, flowers and pancakes, it is not a place for adults obviously, but more one to go celebrate your 10th birthday with your schoolmates. As an artist everything I do has an meaning behind it. and the meaning behind placing a quote of Anne Frank on the outside walls of the colorful candyshop caught inside a monstruously dark city is to try to remind people, just like she did by saying it, that yes in spite of everything, let's try to believe...A message of hope. It is a memorial dedicated to her and other innocent kids who died and still die today. A memorial is a place of contemplation, calm, remembrance. I am being told that some people publicly say that I used that quote "ironically", you see what is in between the lines here, and I have to make it clear that I am not a fascist, for only fascists could use such a quote ironically. There are other historically relevant illustrations all over my work in the city, 911, Tien an men, the japanese kamikaze, seppuku, the war in syria, authoritarianism, fascism, antifa, WW2 resistance, slavery, basically all these things evolving around the subject of dystopia, the wars, the corrupt politicians, I am a dystopian artist, dystopia is the subject I work with, it is not happy or anything, and it can get heavily politicized. I have received death threats due to my work, more than once, even though I never felt endangered, internet being the internet, but I did receive some. Maybe that means I am doing my job right, I just want people to think about our world, and how to make it better to fight dystopia, and we ought to do this to protect what we have that is the most beautifully innocent, our kids. Have a good day everyone. Djehan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  3. I can't seem to get my $L converted to dollars (for almost a week), even though I have them at 252 (not Market Sell, but still the highest and so should have converted quickly). Was hoping to get my earnings out before Aug 1st.
  4. Then perhaps quote it? I will after I mull it over more, but atm I'm not sure if I'd be responding to the present or to experiences from the past. You know, is it live or is it memorex? lol I had experiences with so-called REAL LIFE artists who entered SL trying to get me to hire them for some of the big projects for institutions I worked on then -- artists who always pressed the fact that they were REAL LIFE artists, as if that would be any reason I would hire them. And what were they saying about me then, that I was not really an artist? These REAL LIFE artists who couldn't align a texture or prim to save their lives. Oh I could forgive it some, doesn't everyone puff themselves up in some cases in an attempt to feel worthy and/or get others to accept them? Ultimately, it was about their problems and had nothing to do with me. But that's not how I felt -- I felt they were putting me down.
  5. Hey put that back cause I agreed with all of it. Besides, you are probably ruining Tari's next draft she worked hard on in order to counter...lol. But more seriously, perhaps it should just stop here. It seems these types of threads go on and on and on in attempt to make one or the other side if not totally wrong, then at least more wrong. Maybe best (though not sure it can happen) to let it fade out in a deep blue dystopian haze...
  6. Yes, and her purpose (from reading some of her writings) is to show what the world could become. It is not a glorification of of this type of world, though she shows it artistically, beautifully.
  7. What is the most beautiful part of the Far Away landscape for me? It's how the Earth would look if all the cr*p man put on the Earth was gone -- all that would remain would be a few broken down structures/machines -- returning to nature once again. For me, 'man' has ruined the beautiful Earth. How's everyone doing as they cook at 110 degrees today btw?
  8. Yes I think you're right, cyberpunk usually is more dystopian than apocalyptic, although I do see some cyberpunk/apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic combinations in both literature and visual representations. It's really not a genre I'm very familiar with. I can only say, for me, such an environment could only occur after an apocalyptic event that destroyed what is most fundamental to the earth and the beauty within, because it's so dark and devoid of the nature that I love. There is a beauty in darkness, perhaps because it reminds us of what can happen if we don't attend to the beauty of what we have now.
  9. The thing with the Far Away, is that this is how the world looks in my RL situation on the plains! There is a beauty here that many can't see -- they say there's nothing there -- call it "fly over country". But A.M. did a great job of showing the beauty * Sadly though, the old time farm machinery dotting the fields here and there, rusting into oblivion, is disappearing.
  10. Has there been a release yet today? My alts have homes but I don't Keeping my others as somebody wants to make a community center with one of them.
  11. I love the natural landscapes better, such as the A.M.Radio works cited, and don't particularly like cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is a kind of sci-fi apocalyptic vision, where machines have taken over after the crash of capitalism. I love nature and hope we never arrive at this "metal hell", although I know many are excited about these machines -- maybe they need some sort of hope as we see RL in such chaos & crumbling atm. HL creates the mood of cyberpunk very well -- there's an overall gloomy feel with towering buildings taking prominence -- only a small spot of nature on a bottom level seems to point to the past. It is unifying in its presentation (and harmonious), and creates emotion, and so I'd call it 'art' because of this. It took skill to create it, and that is another attribute we use to determine if something is artistic. Is it unique? Uniqueness is another characteristic used to define art, and while a cyberpunk city is not unique I'd say this city is unique for SL (at least one this large, and done with this much skill). I feel very sad when visiting there, kind of lost...and strangely, a sense of beauty too.
  12. So let them perish. What's your point? Perish? What does that have to do with anything. Art is, at its base, simply a way of seeing the world and expressing that. You can't separate art from life. * it's a way to know life at a deeper level
  13. Anyone who claims to have a 'true' definition of art is burping dogmatic axioms. Study away if you like, and come back when you've got some meat to that argument other than opinionated jargon. Once again, I said the attributes of art are fairly well defined....this is different from knowing exactly what art IS.
  14. That's not even close to what I said, unless you are truly unable to separate "art" from "life". Dedicated artists probably don't....separate art from life.
  15. WHATEVER THIS IS By Dorothy Walters What is it, this channeling god, these words pouring through like love strokes of light, these syllables taking over becoming flesh, my flowing veins, I cannot remember when it was not this way, when my blood did not ache for whatever this is. from "A Cloth of Fine Gold: Poems of the Inner Journey"
  16. The attempt to know life on a deeper level -- the expression of one's inner self -- is pointless? I think anybody who believes that has the consciousness of a rock (not that I mean to insult rocks here). * It's meaningful to them, and that's all I need to know.
  17. No, the attributes of art and aesthetics are defined fairly well. You can study this. But whether one likes any particular piece of art is dependent on the person viewing it, yes. As well as whether any individual believes art is important.
  18. Partially true, the "beholder" notion....but art does have standards that most artists abide by...
  19. How do you define art? That could be a good conversation... For me, it has to evoke feeling and have a certain level of skill to it...although I'd say my grandsons scribbles are definitely worthy of display at an art show ;0
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