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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. I'd say that's partially true, as sharing is a nice attribute. But We don't want to facilitate compassion for being lemmings or copying others over developing skills within ourselves. I would think using one's capacities to grow, become better, and learn would be a favorable attribute to seek. There is compassion here, too, in the search to change one's self and view a bigger picture.
  2. Nice short video on Human Rights and also a free online course. I learned a few things. https://www.humanrights.com/what-are-human-rights/brief-history/
  3. The only thing the OP sells in his store is Gachas. After visiting his houseboat and looking around, the only thing I saw was someone a few houseboats down has the same kitchen, but it is not arranged the same or even in the same area of the houseboat. I can't find anyone else nearby that looks to be using any other items that he has. It is possible that the OP has changed a lot since he posted and thus that is why we don't see anything else that appears to be copying him. Perhaps he was just strolling through Bellisseria and saw some copycat homes & gardens. The only thing I'm fairly sure of is that he is some sort of artist, and this is because he understands and champions the desire for innovation. This actually is a compliment to the citizens of Bellisseria, as he views them all as potential artists. And they are! It's quite a task to assemble a home and garden that looks nice without copying the design of another. And quite an opportunity to use one's imagination.
  4. Exactly. For those in this situation -- which is most of us -- this is all pretty irrelevant. I'm not sure it's "most of us"....could be it's most of us on the forum though. Just look at how many stores there are (although some use those $L proceeds for inworld purchases), and the millions of usd cashed out each year.
  5. Life has no value except to the possessor Are there items in the Universe that have no life (unless they're dead)? And I would argue that even a rock has life. (argue means 'debate' in the U.S., in this context)
  6. All rights spring from the notion that life has value.
  7. I would never like a live teacher because I would feel too much pressure, and the advantage of a video is that it can't hear me cussing And Blender, if anything, is a great teacher of cussing if one did not already have that attribute.
  8. Well Kiera I see the OP as making an impassioned call to the artists of Bellisseria, asking them to "be original". Is he perhaps a budding artist? Attempting to find 'the new' (what one hasn't seen or been able to achieve before) is very important to most creators. In the beginning I've seen new creators struggle by comparing themselves to other people in an attempt to judge if what they're doing looks good or stands out. But eventually one gets to the point (hopefully) where one mainly does self-comparisons in order to grow, striving to learn new things and to make each creation unique compared to what was accomplished before. So, again, I see his post as a call to creators as much as a judgement of those who don't make any attempt to be original. Could be, too, that he doesn't understand that budding artists generally copy/imitate before they attempt to strike out on their own.
  9. From a cursory reading some weeks ago it appears to be much clearer in the new TOS that if you incur any kind of loss there's absolutely no recourse as a consumer.
  10. some places are closing due to personal bad choices there is no world wide rescession. I've created thousands of sims, many of them for customers with various types of public projects intended for both public use and moneymaking ventures. While a few might have closed due to the "personal bad choices" you refer to, most closings were beyond their control. For example, losing a RL job and being unable to find a new one (or one that paid the same due to the very real austerity measures enacted worldwide) made the extra money needed to pay for their regions impossible. Another biggie has been personal illness -- they no longer had the energy/time to continue, and this had nothing to do with "personal bad choices". Another factor -- the devaluing of both content and cost of rents - many of these projects attempted to pay for their regions (or at least offset some of the cost) via small malls, personal creations, or income from a few rentals. I'm sure there are many more examples not coming to mind atm. If you're looking for something to blame I'd blame many of the consumers in SL who expect virtual goods and experiences to be free or very cheap. Blaming those who worked very hard to create something of value in SL is extremely offensive.
  11. In fact, if there would be such a rule (that non-profit sims cannot allow residents to build on their sims or contribute in various ways), I'd say it's a rule that should be broken. Worthy non-profit projects need funding in order to pay land costs, even if they do get a discount from LL.
  12. I don't believe there's a rule, in SL, that disallows others to live or build on a non-profit sim while contributing financially via other means.
  13. What would be wrong with a project that allowed others to live on their sim if they contributed to the project financially via other methods?
  14. It's unfortunate you can't reveal the details, because it appears so many assume the worst and use it to justify their lack of support.
  15. with pleasure, emphasis mine While I don't agree with calling other people's creations "junk", I think there's a kernel of truth he/she points to regarding the motivation in some who feel the need to trash HL -- jealousy/anger over their own creations or favorite sims not receiving recognition. I doubt TDD123 actually believes all other creations in SL are junk, and I see his/her statement as a way to insult others work because he feels they've already insulted the sim he/she is championing -- it's definitely not the best way to achieve his/her goals, but I can forgive it as it's said in anger after feeling insulted. But most importantly, we have no proof that the creator of LH, or Lawrence, or any of the others that champion HL believes all other creations in SL apart from their project are "junk". From what I can see, they simply believe it's a good project they hope can be saved. Regarding other comments, if someone is accusing you/your project of not being worthy isn't the normal response an attempt to prove that you are 'good' -- this is what I see happening with some who attempted to praise HL here (via calling it "art", or revealing "big name" supporters of the project). I can understand why you'd feel inclined to withdraw support for someone/some project that believes they are better than everyone else, but I just don't see the evidence they believe this.
  16. Fiona can you point to the text where they called everything else inferior? Also, Lawrence, can you describe again what happened? It was discovered that rentals existed and so this violated the non-profit status and price reduction, thereby making the sims unaffordable?
  17. Human rights should not be a political issue, even if some attempt to control the narrative by making it so.
  18. Oh darn, I had just submitted my plans for a Battle of the Boyne event
  19. https://www.statista.com/topics/1249/homosexuality/
  20. Something appears to be wrong with the houseboats on Penitent Beach...I can see the green text and nobody is claiming them.
  21. So true -- for a corporation's success public perception can be more important than the facts.
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