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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Ok, I will believe you because I want there to be hope after 50! Wait, is this showing my lack of emotional intelligence, using my desires to alter the factual reality of cognitive decline? lol Pet Peeve: Am I fooling myself, I don't know... 😉
  2. For myself I worry about those other scales, as they really indicate how successful one is in life. And, unfortunately, the Intelligence Quotient (IQ), goes down as we age I think mine has slipped dramatically in recent years. Pet Peeve: It's a slow decline no matter how you slice it...
  3. KITE The Sunday after there was laughter in the air Everybody had a kite They were flying everywhere And all the trouble went away And it wasn't just a dream All the trouble went away And it wasn't just a dream In the middle of the night We try and try with all our mights To light a little light down here In the middle of the night We dream of a million kites Flying high above the sadness and the fear Little sister just remember As you wander through the blue The little kite that you sent flying On a sunny afternoon Made of something light as nothing Made of joy that matters too How the little dreams we dream Are all we can really do In the middle of the night The world turns with all of its might A little diamond coloured blue In the middle of the night We keep sending little kites Until a little light gets through
  4. You know, what is known as Emotional IQ is what actually leads to a more productive and fulfilling life. Pet Peeve: Those recently bragging about high Intelligence Quotient (IQ) don't know this.
  5. Yeah I agree, just 'making' the day doesn't bring about change in itself. However, focusing on it as the teacher did above might do so. Kind of like Martin Luther King day does in schools around the country, or TV programs we view on that day going into depth on some of the issues we might not know about.
  6. From a teacher, teaching about Earth Day: THE EARTH SPEAKS Of all the planets, I am special; I am the mother Earth. Filled with water, air, and life Humans, trees, birds, water animals, and wildlife. I spin and turn all year round the orbit, To give you all the seasons and climate. You people use my land, air, water, and soil, But keep on filling it with litter and allowing it to spoil. I provide you air, food, and home to live, With greedy lust, you destroy the nature I give, And plot your own nature’s death. The air you fill with smoke, makes my breath choke; You make my heart fill with strife – By cutting down the green forests, And pushing up the green-house gases. What was once a clean sea and pure soil Is now all barren; clogged with waste and oil. How long can I stand the trouble? I start to scream and tremble. I give you all I have, unto my end; But it’s now all in your hands to defend and mend.
  7. I've always thought in modern times we should respect, appreciate, and honor the world more like they did in times past. Maybe all these odd days of 'worship' we're seeing are some kind of distorted awareness and attempt to bring back this valuable attitude toward reality. The Western World being what it is though, we 'worship' what really doesn't matter (in so many cases).
  8. I make an attempt to console myself when thinking about our plight by reading poems and quotations by those who love the Earth: The old Lakota was wise. He knew that a man’s heart away from nature becomes hard. —Luther Standing Bear Honor the sacred. Honor the Earth, our Mother. Honor the Elders. Honor all with whom we share the Earth: Four-leggeds, two-leggeds, winged ones, swimmers, crawlers, plant, and rock people. Walk in balance and beauty. —Author Unknown If you take the Christian bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. Our bible is the wind. —Author Unknown If you talk to the animals, they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them, you will not know them; and what you do not know, you will fear. What one fears, one destroys. —Chief Dan George Where no one intrudes, many can live in harmony. —Chief Dan George
  9. Well, yes, kind of, sometimes... Once you've approached you're saying you're the one who has the right to do so though. But when requesting something from a stranger it's not automatically right to ask because people have different standards as to how they relate to strangers. In other words, best to approach gingerly. And know the customs of the location you are in -- that's what social skills are all about.
  10. I'm going to take your advice, Gopi, and stuff as much beef, chicken, and fish as humanly possible into my little consumerist cakehole to celebrate Earth Day tomorrow * oh just ignore me, I've been reading horrific climate news and am in a bad mood.
  11. Sometimes it's just time to move on....from anything. But I hope you come back if it suits you.
  12. That's right. I find it rude, strange, and creepy to be approached for sex by strangers.
  13. Maybe I missed out on some horrors from posts last night or something. Looking.
  14. The electricity went out for a couple hours and my new kitty was upset. I guess they pay attention to all the humming noises in the house more than I do. She had a fearful look in her eyes, and was pacing around the kitchen like something was horribly wrong. She finally came to my lap and actually took a nap there -- something she never does as she's young and energetic and wound up like a spring. So was glad all ended well and she could be comforted.
  15. Wow...the comments which would allow us to sort the problem out have been removed.
  16. How we relate to others in SL is based on our perceptions from RL, and in order to show respect for women in SL these perceptions need to be examined. They really can't be separated.
  17. Women should not have to dress a certain way to avoid being hit on because men decided not dressing conservatively means she wants to engage. Provocatively? Why do you get to define that?
  18. Yes, indeed. And when people don't respect the 'lines' drawn by those they interact with, it is called emotional abuse.
  19. It does not surprise me that human bodies are attracted to other human bodies because there is a biological basis for this (when this occurs, as it does not always -- some people are asexual). But manner of dress (style) and what others find attractive is culturally determined. This "human nature" in style of dress and what one should find attractive you point to does not exist in any absolute form -- it is a cultural creation. It may have been decided to be true by a culture at a particular point in time, by men who believed women's bodies exist mainly for their pleasure and by the women who agreed in order to fit in, but it is not an absolute reality. It was a creation by people who wanted a certain order to society so they could exact maximum control for their benefit, through owning women in various ways. So there can be no absolute as to what any particular person finds attractive. Nor can there be any absolute style of dress indicating a desire to engage with others. It's subject to interpretation. Some might find showing more skin especially appealing, while others find it repulsive. Typically a straight male has had the perspective in recent centuries that finds showing more skin appealing and indicative of a desire to engage with them. Too much skin showing and a woman is often labeled as promiscuous, as a s-l-u-t. Again, past cultural perspectives are never set in stone. Sorry (not), but the world is changing -- it's not exclusively the world of the straight male anymore.
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