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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Fraud claims are not about fraud, it's about the 'wrong people' having access to assistance. Same as we just saw with 'voter fraud'. There will always be a tiny minority of people who game any system, they tend to be from the same socio-economic group as those who like to point fingers. Good point! I've been reading about the history of racism in America, how the reason we don't have universal health care and other types of social services afforded to those in other countries is because whites don't want to give anything to POC who need those services in greater numbers than whites do (proportionally). Never mind that the majority using such services would be white, and in many cases their actual neighbors! Some have even gone on record saying "I'm not giving any of my paycheck to those *bleeps".
  2. Ok this is just flat out disgusting -- demonizing the disadvantaged in society like this. I've had experience in Social Work and it is harder than hell to get aid in the first place, and if anybody manages to get aid it is so low they can barely survive. Sure, there are those who manage to cheat the system, but to paint all people who need help as liars and cheats is beyond the pale.
  3. https://repository.law.umich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1274&context=mjgl
  4. Seems a better use of your time would be to oust all the white supremacists in your party like those who attempted to murder government officials at the Capitol last week, versus attempting to demonize the People Of Color in this country who have been victimized for centuries. Maybe join The Lincoln Project, Republicans who became disgusted with what happened to the GOP and left, or even those trying to reform the party from within.
  5. noooo...Rick Asley in light blue mom jeans.. you started it iceing....I will never forgive you...this is worse than infowars links..
  6. I've always liked the idiom Biden used, meaning for me "we're not all bad, we have hope, and we can appeal to what's good about us and remain friends instead of enemies". Biden said: “I’ve long talked about the battle for the soul of America,” he said. “It’s time for our better angels to prevail.” First used (that I know of) by Lincoln: Desperately wishing to avoid a civil war, Lincoln ended with this plea: I am loath to close. We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.[2]
  7. I think you found the wrong guy as he doesn't look like the Stanford IT Researcher in my video. Nice try though. I searched his name...he's all spiffed up though in his podium talk...trying to appear professional apparently.....however I did a super rush job and could be wrong..
  8. The stimulus. He agreed with Nancy and the Democrats in regards to the $2K stimulus that's why he wouldn't sign as Trump said $600 hundred dollars was too low. So he would not sign. However, there was a clause in that stimulus package that the amount could be raised to 2K once it went back to the Senate (especially Mitch McConnell - Republican) and the president had said he would sign it for 2K many times if Mitch would agree. Trump even repeated (tweeted) Nancy's slogan of "go big" to the Republicans of the Senate in regards to the second stimulus. And, the president directly tweeted he would approve the 2K, and this is where he had the Republicans between a rock and a hard place. The Democrats agreed with 2K, Biden agreed with 2K, Trump agreed with 2K. Mitch McConnell - Republican, nope - $600 hundred only. As far as evangelicals, there is a new bill which could change things for us to have a more secular government as well as to end the discrimination against whomever a religion chooses to discriminate against as it's hardly the first time in human history that the church has persecuted people - the bill is called "Do No Harm" I believe. Ahh I see what you're saying about how it seems Trump sided with Democrats via advocating giving out more funds ($2000) as Democrats typically want to give more $ to people vs Republicans who are much less willing to give money to those who need it. I wondered about it, and figured he was trying to stick it to the sane Republicans who didn't worship him anymore and also tend to be concerned with budget matters. But who knows! Didn't know about this proposed bill that will tamp down the 'religious freedom' freaks....looks great...as religious freedom should not supersede Civil Rights/discrimination issues: https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/1450
  9. First, Google someone's name to see what their credentials are, then try to find out what others have said about them. Then find factcheck websites and see who runs them so you can determine if you trust their evaluation of someone with information. So what do you think about what I found? https://www.dallasnews.com/arts-entertainment/2016/04/05/dallas-inventor-of-infamous-cuecat-is-now-erm-a-full-blown-treasure-hunter/
  10. Shouldn't evangelicals qualify as a protected minority under the Liberal wing at least? Edit- Jesus was crucified at Calvary I think https://www.texasobserver.org/dominion-theology/
  11. Non-dualism is the answer to everything, I tell you, where we don't identify so strongly with parties to to the degree that we're blinded, where we can put our needs on the backburner and see in a more objective manner. But this guy doesn't like it:
  12. There are conservative websites that aren't insane, you know, and not funded by the Russian government. But you never access those, and instead access far-right conspiracy websites. I don't know what to do, I think you need some sort of intervention because you're addicted to right-wing rags.
  13. In the end he sided with the Democrats completely. I think there is more than meets the eye here. Donald Trump is a means to an end. A vehicle for a while. The poisonous snake though, in my opinion, is the Republican Party's involvement with evangelicals. That corruption needs to end plus it's illegal and bribery. In what ways did he side with the Democrats in the end? I don't see him siding with either party really, as an autocratic coup attempt pretty much circumvents parties and simply uses one or the other to its advantage. I agree about the evangelicals...very dangerous and a big force in the US...usually only seen via direct experience if you live in one of the many red states.
  14. Great info...and makes me breathe a few sighs of relief...knowing we've been through this before and so have the potential to overcome it again... But then I remember the guy with the funny mustache and people gassed to death...
  15. You do realize that you're basing your argument on an analysis by the guy who mistook Minnesota for Michigan, as reported by the organization that used to be called "Russia Today"? And still funded by the Russian government....great source! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RT_(TV_network)
  16. I'm really liking the Lincoln Project, founded by Republicans who left the party, disgusted by Trump. Here's one of the co-founder's take on the recent impeachment in Congress. (he's kind of gruff, and has that 'a stick is permanently lodged where the sun doesn't shine' vibe as most conservatives do, but I really like him, and he gets right to the point):
  17. I read the left wing news first as it is so in one's face and then afterwards I look up the corresponding article in a right wing paper and figure the truth is somehwhere in the middle or leaning towards the right wing. Can you provide links to the left-wing news that is so "in one's face"? I more think it feels that way to you because you disagree with it. Sometimes truth is somewhere in the middle, but sometimes you're dealing with people in a cult who are batsh*tcrazy, and what do you get when you compromise with batsh*tcrazy? You can't get any semblance of truth...
  18. and growing... Trump is just the temporary head of a very poisonous snake.
  19. I'd rather not use your mind when it's reading alt-right rags, but then, does it read anything else? Let's take #3....regarding the Dominion issue, the voting machines...there is no evidence of fraud...it was created by the alt-right rags, a number who are victimizing Coomer now: "An election systems worker driven into hiding by death threats has filed a defamation lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s campaign, two of its lawyers and some conservative media figures and outlets. Eric Coomer, security director at the Colorado-based Dominion Voting Systems, said he wants his life back after being named in false charges as a key actor in “rigging” the election for President-elect Joe Biden. There has been no evidence that the election was rigged." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/dominion-worker-eric-coomer-sues-trump-campaign-conservative-media-n1252205
  20. A few snippets from a scholar who studies authoritarianism that might clarify a bit: As long ago as 2010, the Dutch writer Rob Riemen argued that we should call movements that feed on fear, promote xenophobia and denigrate democratic institutions by an older name: “fascist.” In his newest book, “To Fight Against This Age,” he argues that anything else is false: “The term populist is only one more way to cultivate the denial that the ghost of fascism is haunting our societies again.” What we are really talking about, after all, are political parties that do not acknowledge the right of anyone else to hold or share power. They seek to establish themselves as the only legitimate spokesman for “the people” or “the nation,” as opposed to the voters, and they seek to weaken any civic or political institutions that might restrict them. It’s not an accident that Hungary’s Fidesz party or Poland’s Law and Justice party have packed their courts; nor is it a coincidence that Trump’s Republican Party seeks to undermine the FBI. France’s National Front and Germany’s Alternative for Germany aren’t in power, but even so, they treat the media with the same disdain as the American president.
  21. There's a group named V-Dem (https://www.v-dem.net/en/ ) that studies countries and rates them on a scale - degrees of democracy vs autocratic. You can see clear graphs showing how the US has gone WAAAY downhill... "The Republican party has become dramatically more illiberal in the past two decades and now more closely resembles ruling parties in autocratic societies than its former centre-right equivalents in Europe, according to a new international study." https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/26/republican-party-autocratic-hungary-turkey-study-trump
  22. A new article by Anne Applebaum, the scholar on autocracy: Europeans Recognize Trumpism for What It Is https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/01/luxembourg-has-had-enough-pompeo-and-trump/617660/
  23. A congresswoman was just on the news revealing strange groups of people being shown areas within the Capitol days before the riot, as if they were the tours that ceased since Covid. So the implication is that more inside people were involved than once thought. Something else interesting...these insurrectionists were not the poor people lacking jobs I often thought them to be, evoking some sympathy on my part in the past. According to this article @ theAtlantic: The Capitol Rioters Weren’t ‘Low Class’ The business owners, real-estate brokers, and service members who rioted acted not out of economic desperation, but out of their belief in their inviolable right to rule. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/01/thoroughly-respectable-rioters/617644/
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