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Luna Bliss

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Everything posted by Luna Bliss

  1. Awww...why would you need to hide that handsome and sweet-looking face? But congrats on developing more authenticity in your life, whatever that would mean for you.....that's a worthy goal!
  2. That was very sad and difficult to watch - what these nurses are going through, and the families losing a loved one to Covid. It also had a reality-enhancing effect for me. There's so many reasons I need to have contact with the outside world, and they keep increasing (but I must be careful as I have an immune condition). But I best just learn to live with them and not risk contact. Computer making a strange clicking noise, dryer broken, driver's license expired, a sore tooth, something wrong with my eyes -- yeah, getting these things fixed aren't worth the risk.
  3. Are you on your way to get a Covid vaccination? Otherwise, this is verrrry off-topic.. 😉
  4. From what I've experienced, via stories from women I've known, there's a different kind of individualism and independence in your area of the country (Appalachia and surrounding areas) compared to say, the Texas kind.
  5. The OP proposed an incubator for investable businesses. I've been involved in those in RL, where the success rate is perhaps 1% (10% get in the door, 10% of those fly out). I did not get the impression the OP was intending to pretend to incubate, pretend to invest, and pretend to succeed. If the intention is real, the economics must be real as well. There are creative people who can work within the economy of SL to make a RL living (Anshe Chung), but I challenge you find even one who's business was birthed in an SL incubator and obtained public or private funding from actual investors, who will require any business they invest in to be... real. The biggest mistake one can make is attempting to transpose in every way the business models from real life into SL. Some do apply yes, but they need modification. It's why I was able to sail on by making loads of $ when creating projects for RL companies within SL while the RL companies who came into SL as attempted creators for these businesses mostly failed. I'm not all too sure the OP plans to use RL business models to the extent you're imagining, although he uses the words of RL business. In any case, if those who join him know the ways of SL (and they do if they managed to have a successful business, and that's the type of creator he did state he's looking for), they will have already figured out what does work here. I see any possible failure resting primarily in the type of project they choose to create.
  6. The US is a nation of cowboys and cowgirls. I don't think we're likely to develop the Bhutanese sense of shared sacrifice any time soon. Once again... lol....I keep advising that people meditate, but it doesn't do any good. I keep advising myself to meditate more, and it doesn't get any good. (meditation being a way to get rid of this excessive sense of separated self us Westerners possess) Yes, we're forked.
  7. Were they started in incubators and funded by investors? Did you read either the OP or my response? Yes, I did read your responses, where you droned on and on about the high costs of LLC's. I would expect, if the incubator and investor issues were such a problem for you, that you would have spoken to these issues in detail and not primarily to the assumed high cost of LLC's.
  8. What reality? I know lots of inworld businesses with LLC's...
  9. I continue to study how a country like Bhutan managed to have so few deaths from Covid (only 1), in hopes that with future plagues, or the continuaton of this one, we can model our responses (as much as possible) after theirs. How Bhutan has kept COVID-19 at bay https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/how-bhutan-has-kept-covid-19-at-bay/ https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2021/02/coronavirus-pandemic-bhutan/617976/
  10. I like your title "Limited resources makes the real world 'real'"....to me this says "Death Makes The Real World Real". We've seen all the grand plans for humankind to circumvent death and upload ourselves into some amazing technological utopia. Boys do grow up.
  11. What if one individual could not possess any more than any other individual entering the game, and so there could be no hoarding?
  12. Ok, I am de-stressed....time to get back to Blender!! Good luck with your project, Mr. Clip....
  13. Didn't realize you played the banjo. Didn't realize you're such a scaredy-cat that you can't post under your known avatar..
  14. Always good to read the thread a bit before posting, true, but since I imagine Innula values her sanity we can't blame her for not reading all the posts on this forum.... đŸ€Ł
  15. cues up the banjo song from Deliverance...."we don't like no straaaaaaaaangers round hare"...
  16. Thanks for that quote, as I beat my head against Blender atm....lol Failing is GOOD yes it is
  17. It's warming up! And how lovely to come across this poem by Robert Frost about the thawing wind: To the Thawing Wind by Robert Frost Come with rain, O loud Southwester! Bring the singer, bring the nester; Give the buried flower a dream; Make the settled snowbank steam; Find the brown beneath the white; But whate’er you do tonight, Bathe my window, make it flow, Melt it as the ice will go; Melt the glass and leave the sticks Like a hermit’s crucifix; Burst into my narrow stall; Swing the picture on the wall; Run the rattling pages o’er; Scatter poems on the floor; Turn the poet out the door.
  18. That's just cruel, Amina....I had just gotten his blonde brother across the pond out of my head...! * I was not quite awake, and the screen was small, that mask was strange... so at first thought it actually was a monkey with a blonde wig. lol
  19. A grim milestone for the U.S. yesterday ....500,000 deaths: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2021/feb/22/joe-biden-coronavirus-covid-white-house-texas-donald-trump-live-updates The US coronavirus death toll surpassed 500,000, representing the highest death toll of any country in the world. Joe Biden addressed a grieving nation, telling Americans “we must resist becoming numb,” and offering personal lessons about survivor’s guilt and the importance of taking time to mourn. He also referenced one of the contributors to the massive death toll, warning, “We must end the politics of misinformation.” Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, said in an interview that political divisions had contributed significantly to the “stunning” US Covid-19 death toll, and that half a million deaths “should not have happened” in “a rich and sophisticated country”. Fauci also said that new coronavirus variants made the timeline of the pandemic’s end more uncertain.
  20. yvw...and good luck getting it all straightened out!
  21. I think an intellectual property claim is filed directly through LL so wouldn't have anything to do with the review process @ the Marketplace..
  22. Haha. Perhaps I should limit my silliness. A friend once asked if I'd smoked something...lol.
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